Colours (PewdieCry)

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I wake up to the same,monotone bedroom. It's cold and unfamiliar,despite it being my bedroom for years. The shades of black and white are unwelcoming to me as I slip out of bed,and I reach instinctively for the porcelain mask resting on my bedside table. The monochrome scenery outside makes nothing better,providing that cold reassurance,Yes,you're still a freak. I would often fantasise about how the world would look if a few splashes of colour as added to my dreary surroundings. I slip on the mask,and make sure the string that holds it on my head is tight,ensuring that the expressionless mask won't slip off as I go about my day. It fits snugly,as it always has,with the help of yearly altercations.

I started wearing it in the 7th grade,after getting the daily snips from your everyday bullies,

"Your eyes are so weird."

"Freak,what's with your eyes?"

It just escalated,so I resulted to this. I fixed it as I grew older,and as I went through high school. Now here I am,some dude with a mask working in the local coffeeshop.

I,myself,hated my eyes. They were a dull grey,horribly dreary when compared to everyone else's lively,lighter toned eyes. My parents had said,"You're only special,it's nothing to despise" while hiding their confused and disappointd looks with poorly masking,empty comforts. But no matter what,I couldn't change the lifeless,cloudy grey orbs in the slightest.

I glance at my clock before leaving my bedroom,smiling faintly as I saw the time. It was early,so I might just try to choke something down before leaving for work. I've been dealing with some anorexia lately,but the insomnia hasn't kicked in like my doctor thought. Yet.

Five minutes of messing around in the kitchen finds me making my way to the kitchen table,a piece of toast clenched between my teeth and a lukewarm cup of coffee in my hand. I sit down after pulling a chair out,setting my mug down to try and eat whatever wasn't burned on my toast. I nibbled on the corners and sipped my coffee lamely as I watched the white sunlight play across the grey wood floor. Perhaps I could skip work today....

Nah,I would probably get fired. I sighed,and threw my scorched toast in the trash,downing the remaining coffee in one swig. I put the mug in the sink before jogging back to my bedroom. I avoided looking at the stormy,dark grey walls and the black carpet that should actually be a pleasant shade of brown. I hummed softly as I changed my clothes swiftly,a neat green-- or rather,dark grey shirt replaced my haggard looking white one,and a pair of black jeans replaced my grey sweatpants.

Glancing at the clock,I quickened my process,trying to comb through my hair with my fingers in an attempt to calm it. The dark locks refused to lie flat,however,and stuck up in odd directions. Sighing,I relented,and pulled on some socks,grabbing my phone off of my desk,which held a notebook,sketchbook,and a computer set on its surface. Slipping the device into my pocket,I half ran to my front door,pulling on some black Vans. I made sure to lock the door behind me before setting off down the sidewalk.

Due to my lack of colour sight,I was extremely wary of driving,and I would walk to work every morning. It was nice out this particular morning,and I whistled cheerfully,hands in my pockets as I quickened my pace. Cars of the usual monotone shade rushed by,and trees of darker tones were scattered here and there between buildings,their slender limbs waving in the light breeze.

Three minutes later,I was approaching the coffeeshop when I saw Russ,one of my co-workers and a long time friend.

"Hey Russ,"

I greeted,waving a bit. He looked up,smiling eagerly,

"Hey Crryyy,what's up?"

"Nothing much,"

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