Fall (TehFawkes)

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Sorry for the delay, this one is for  AmazingAllyCat 

Tom looked up from where he had been carving a miniature  whale out of a cylindrical piece of wood when he heard a weird noise. He was sitting under the overhang on his front porch of the house that outlooked the crashing and swirling waters of the sea. Rain pattered down around him, making tinny noises against the roof as thunder clapped in the distance. He strains his ears for a few seconds to try and identify the noise, but it had disappeared. He shrugs it off and goes back to whittling down the edges of the wooden figure. 

Two minutes later, and it's back. He can hear it clearly now, a low droning sound, almost a hum. It sounds almost warped, and Tom isn't quite sure what to think about it. He stands up and looks around to try and place the noise, when all of a sudden, the thunder clouds that rolled across the sky above the ocean are interrupted by something big hurtling through them. It looked like a whale if Tom wasn't mistaken. But even that notion was incredibly dubious. Whales were not native in the winter, not on this side of the ocean. And besides, whales didn't exactly fall out of the sky. 

That's when he hears it. The low hum, as the whale-like creature fell through the air, intensified. And all of a sudden the creature is writhing, caving in on itself until the monstrous being has taken the shape of something much smaller and more humanoid. When the being hits the ocean surface, the splash that concurs is gigantic. Tom's eyes grow wide, and he sets down his knife and the wood, before tugging his parka's hood up and darting out. The path down to the beach is slippery from the rain, but Tom manages it. 

He can see the body of a young man washing closer to the shore as the waves crash into his supposedly unconscious body and push him towards the beach. Tom wades out to his waist before he can grab the man's body, pulling him up to the sand. The man's hair is black, and his skin pale but not sallow.  

He manages to carry the young man back up to his house, getting them inside while dripping water everywhere. He strips down and changes into dry clothes after draping towels across his couch so he could lay the man down on them. He puts the coffee on, waiting for the machine to finish brewing it as he brings his carving items back inside. The wind howls outside the walls, and Tom is just glad the electricity is holding up. 

When the coffee is done, the young man is still unconscious. Tom has checked his pulse thrice, and he is still breathing, but unresponsive as ever. 

With a sigh, Tom settles himself in a chair beside the couch, so if the young man woke, Tom would notice. He sips on his coffee as he tries to retain warmth, eyes raking over the young man's appearance. He was clad in dark clothes that seemed almost Victorian, or at the very least, appallingly outdated. His hair was a mop of black, sweeping locks that stuck out in unruly directions as the male slept. His skin was quite pale and quite smooth, pure and unmarked. 

Tom sighs again, and rests back into the chair. 

It was going to be a long night.

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