Messages Reworked (Galty)(Past!TehChaos)

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This is for @Chisana-Itchi

Goodbye,and Merry damn Christmas,Anthony.

GaLm's POV

I raced up the front stairs to John's apartment,everything a bit of a blur in my panicked state. Not even hesitating,I unlock the door with the key that John had given me about a year back when I helped him out with his crush on Chilled. Man,that hurt,listening to John vent about his feelings for Chilled,when I was harbouring my own crush on him. But it was worth it,to spend some time with him.

I push the door open and race towards John's room. I brace myself for what I'm about to see,but you can't really prepare yourself for something like that.

John had tied computer cords to his ceiling fan,and fashioned them into a noose. The chair had been kicked from under him,his own doing,and the male was still swinging slightly. I choke back my scream and rush over,heaving John's dangling legs up so that he sits on my shoulders. The noose around his neck loosened,and I can hear him take a wheezing breath. He starts sobbing,and I can dimly hear the words I can't even kill myself? I sigh,and I manage to back up enough so that the noose slips off over his head. I carefully let him down so he can go sit down on his bed,which he does,staggering slightly. As soon as I get close enough,he's hugging me tightly,sobbing and wheezing against my chest.

"Shh,shh,it's okay,"

I murmur,stroking his dark hair,and he seems to relax a small bit.

"I-I hate him,"

John said bitterly,and taking the risk,I lean down,tilt his head up,and kiss him. He's a bit surprised,but after a moment,he melts into the kiss and he clutches my shirt slightly. The kiss is long and sweet and caring,and it feels like Heaven. When he pulls away,his cheeks are light pink,and his eyes are no longer dulled with depression. They're bright and brown and happy and I get lost in them,and then he's kissing me again,lips soft and tender,and there's tears running down his face and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm kissing back and it's the best thing in the world,but it's over too soon,and he must think so too,because he's kissing me again. Part for air,kiss. The actions alternate until I finally say,

"You need to rest,John."

And the change in instantaneous. He wilts,his eyes are dimming,and he's frowning. But I kiss him one last time,and promise,

"I'll be here when you wake up."

Then he's agreeing and laying down and now he's asleep. He looks so peaceful,I can't help but feel sad. He didn't deserve what Chilled did to him. But I hope,oh I so dearly hope,that I can bring John's heart and soul back to where it belongs. Somewhere safe and with someone who loves him.

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