Overthrown (MR.HUTCH)

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Dis is a beautiful ship THAT NEEDS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED

Screams roused Scott from his sleep, and he jolted out of bed, easily vaulting towards his closet, pulling out a sword. It glittered in the moonlight, and he peered out of his room cautiously. He could see fire consuming a good portion of the west wing of the castle. Eyes wide in terror, Scott screamed his son's name. His head snapped around when he heard Atlas's voice call back from the other end of the hall. He raced out, and ran towards Atlas, thanking each of the deities that his son was safe.

"Mom's in the cellar, she's with the servants. It's the Outsiders,"

Atlas says, eyes mirror images of Scott's, fear reflecting his father's emotion perfectly. Scott nods, and the two take off, headed for the stairs. Scott caught a glance of the kingdom outside. Sprawling flames consumed a third of the kingdom he had so carefully built up for his son to take over once he retired.

Atlas let out a little shuddering whimper of fear and the fire collapsed beams behind them, clipping their heels with coals. Scott hurried the two of them down the stairs. There's a horrid cracking sound, and Atlas screams. The floor beneath Scott shakes and he shoves Atlas down the stairs, yelling for him to go keep his mother safe. The stairs collapse and he's swallowed in darkness.

He comes to and it's dusk. The sun has sunk behind the mountain range he can spot in the distance. He's surrounded by trees, and there's a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, a bandage around his head. There's a skinny male with almost strawberry blonde hair sitting close to a fireplace, shivering. It was strange that he wasn't wearing a jacket, Scott thinks hazily, mind floaty. Then he realises that there's a thick fur jacket draped over his legs. Oh.

The stranger looks up and his eyes brighten. They're hazel, like mint leaves, rose leaves. Scott groggily snaps at the thought, mentally scolding it for getting away from control. The rose leaf-eyed stranger kneels in front of him, grinning.

"Hey Geezer. Or Your Majesty, I guess."

Scott narrows his eyes, he can see the emblem of an enemy organisation on the male's shirt. The stranger stumbles a little over his words from the cold as he explains,

"Left the Outsiders. I'm rescuing you out of pure, Good-Samaritan, honesty."

Scott still doesn't looked convinced, and he sighs,

"My name's Shaun. But call me Hutch. Most people do."

Scott eyes the hand Hutch extended to him, but figures hostility won't get him anywhere.

"Pleasure to meet you, Hutch. Now, can you please explain how we got here?

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