Another Day (Part 15)

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-- i cry its true Louis is a true Angel.  

Me and Harry Decide to call it a night because its already late and we have to get up early tomorrow , we walk back to our rooms together and he turns to open his door "Um Harry?" i ask almost whisper "Yeah" he says and bites his lip ring i shake the thoughts n my head "Um Thanks?" "For what?" "For tonight! You didnt have to agree to meet up?" "Yeah well i wanted to" I hug him surprising both me and him by my actions , i turn and open my door and enter slowly closing the door . 

Once i get inside my room i start smiling like an idiot , i get unchanged and put my warmest pj's on then i get into bed and close my eyes. Once i wake up i check the time , its 9:00 am and my alarm didnt go off , i jump out off bed and run into the bathroom and do the usual morning routine. I get changed and decide to wear another one of my mothers new outfits , A plain white t-shirt again black skinnys brown Brogues a sliver braclet i'm not feeling to showy today or colourful i think its best to keep it simple especially today once i get into my dorm room i think i'm just going to sleep because really i need it and you can tell i have big black circuls under my eyes. 

I meet up with Harry and he's with some other people "Hey" i say and smile alittle  "Hey Nat these are my friends" he points them all out , i cant remember their names though? "Hi i'm Natilee just call me Nat" i say and shake their hands , Harry laughs at me "Who shakes hands these days!?"  he sniggered "Me! why" i defend he stopped laughing and said good bye to his friends. "So you packed?" he asked "Nope afncy helping me?" i half smile "Sure" we make our way to my room and i go to open the door when i realise i left my Key in my room so i couldnt open the door "For Fuck sake" i cuss under my breath and he laughs "Whats wrong?" "I'm locked out" "Well thats what your key is for silly!" "Yeah thats the thing my key is i my room and i'm not" , "Oh" he sighed "Yeah i will just have to go up to reception" i say rub my hands over my face "No i'll go its fine" he smiles "No Harry its fine i will go" "No Nat i will go!!" he shouts to me i roll my eyes and sigh "Fine you go" and he smiled and ran off up to reception . 

I sat on the floor my back to the wall , waiting he came back about 15 minuets later with some guy who didnt even look like he worked on this boat , "Who's he!?" i almost shout "He's going to open your door" he smiles "Does he work on this boat" i ask eyeing the man up and down "Nope" he smiles "But it's fine he assured me he will open your door" he added "What! Harry how could you be so stupid! Thats why i should of gone you cant just bring some strager to my room what if wrong with you did you even go to reception?" i shout "Yeah no one was there" "Did you not think to wait?" "No" "Why!" "Because their was a sign saying 'Back in 20 minuets on lunch break' so i left" "Harry you didnt go to reception you went to the ice cream parlour" "Oh" he sighed "You dip shit" and he laughed . 

"Tell this guy to leave i'll go to reception" "Ok" and i made my way to reception and asked if someone could open my door and some guy came down to my room and opened the door i thanked him and he left. "Right now that were in we need to pack and quickly" "Ok" harry said , he's like your little 5yr old brother and your moms asked you to look after him and he can never do anything right but depite that you know he loves you and does try and thats why i love him so much. I opened my wardrobe door and pulled all the clothes out and threw them on my bed , "Lets get packing" i say and smile sarcasticly Harry picks one of my tops up and tries to fold it but he end up crumbling it in a ball ,See what i mean 5yr old. 

"Harry it's fine i'll fold them you just pass them to me" , he frowns and looks at my crumbled up top he threw it to me and sat on my bed "Why do you need so many clothes anyway" he says "Did you really just ask a girl that" i say "Hmm guess you right" he jokes and starts passing my my clothes and i neatly fold and pack them away . It took us about half an hour? i gave Harry a clothe hanger "Whats this for?" he asked looking at it "You leant it to me so i'm giving it back" i say , he shrugs . 

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