Another Day (Part 78)

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A/N: wow I'm sad now my story is actually ending today :(

Nats POV

I sit back in my seat next to him, may I say he smells magnificent!. I really like it when boys smell nice its like a thing of mine when boys smell nice? Bonus if they have a nice smile which he does. All in all this Ethan is actually attractive!

"Do you know how long it takes to get into the CrossBridge university area?" I don't even know when to get off this bus!. "Um not shore are you not from around here?" His voice is turely magnificent! I gaze at him in awe, now I truley look insane.

"Well do you have a rough idea?" I cock a brow "I think I do?" He shrugs. This is going to be a long and awkward bus drive, its hot stuffy and I'm getting really flustered I'm cramped in this seat not that I mind being pushed up close to such an attractive boy as Ethan?.

"I really need to get off this bus" I begin to panic as it just gets more crowded "Are you okay?" He asks genually consered, "No!" He stands and takes my hand in his, dragging me through the people pushing the stop button, the bus comes to a hault and I get off he follows "Why are you getting off?" I give a quizzical look. "Because you don't know your way around and you could get hurt?" He looks at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it wasn't. "How I do I know you won't hurt me?" I smirk "That's just a chance your going to have to take?" He grins back.

Louis POV

Does she not realize I'm going out of mind here she needs to hurry up and get home! I need to see her before I leave it takes an hour to get to the docks it 16:39 now my ferri leaves in an hour and a half fuck Nat hurry up!. Even if I only spend half an hour, even five minuets I don't care as long I see her before I leave her again, which really isn't my choice I would stay here forever with her if that's what it takes!. How long will it be before I see her next? Will it be long? Will I ever see her after I leave? Will I bother anymore?.

The door creaks open, obviously fucking Emily strolls in she's like a stray cat doesn't know whether she's coming or going?. "What Emily!" I'm already annoyed with her presence "Oh just wanted to say good bye you know? You leaving and all it was fun while it lasted obviously making Nat jealous didn't really work?" She laughs "I don't know while your laughing if Niall still doesn't want your V?" I shrug she turns and storms off in frustration I laugh. Fuck I hate that bitch so much.

I drag my bag downstairs, she's obviously not coming? I may as well give up now.

I sit downstairs waiting for the cab.

Nats POV

Me and Ethan have talked for a while and have been walking for ages I think were close now? "Do you even live in this area?" I laugh "No, but I know a few people who do I'll crash with them?" "Oh okay?" . I really like Ethan he's a lot like myself? We both like the sam style music, same tv shows? He thinks smoking is disgusting like myself, and he he drinks but very rarley . I can't really say the same?. He likes books but he rarley reads because he thinks its qweird for guys too read so I gave him a whole twenty miniet lecture about how guys reading is totallt not weird at all and that its quite a turn on in fact, which then got awkward as he though I was hitting on him!. Which I must admit I sort of was?.

I also found out that he has three younger sisters all raging from two-ten. Boys and kids... Attractive!. The conversation came up when I brought up Ava?. His dad was also a twat and abandoned his family when he was ten due to drug related problems but we didn't go much into that because he started to choke up so I dropped the conversation!. He has strong views on marrige and says he would probably get married if that's what his girfriend/fiancee really wanted but if he had a choice then it would be a no go because marrige in his opinion is just an excuse for a party because marrige never works out how you would like it you argue more?.

He says he wants two children and his maximum is three, preferably a boy first but it wouldn't bother him either way?. And I must agree with him here. He has a good head on him, he knows exactly what he wants to do and exactly when to do it. He explained that his dream is too one day become a lawyer and I must say imagining him in a suit is just.. Wow. His favourite colour is blue, his lucky number is 75. And his dream city to live in would be New York. He really does know what he wants in life. I found all this out in a matter of an hour too two hours walking.

"Um I have too go here?" I shrug, I'm so sad to have to depart from Ethan I feel like we've really bonded sort off? I can't believe I told my life story to a complete stranger?. "Oh" he sighs "Do you have a phone?" He asks "Of course?" I laugh "oh just asking not many people I know are that involved with modern day technoligy" he smirks "is that your way of asking for my number?" I laugh he bows his head "yeah" he hands me his phone and I type the numbers in from the dial pad. He save it. "Thanks um I'll call you some time?" "That would be nice I'd make you buy me more bus tickets" he laughs at me. We depart separte ways and I walk the small distance up the road into the Manner house gates.

I open the door sweeped away by Megan rushing to me "You have to leave straight away!" "Wow what why?" I'm dazed I've only just got here "You have to get to Louis! Like now?" She shoves me out the door "what do you mean?" "Louis left for the docks about ten minuets ago! If you leave now you'll make it in time before he leaves!" She quickly explains. "Fuck!" I cuss aloud stamping my foot on the gravel hard, I must have been so into the conversation with Ethan I forgot that Louis was leaving today! I haven't even seen him to wish him happy birthday?.

I get in my car and rev the engine up I speed out of the car park onto the main road heading for the docks, holy mother Mary I hope I make it in time! Even if its just to say 'Happy birthday Bye! Have a safe journey!' That will be fine!.

I arrive at the docks after the quing and quing of traffic I make it, I still see the ferri at the docks which means I've made it in time! Phew.

Thank you God!.

I drive into the parking lot to look for a space to park I drive around the whole thing twice no spaces avalibe! Fuck it I'll park here!. Who cares if I get a parking ticket!. I slam my car door shut fiddling with my keys too lock it I finally manage to get the right key. I sprint out of the lot towards the boat I hear the horns calling the final call for eveyone to get on, I run faster my legs feel numb from the amount of running today but I have to push myself.. For Louis.

I run faster and faster and make it to the edge of the dock the ramp is still down three or four people still walking up I spot one as Louis. I call his name he musnt be able to hear me I call again louder he turns around stopping I run up too him gasping for air. "Louis.." I breath holding my hips "Nat you made it I thought I wasn't going to be able to see you!" "No no I made it! Happy Birthday!" I cheer. He laughs and bows his head blushing this is the first time I've seen him act like this all coy and shy. Its weird.

"You have to go know!" I smile trying to hide my sadness "Come with me Nat?" "What?" "Come with me, back to Doncaster I mean I now its a bit of a shithole and you have terrible momories there but please come back we can make new ones? I can make you forget all that shit you said yourself I make your pain go away?" . Not this again. "Louis I can't I have to stay this semester!" "Nat please.." "I can't?" "Nat how do I look at the woman I love and tell myself its time to walk away?" "Louis please don't do this" I begin to cry "I'm sorry" he apoligises. I hug him I hug him tightly for what feels like the last time he holds me in his arms tightly and I bury my head in his neck "I love you, you know that" he speaks but its so quiet its barley audible "I love you too!" He let's go and turns away from me making his way inside the ferri. I want him too try harder I want us too be together. It just can't happen. Not right now anyway maybe someday but not now never now.

I grab his wrist he turns "We will be together Louis I promise, just not now just not yet maybe in another life?. I'm not shore but I will always always always love you! Don't let anyone tell you different! You just have to last another day without me just another day! I promise we will be together Another day!" . I let go of him he turns away and I back up off the ramp for it to close up the ferri. This is the last I'll ever see him.

To Be Continued...

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