Cyborg (TehFawkes)

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John cocks his head to one side. His legs are swinging back and forth from where they dangle above the ground. He's sitting on the table in Tom's kitchen,the blond working on the metal parts hidden behind the smooth silver plate on John's chest.

"What's the problem this time?"

Tom scratches the back of his head with the hand holding his wrench,a look of bemusement blessing his face. Said face is smeared with grease from the metal parts in John's chest.

"You managed to get cat hair inside the cogs."

John's glowing eyes narrow and they dart over to where Tom's fluffy tortoiseshell cat Baby was eating her food. She raised her head and peered at the cyborg,ears flattening. John huffed out an exhale through his nose,but Tom's kiss to his forehead distracted him.

"I cleared it all out,just be glad you're just itchy. It could've been worse,the hair could've stopped the cogs completely. Then where would we be?"

John rolls his eyes,

"You'd have a useless piece of junk like you already do."

Tom frowns,and he shut the silver plate with a tiny click.

"You're not useless. You clean up around the house and make food and guard the place at night. You're very very useful."

John grunts slightly,dismissing it,but couldn't stop the soft blush that tinted his cheeks. Damn Tom for creating him with that function.

Tom smiled and pecked his cheek,successfully smearing black grease on John's face too. 

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