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This is a project essay for my Language Arts class, and someone suggested I share it, so, enjoy!

The town was always peaceful, before the whispered rumours started. Myths of witches, creatures of the night who existed purely to torment mortal men. The witches could cause cows to become unable to produce milk, domestic animals lame. sole purpose was to cause mischief and to strike fear into the hearts of the people surrounding them. The people of the New England colony were terrified, and Willow Murdoch's small town to the west of Salem, Massachusetts wasn't any different. Several women, men, and a few children had been lynched and burned at the stake already. The fear that clung to people was almost tangible, and neighbours were turning their backs on their friends, sometimes family if they were acting in a way that even slightly implied witchcraft.

Willow's own neighbour had gotten dragged off to the gallows to be hanged under the conviction of black magic. The poor woman had been reported by her neighbour when he saw a dead crow in her yard, which she had yet to clean up. It didn't take much to be accused of being a witch anymore. It made Willow a little uneasy, despite being quite sure she wouldn't be reported. She was kind to everyone, took care of children if their parents were unable to watch them, and had a friendly hound that protected the town children from predators while they played out by the woods. The town had no reason to suspect her, and the neighbours took liberty in gossiping with her about their worries.

Willow's mornings were short, a small breakfast of corn and a small morsel from last night's dinner, followed by a mug of lukewarm milk. She dresses after eating, and on her way out, she passes the candle lit room leading off of her common room. She had paid respects to it last night after dinner. She takes her hound with her as she walks to the town, surrounded by other churchgoers. A young female with red hair approaches Willow, paying no mind to the hound at her side.

They talk of simplicities and of the young female's baby, their talk eventually petering away to small comments. However, before Willow starts to drift away to seek out other gossip, she whispers,

"What do you think of witches?"

Willow smiles secretly, delighted that the conversation turned down an interesting path. The two exchanged suspicions as they climbed the church steps and walked into the large building, voices hushed as they sat in the pews. The Pastor stood at the podium, with his Holy Bible, waiting for everyone to settle. Willow's hound padded up to the dog at the Pastor's side. No-one seemed to notice the dogs as they sniffed at each other. The Pastor began his sermon, and Willow's company fell silent as to not disrespect the man.

A pew over, another female sat, alone. Elisabeth Waetts. Willow can feel a little burning sensation settle in the hollow of her throat, but she has learned to hide that behind a look of careful concentration. She watches Elisabeth, who looks as if she's twitching slightly during the Pastor's sermon. Willow had suspected the female for awhile now of witchcraft, but had kept it to herself until she had found solid evidence. The twenty-year-old studies the other, with calculating brown eyes. Elisabeth had black hair and bright eyes, with pale skin and a slim stature. The near opposite of Willow, who was brunette with brown eyes and tanned pallor from working outside, and was not exactly slim.

The pastor finishes up with his usual, and Willow watches Elisabeth nearly start writhing in her pew. The brunette almost smiles, and as the pastor closes the bible, all of the people gathered stood and filed out the door in a neat line. Willow met back with the red headed girl, and informed her in hushed whispers about Elisabeth, causing the young female to cover her mouth in horror.

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