Another Day (Part 26)

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- - I need Nat.

Natilee's POV

I dont know what to do anymore? I dont have anywhere to go? No one to see? i just dont know? . I'm thinking of dropping out of CrossBridge , yeah my mother will be pissed at me but i just cant be here! Maybe i should transfer universitys? I guess Louis was right i shouldnt of come here! It was going to be trouble from the start?.

Louis .

His name.

All i'm going to say! just his name . Louis.

I've said it over and over and over! i just like the way his name rolls off my tounge . Louis.


I walk into the building and get hit by the heating , i walk up the many flights of stairs, im so exausted! Of every thing really?. I walk into my dorm of course Emily was there, "Hey whats up?" she gets off her bed and walks over to me , putting her arm around my shoulder and helping me down onto my bed "Noth- Everything!" i just break down in front of her , its just like when i was 5 with my father?

"Nat what the fuck is wrong! Tell me!" she yells "Everything i told you everything is wrong Emily! My whole life is wrong nothing about me or anything right now is right? i dont know what to tell you because fucking everything is wrong!" i yell back through the sobs, she sits down "Do you want some space?" "Yea i would appreicate that?" "Ok" and she walks towards the door "Em" i call "Yea?" she turns around "Thanks" "Dont worry, i always have your back no matter what!". This makes my problem ten times harder.

She walks out of the door and i just cry and cry and cry for most of the afternoon really? I get a text of Chloe

"You spoke to him yet?" . Uh really!. "No and i'm not going to i already told you!" "Nat just text him already!!". Should i?. Maybe i should?. But maybe i shouldnt?.

I do as she says other wise she wont leave me alone i call him but he doesnt answer so i leave it like that . "I called him" "what did he say?" "Nothing he didnt answer! i told you i shouldnt of called!" "Nat you called? i told you to text him! Its his birthday today to say Happy birthday or something?" .Shit its his birthday?. "oh ok" I text him happy birthday and text Chloe back "Done it! Is he with you?" "nope , but you could still come round?" "Ok" . I get my keys and go to my car .

I drive to Nialls parents house , i'm surprised i remember the way!?. Once i pull up outside i have a really bad feeling about this! i dont think i should of come!. I Walk up to the door and knock quietly Chloe answer smiles sympatheticly . I dont need sympathy!. She invites me inside and i sit with her. Maura joins us "Oh hello Natilee, What are you doing here?" "Uh came to see Chloe? Shes a good friend of mine now" "Thats nice!" , Chloe pulls me upstairs into her room quicker than i expected why does she want me to get away from the family so fast?.

I sit on her bed "Nat you need to speak to Niall! Like properly speak to him!" "Chloe i cant! its just to hard to face him especially after last night! I admitted that i loved him and then said i cant see him anymore!" "Nat your speaking to him!" "No Chloe!" "Yes Nat!" "Your really pushy arnt you!" i sulk "Yes! learn that now!" and i laugh slightly theres a knock at the door , and i start to panic What if its Niall?. What is he doing here!?. Actually thats a stupid question of course he's going to be here its his family!. "I'll get it!" Chloe rushes off her bed and down the stairs to the frot door , I slowly walk behind her but she gets to the door before me.

As i walk the long hallway i hear a guitar being played and it sounds beautiful , its really relaxing actually!. I follow the beautiful angelic sound of the strings forgetting what im doing and it leads me to Nialls room, His door is half open i peep through the gap and see his beautiful blonde hair , he's sprawled across his bed his guitar in his hands playing , strumming away beautifully and he's never looked more perfect!. He starts singing and it makes me tear a little , when he's finished i smile he sits up "Nat? What are you doing here!" . Shit i have been spotted!.

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