Another Day (Part 76)

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A/N: wow guys just logged on to see I got like 2k thanks so so much! I can't believe it you guys are amazing! I love every single one of you I hope you continue to read and enjoy other storys I will be updating?

(Use any songs you didn't get to listen to last time?)

Louis POV

As we all stroll into the diner the smell of pancakes lingers and makes my stomach grumble we all sit down at a table and look at the menu, right now I could eat everything they sell twice! "Louis what are you going to get?" Lydia peers up at me from behind her menu "uh I'm not shore? What about you?" I shrug everything looks so damn good! "I'm probably going to get waffles?" Emily confirms has she ever heared of something known as inerdialoge? I don't think so.

"That's nice?" I roll my eyes she glares at me "why are you being such an asshole just because its your birthday?" She snaps in annoyance "whatever Emily I'll order you your fucking waffles so you can continue your period in peace if that's what you want to shut you up?" I roll my eyes again she makes one of those girly noises that they make when they are insulted. "Fuck you Louis!" "I can't fuck myself unfortunatly but I've fucked you?" I shrug what's up with me today?.

Harry spits his coffee everywhere as Emiyl turns bright red the few people dotted around stare at us "Uh he can't handle his coffee poor guy?" I shrug as Harry wipes his mouth "Louis man fucking stop!" He Laughs. Wasn't meant to be funny? I meant it?.

"I can't wait till you go home you insensitive twat!" She turns her body away from me "Won't have to wait long then" .

The waitress walks over to our table "Are you ready to order?" She smiles. I can't help grin Irish people sound hilarious everytime they something I wanna laugh its even affected Harry! Its just so funny. "Uh yeah I'll have the Pancakes with honey and a blueberry muffin thanks" I mimic her accent "Shore" she writes down my order and the other guys before walking off. "So are you really going home?" Harry asks "Yeah my mam wants me to be home for christmas" "what about Nat?" Lydia asks "what about her? I can't make her love me? She needs time and that's what I'm going to give her? Time." Emily decides to stick her nose in this conversation which has nothing to do with her "Why do you even bother? She'll never want you? If she did she wouldn't be ignoring you or not speaking to you? So.." If only Emily wasn't a girl.

"And same for you with Niall if he had wanted you he wouldn't of left you would he? He wouldn't of cheated!" I fire back with a subject I know will hurt her. Hurt her worse than anything else could. She stops talking, good choice.

Nats POV

I run upstairs and lounge on my bed what time did Megan say Louis was leaving? I don't know I should be fine I guess. Life will tick on by. I really want snow! It needs to snow like so badly! If there's anything I could have for christmas that would make it better is snow! Not wind or shitty rain! Or that horrible hail that turns into slush I want snow! Actual snow thick snow, Snowman buildning snow. Just snow. Snow snow snow!

"Nat!" Megan calls up stairs "What now!" I moan "you just got a parcel?" . For fuck sakes canrt I have five miniets to my self just five!. I walk back downstairs and into the living rrom where Megan is "where is it?" I ask she hands my a card and a small box, the card is handwritten with 'Natilee Eleanor Lomez x" on the front, I don't exactly recognise the hand writing?. I run back upstairs with my card and present from this mystery guy and place them on my bed, I open the card tearing the envolope 'Merry Christmas' is written in big bold red letters at the top. Of the card. Uh this is my first shitty christams card!

I open it and a small peace of paper lands on my lap my name again written on the front the inky pen used is still wet as it smuges when I rub my name, this must have just been written? I read the little letter first, 'Dear Nat, I hope that you are happy and live a happy life with no pain and misery because its clearly obvious I was just another hurdle In your life another obstcle I hope you and Louis are happy I don't want to fight any more! I love you I always will out relationship was fun but we argued a lot I see the way you look at louis I see the way you are with him because, you used to look at me like that? I love you even if you hate me I love you Niall xxx'. Why me? Why do I have to put up with this shit?.

Another day (In Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن