Kit Kat Bars and Dollar Bills (TehChaos)

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John stared at the tall,curly haired Italian dressed in a dusty trenchcoat and dark jeans. He eyed the male as he shoved kitkat bar after kitkat bar into his pockets,thinking no one was watching him. When the Italian noticed John staring at him,the male sauntered over and took a pen out of his pocket,with a five dollar bill. He scribbled something on the money,and John raises his eyebrows. That's illegal too you dumbass. But when the Italian slid the bill over the counter,and John looked over the numbers scribbled down,he realised with a little inhale. He's hitting on me dammit. The Italian held out a hand,

"I'm Anthony. I would love to meet you,"

His eyes travel down John's front,

"Mister John."

"I'm sure you would love to,"

John rolls his eyes,but shakes Anthony's hand any ways. John smiles slightly when Anthony winked and John blushes a bit when Anthony kissed the back of his hand.

The alarms went off as soon as Anthony crossed the threshold and John immediately shut it off from his counter.

He shoved the vandalised dollar bill into his pocket and smiled.

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