Stars (MaskedMexican)

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Ohm centric but MaskedMexican is heavily hinted at
I'm tired and thought you guys deserved this because I've been inactive and stressed out
Love you xxx

Space had always been his safe place. When he was young, his mother had helped him stick glow in the dark stars to his ceiling. When he couldn't sleep, he found himself staring up at the constellations they had carefully made on his dark ceiling. He would start counting them, and would soon drift off.

He wanted to pursue astronomy. His mother supported him until her illness took her and the earth swallowed her. He was fourteen.

His brother helped him paint the giant mural of a supernova in their living room.

Space was his escape. His escape from his dad. He had turned to alcohol after his mom died, and had progressively become the stereotypical, alcoholic and abusive dad.

His brother's escape had been through drugs.

When he was in his sophomore year, he was already spending more time at his friend Max's house. He came back one time to his bedroom ceiling stripped of its lovingly made constellation. The mural had been painted over.

He packed a bag and left without a word.

He stayed with Max, whose body was a warm comfort as they lay together, Max's arms around him an anchor.

He nearly cried when Max drove them to a dollar store during lunch one day to buy him glow in the dark stars and planets.

And even now, with both his brother and father in the ground beside his mother, space is still his escape.

His wedding band was a deep indigo, with glittering stardust inside it. Max's eyes were bright as the sun as they spoke their vows.

He did become an astronomer, after all.

And Max's body was the galaxy that he dedicated himself to, every dip and curve scorched into his memory.

He wouldn't have it any other way.

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