In Which The Most Unlikely Fall (TehChaos

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Slight trigger warning.

And John can't figure out what he's going to do. He's drunk off his ass in some bar,and some dude is chatting him up,but he can't find it in him to respond. His mind is still reeling from his girlfriend's words,harsh and unforgiving as she shoves him away from her. She took her bag and all her stuff and left,leaving John in the grave he dug for himself when he started the relationship. 

"Hey,do him a favour and go fuck yourself,"

A voice said from behind John,and the man trying to flirt with him had a shocked and displeased look,before sliding off his barstool and walking off to flirt with the next dude. 


John slurs when he turns around,and an arm is slung over his shoulder,

"What are you doing in the dump,Smarty?"

"M-Melissa broke up with me,"

John hiccuped,and Anthony frowned,and took the man's Scotch 'n Whiskey from him,and downed it himself. Then he took the male by the arm and carried/dragged him from the bar. John was kicking and squirming,but Anthony kept a firm grip on him until they got out.

"Why won't you leave me be?"

John suddenly shouted,

"You're always tormenting me through a webcam,why are you here? Just to laugh at me while my life falls apart?"

Anthony looked taken aback,because he never really considered that John took some of the things he said seriously. But when he opened his mouth to say something,John snarled,

"I don't want to hear a stupid joke,or another horrible insult that everyone laughs at while I struggle to smile and bear through it. I'm so done,Anthony,I just want to go kill myself already! Why can't you let me do anything?!"

His bitter words were cut short by Anthony's urgent lips against his,and the drunk male immediately went lax against Anthony,all but passing out. His hands weakly grabbed at Anthony's shirt,as the Italian steadied him and broke away.

"I won't let you kill yourself when I need you alive to love you."

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