Mirror (TehFawkes)

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For AmazingAllyCat 

This might be a little weird but when is my stuff not weird 

enjoy :3

Tom had this mirror in his room. For as long as he could remember, it had always been there. It wasn't very ornate, just a simple glass mirror with a birch frame. He had even developed a routine that concerned the mirror. Wake up in the morning, get up, say good morning to the mirror before heading downstairs for breakfast. Make idle chit chat with the mirror as he got ready for school. Say goodbye to it before heading off for the bus. When he got back, he'd greet it, and have small talk with the mirror as he did homework or played video games. At night, he'd say goodnight to it before he went to sleep. Repeat.  

See, the thing about this mirror, in particular, was the boy whose reflection showed in it instead of Tom's. A boy with short black hair and doe brown eyes, who had introduced himself as John to Tom when Tom first saw him. After that, Tom and John became fast friends. His parents chalked Tom's talking to him talking with an imaginary friend. 

Whenever Tom had a problem, he'd sit at the foot of the glass, with John mirroring his position and listening to Tom talk about it. The other boy always had helpful insights and comforts for Tom, a better therapist than the school counsellor. And Tom never found it weird when his bullies would get mysteriously injured or even hospitalised, only days after he told John about what they did to him. 

One day it was especially bad. Tom's parents were out of town for a few days, leaving him home by himself for four days. Tom came home earlier than usual, rain-soaked and his face tear and mud-streaked. John's eyes widened from the other side of the glass when Tom burst into his room, dropping his backpack on the floor. He crooned soft comforts to the teen, who had collapsed in front of the mirror, sobbing. Through hiccuping breaths and choked up sobs, Tom explained that a group of his usual bullies had all ganged up on him in the bathrooms. John's eyes burned with anger when Tom showed him the ugly bruises blooming around his pale throat. 

When John asked Tom if he wanted him to take care of it all; to keep him safe, Tom barely hesitated in saying yes. There was no waver in his actions as he stepped up to the glass, nose nearly touching it like John told him to. Suddenly, there were cool arms around him, drawing him right into the mirror itself. He blinked, and found himself in a house that looked remarkably like his own, but a little bit more faded. Like looking through a photographic filter. John stood in front of him, a little bit shorter than he was, doe brown eyes blinking placidly up at him. Tom smiles despite the little bubble of panic in his chest. John seemed to sense this, because he gently takes Tom's hands and squeezes them, "Don't worry. Your parents will come back and they won't even remember they had a child. They will not worry. You are safe here." 

Tom should be frightened. Should be screaming and clawing and trying to get back home. 

But why would he be frightened of the boy he grew up with since he was old enough to have his own room? 

When John kissed his cheek, everything felt natural. Tom grew to love the faded old house, living there with John, free to roam around and explore to his heart's content. Sometimes the house would throw random rooms at him for him to look through, teasing him by never truly giving him his exact destination. Eventually, it would relent, and he'd find himself opening a bedroom door into the kitchen, where he wanted to go thirty minutes ago. 

When he meets with John in a warm kiss, it's natural. 

And if John had rows of sharp, jagged teeth and eyes that occasionally swam black, well, no one was perfect. 

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