Pull The Trigger (DEntoan)

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I am so,so sorry.


His mind screeched at him,fear supporting his adrenaline,making him find the energy to keep sprinting. Gunshots echoed behind him,but they weren't directed at him,thankfully. It didn't make the situation any better though.


His breath burned in his lungs,and his muscles ached as he pressed on. The chill air whipped his dark hair back,and his eyes watered slightly as he was running against the wind. A building loomed ahead,pretty much the definition of abandoned. Windows were smashed,and parts of the walls were crumbling. The doors were kicked in,the glass jagged and broken. Not stopping to catch his breath,Entoan slipped through the gap in the doors,hissing in pain as a shard of glass embedded itself in his shoulder as he passed.

Pain lanced up his chest due to overexertion,and blood was trickling down his shoulder from the glass. Gritting his teeth,the male half ran up a case of old,cracked stairs,careful as not to fall through the holes in the old flooring. He ran down the hall,and then up another flight of stairs. Now wheezing,he stumbled into a room with an ajar door. He closed it,before collapsing to his knees.

Chest heaving,Entoan coughed,cringing as small spots of crimson hit the carpeted floor. He coughed up a bit more blood before managing to stem the painful actions. Exhaustion clouded his thoughts,and the room blurred before his eyes. He managed to draw a small,silver device out of his pocket,and brought it up to his ear,hooking it onto the right one. He turned it on,pressing the small blue button,and braced himself for the sounds.

Screaming,crying,and whimpering filled his ears,reverbrating cruelly in his head. Tears gathered in his eyes as gunshots added to the despairing noise. After a few moments,he mumbled,

"D-Dlive?" No loves,I will not be using DLive's real name,out of respect.

Instantly,there were multiple responses,mainly people begging to know whether he was fine,where he was,or if he had found a way out. But Entoan ignored them,until one voice spoke to him,louder than the others.

"Gunner? Are you alright?"

He singled out that voice,all the others becoming white noise.


"Where are you?"

"Our-Our safe spot.."

"I'll be right there."

The British male heaved a sigh of slight relief,and turned the earpiece off,throwing it at the nearby wall in anger and grief. It hit the surface with a metallic thunk then fell to the floor with a thud. But there wasn't a single dent nor scratch on its sleek surface. The damn thing just wouldn't break.

Hot,angry tears blurred his vision,and he made no attempt to wipe them away. They cascaded down his cheeks and dripped onto the floor,dampening the dull grey carpet. This stupid game,this was all its fault. It had torn everyone apart from friends,family,and turned them against each other. Best friends were at each others' throats for survival. Hell,Michelle had almost killed him if it weren't for Krism. Sorry,I don't know Krism's real name :3 Then there was Adam,who had mercilessly killed off Max.

And then some just quit. Suicide had claimed numerous of them,Steven,Aaron,even Mark. It seemed a much kinder fate then dying at someone elses' hand(s).

Then there was the remaining people who just...stayed. They didn't fight,they didn't commit. They looked for a way out,and when they lost motivation,they just sat near the fog,threatening to walk out. The coldblooded murderers didn't touch them,surprisingly,so they kind of survived in their own way. That was what he did for a while,before he witnessed too much. He wanted to hide from all the blood and death.

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