The Salt Is Far Too Real For A Game (One-sided TehChaos)

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Had the perfect idea when I watched Chilled's newest Mario Kart 8 video. Added in suspiciously naturely hipster Anthony and dubiously anoerxic John and best friend /girl friend Jess. Bam. Here you go.

Anthony couldn't believe it when John up and left team chat. He played it off,trying to ignore the little stabbing pains in his heart. GaLm had put the black haired male on mute for something Anthony didn't catch,and the anger between the two grew until John was pissed off enough to leave chat. The little pains grew bigger when Tom said he was antagonising John,and grew worse when John left the game completely. When the male started talking again,Anthony tried to keep the small waver from his tone when he told John they missed him. He knew that it was wrong to have such a childish crush on his best friend,but he couldn't really help it. It was even worse when he had to put up his act on undermining the other male,when his words were empty,but with enough sting so that the others would believe him. Jess knew about it,and she was a huge help. They were sort of on and off dating currently,and after she found out,it was awkward at first. But now it's just comforting. 

When he stopped recording,and was about to exit the Skype call,he caught John mumbling something before he left. 

"I wish you guys could stop being so ignorant of what your jokes are doing."

Apparently he wasn't the only one to hear this,seeing as how GaLm started slightly,and Tom looked a bit shocked after John left. Anthony blinked at his webcam,before hastily shutting everything down. He stood up,ignoring Jess's little What's wrong? as he brushed past,heading out to the front door. He stole his keys off the hook and shoved them unceremoniously into his pocket,before stepping outside. The door swung shut behind him,and he headed off. He didn't even really know where he was going,and just let his feet lead him wherever. Eventually,he ended up off some trail in some park half a mile from his house,surrounded by trees and chirping nature. 

He continued in that direction for a little until he hit a little brook,chattering between rocks,leaves lazily riding the slow current. He sat down on a rock where the brook was widest,and let his fingertips trail in the water. He traced little circles,watching the ripples fan out,and he suddenly felt overwhelmed with sadness. John was getting hurt by all the jabs and jokes. The ones that he himself made. Anthony tossed a pebble into the water,startling a minnow. 

"Fucking idiot,"

He muttered to himself,crossing his arms over his chest and drawing his knees up. He watched the tadpoles flit around under the surface of the water,and the emerald dragonflies that dipped down for a drink. Even the cautious little robin that hopped a bit closer every few seconds. It could've been serene,Anthony considered,if it weren't for the yellimg banter in his head. 

There were definitely times when Anthony wished he had kept his mouth shut. Times when his jokes got a little too real,and John would get quiet for a few seconds,in a silent Why? before making a half-assed attempt to regain some dignity. 

Fucking idiot. 

Anthony threw another pebble,scaring the robin away. It flew up into a tree and cawed angrily at him before fluttering off. He ran a hand through his hair and buried his face in it,growling at himself.

How could you be so stupid?

Anthony sighed,and looked at the water again. A small,white butterfly landed on a rock just above the surface. It softly beat its wings in a little pattern,and Anthony smiled slightly. It flies away,and Anthony stands. 

Go back home,Anthony. Maybe you can apologise to him.

On the way back,Anthony saw a little chick that had fallen out of a nest,in a branch above his head. It looked like a robin. He knelt down,took off his overshirt,and picked the little thing up. It squaked in protest,and Anthony managed to stand up tall enough to put the little chick back in the nest. He got a warm feeling of happiness and accomplishment when it settled into the nest. He shook out his shirt thoroughly,and tied it around his waist before setting off again.

When he got back,it was raining. He was soaked. Jess let him in and scolded him for being out without a jacket,and Anthony only smiled. He changed,and wandered back to find her in the kitchen making what looked like hot chocolate. Anthony hummed in appreciation when she handed him a mug with a cover. He took it back to his computer,the warmth seeping off the cup comforting against his cold and slightly shaking hands. 

"Are you going to apologise to him?"

Jess's quiet voice asked. Anthony nodded,and took a sip of the chocolate. It scalded his tongue,but he took another drink anyway,and pulled up Skype. When John answered the call,he looked surprised to see Anthony. 

"What's up,An--"

"I'm sorry,"
Anthony blurted,and John blinked,then flushed in embarrassment.

He stammered,and Anthony quietly took another sip off camera,apprehension building in his throat. He could easily tell John of how he felt,but feared rejection. It would take a load off his chest,or crush him.  Anthony opened his mouth,Jess looked up from her book,and John looked interested.

"Don't be too hard on yourself,John. Eat something."


Anthony took another sip,burning his tongue and swearing mentally. Not today. Maybe some other time. 

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