Another Day (Part 30)

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A/N: Just wanted to say ily guys so much! Thanks for reading and continuing to put up with me ;) Vote like crazy! Thanks again! xx 

Bags are packed , ive text my mother and she nows im coming home , so two days my life will be back to normal! Everything will be normal , i didnt even last a month! 

i grab my bags and get in the car and make my way back to Harrys dorm. Shit what if Nialls still there!. I didnt think about that?. 

"Where are you going? Do you need to speak to someone?" Chloe messages me . Lovely. "Ok be there soon" just 5 minuets then im going!. 

i drive to Niall's parents again and see Chloe standing outside , she pulls me in for a hug "I'm here come on its cold" , i step inside the warm house and sit down "Where are you going? whats happened?" "I'm going home" "Why?" "Because i cannot stay here! Chloe i have no one!" "Nat you have Niall and me? And that girl Megan i saw you talking to and Harry!" "Emily Hates me and so she should!" "Who gives a shit what Emily thinks shes not important your real friends are important" "I know but i just cant do this anymore im sorry! its just to hard!". She breaths. 

"Nat i thought life was just 'too hard' but thats the point if life wasnt hard then what would be the point! I do know how you feel my life hasnt been exacly perfect either , i live my aunt for christ sake!" then she looks up and quitly apologises for saying 'Christ' . I've always wondered why she lives in Nialls motheres house "Why?" "What?" "Why do you live with your aunt?" "Wanna hear my whole life story" sarcasim in her voice "Yes" i reply". 

"Ok then well i was born on febuary 10 1992, My mother and Father were amazing i loved them so much they promised me everything but when i was 7 they had an accident , i never found out until i was 10 what really happened all i new was i was going to live with Niall and his family? The day after my birthday was when i found out the real story that they had been in a car accident and they both died it was horrible having to find out both your parents had died and you have no one!" "How did the accident happen?" i ask "My mum and dad died at different times, My mother was in a ceperate car and it crashed my dads was sespected suicide? they never really found out how or why is car crashed?" "Ok continue"

"Any way i never had anyfriends who were girls so naturally i got picked on seeing as i had no siblings i wasvery lonely? The only person i had was Niall? So i started doing boyish things like football and he taught me how to play guitar , he had an interest in cars so i did? that made my bullying get ten times worse and the girls in my school hated me! High school sucked even more! Niall became popular so all the girls wanted him and when he would reject them they would turn on me and i hated being their punch bag , i told Niall and he tried helping he treated e like his sister he was the only one i  had to turn to when my life was so dark i havent exacly hada great start to life but Niall helped me become more 'girly' and my life is so much more better i swear Nat there is an end to the pain , there is light somewhere through the darkness and now i have Luke?" wow shes had a really tough life! Atleast i have both parents?. 

"Thanks for telling me Chloe you didnt have to , but i really think a couple of weeks away will help please let me go! just for a week i need to get away to refelect! i cant do that here!" "One week! you'll be back?" "Of course!" "Ok" , she went online and bought my tickets for me and printed them out "Here next ferri leaves at 5 you have an hour so you better get going with the drive!" "Ok Bye Chloe Tell Niall i really Love him and i'll be back if he comes here tell him not to come after me!" "Ok" "Promise" "Promise" . 

I walk away and into my car on the verge of tears , harder than i thought?. 

*1 Hour Later* 

I arrive at the docks and the guy in strange uniform takes my car keys and drive onto the boat , i look back at the beautiful city which is Ireland for a final time then walk up the ramp at the front of the boat, i get inside and i want to turn around and run back to my dorm but i know i cant!. It makes it worse that this time no ones here to say good bye! I go up to the front deck and just stare imagining my mum and Louis standing there waving at me , "Nat Nat wait!" a voice shouts , i snap out of reality and Niall is standing there shouting at me "Niall please dont do this" "Nat dont go we can talk about this" "Niall theres nothing for us to talk about!" "Please dont leave me Nat , i need you to stay i cant be without you!" "I'm sorry" "Nat dont" "I'll be back i swear i just need time" "Nat dont how do i know you'll come back" "Niall i always come back" and the boat pulls away from the dock Niall starts running up and down shouting for them to stop and it breaks my heart . 

"Nat! Nat no , dont please!" He falls to his knee's tears in his eyes his hands behind his head and i just stand their on the moving boat watching him cry . It kills me , i cant do this , i dont want to do this. "I'm sorry I love you!" i shout and he puts his head in his legs hiding his tears , i'm in tears now. 

I cant do this. 

But i have to. 

Chloes right at the end of this darkness there is light and i just need to get away for a little bit . Not long just a week  im only allowing myself a week . 

Here we go with the two day boat journey!. 

A/N: Because i love you guys so god damn much i decided to do a double upload! ;) i love you that much , please dont hate me that Nat left! she will be back i promise i couldnt do that!. Make sure to vote and comment!. 

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