Another day (Part 2)

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 He sat there right there next to me. I could see Danielle glaring again I'm in so much shit from her I just know.

"Hi, I'm uh I'm Louis " he smiles at me nervously attempting conversation. I look up and stare at him for 2 seconds before looking back down . No smile, why should I? He's going to hate me next week so I don't see the point . He looks disappointed by my reaction and added to his simple sentence "and you are? ....." I look back "Natilee or Nat whatever don't care" . I may be many things but ignorant isn't one. 

He smiles "So Natilee, what are you doing after school?" my head shoots up and turns to him with a confused look " Why do you want too know?" I ask slightly creeped out?.  "Because I want to get to know you?" he laughs at me as if it was obvious. I'm sorry but what he's just met me and now he wants to meet with me after school?. 

 Mrs.Wild goes into the prep room and Danielle shoots over to where I am sitting she looks at him and smiles "Hey, I'm Danielle call me Dani if you like? " "Louis" he added "so where are you from?" She spoke in her high pitched voice completely ignoring me. Thank God. He didn't reply to her and her face went sour "uh I'm talking to you" she said in her bitchiest voice ever!. And trust me she can get pretty bitchy. 

"Really?, well why should I give a shit?" he sassily replied. I like him already. I burst out laughing uncontrollably, I don't care about the consequences that was funny. "Oh you find it funny do you loser, well we'll see how funny it is when I kick your ass in front of everyone?" she devilishly laughs . 

Louis' shocked at her and my reaction of just sitting there and taking it of her, before he could do any thing Mrs.Wild came back in the room and told Dani to get back into her seat. The day continued very quickly and before I knew it I was leaving the school gates in the rain again waiting for my bus. I haven't really seen that Louis kid around much i mean he was in my History class but he didn't sit by me. Why does he want to meet with me?. Was he joking?. I hope he was joking. He was probably joking.

A red car pulls up in the bus bay, I honestly think it is Dani I forgot she is looking for me. Then I realize it's Monday she has cheer practice, lucky escape. The windows are wound down and out pops Louis head, "Coming?" He smirks. I hesitate for a moment just in case he isn't talking to me. That's happened loads of times. "Well, earth to Nat?" He remembers my name?. He chuckles and then I realize, I hop in his car "I'm wet just to let you know hope you don't mind??" I say as I get in.

 "Well then .... Um " he pauses and laughs. I didn't understand what he meant at first then I realized "no no not like that , I'm wet because of the rain not because I'm...." Before I could finish my sentence he interrupts "Don't need to explain we all get it sometimes" and laughs at me. I sit in silence then answer "I'm wet because of the rain, I wouldn't flatter yourself your not that good looking?" I shrug. He looks at me "But i'm good looking?" i look back at him "What?" "You said i'm not that good looking, which means you think i'm slightly good looking?" He smirks at me i blush "No i just.." he  laughs at how socially awkward i am . It's really not a funny matter.

He drove out of the bus bay and I pointed the directions to my house, he followed. "Not far from my place I live round the corner on Grove Street" he speaks  with a smile . Hes always happy this boy.

I glanced at him quickly I haven't properly seen his face. He looks at me at the same time, I turn away quickly and start blushing at his blue eyes. Why was I blushing? I just met this guy?. He pulled up outside my house "so I'll see you later then? " He asks while grinning hopefully. "Uh ... I'm uh I'm" I stutter "its okay I understand if your rejecting me, i just would of thought if you think i'm good looking you would of wanted to spend more time with me?" he replies and his smile turned into disappointing frown.   i freeze for a second "I'm joking Nat, but i get it if your rejecting me?" "no I'm not rejecting you I just " why did I say that I felt guilty I guess? "Great I'll pick you up at four then? "  he smirks and before I could get a word in he sped off. 

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