Another Day (Part 52)

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A/N: Hey guys Vote and Comment please! What do you think of the situation so far? Do you think they will work it out? (I haven't decided myself what I want to happen)

Harrys POV

She just screamed at me, what the fuck is her problem! I was only having a laugh way to go and crash my buzz! Everyone look at me "She really fucked you" Michael asks "yeah I wouldn't lie to you" "Yeah but we know you Harry, and you make up shit lies like this" Maddie looks suspicious "how much did you pay her to say that!" Michael laughs maddie joinging in "you guys really think I would pay her to ruin her relationship!" I laugh "Uh ya" Maddie answers my indirect question "I would do more than that I would.." "ENOUGH!" Tia screams shaking her head . What's wrong with her now! How Zayn can cope with the moaning bitch is beyond me! No wonder he cheated!.

I stand up and go outside following her steps seeing if I can find her. I get outside she's on the floor floods of tears leave her eyes drowinging her cheeks. I walk over to her "Nat?" I gently speak she looks up for friendly eyes but once she sees me they narrow "what? Come to ruin my life even more? What more do you want Harry! What else have I got to give you? I jhave nothing! Zilch! I have no one and nothin!" She shouts her tears softening her voice. "I don't want anything, I came to help" I frown "Help with what? You have fucked my life up!" She screams drawing attention to herself. "I fucked everything up? I fucked everything up? Coming from the one who forced herself on me practically begging me to fuck you!" I scoff "I did not and you know I didn't Harry!" She gets up face inches apart, I like annoying her aggrevating her just to get a reaction out of her even if its anger its fun. Its like a game its fun it gives me a buzz.

"Really that's not how I remember it?" I smirk she screams tugging at her hair and paced pack and forth on the broken paving, "Do you just think this is a game! Is this what all this is to you Harry? A game? Am I your little game the person who's heart and feelings you can just toy around with" she yells everyone gathering outside. "Its working though, your aggrevated by me" I smile "This isn't funny! What part of this is funny? I've just lost the only guy I have ever loved! He hates me I hate myself for doing this!" She cries "only person you ever loved eh? Well that's not how I remember Louis frased it" I smirk . "Don't bring Louis into this! What him and I had was completely different! You know nothing about me and him!" She glares.

"Oh yeah?" I laugh she screams and walks away "wait Nat where are you going?" I chase after her "I'm done Harry! Done with it fucking all, you them everything!" She shouts I grab her by her arm "get off me!" She shakes I leave her go "I'm sorry ok! He just had to be told!" "No he didn't! I could of told him in my own time in our own space privatley, I am so humiliated and he must be too!" She glares and storms off again I leave her she's not going to listen.

Nats POV

I hate him, I hate every inch of his skinny scrawney horrible inked and peirced body!

I have no where to go, I can't go back to Niall he hates my guts, I wouldn't blame him I hate my guts too!. I call a cab I have no where plus I need my thingsv? I'm dropped off outside and look at his house his light it on, I see a figure moving around it looks like him a girls shadown is seen behind him or in front of him? I can't tell with shadows he's moving around the room quiet quickly moving from one spot to the other his voice booms around but is cracked by his tears, I move to the door and try and open it. No luck its locked I think for a moment I remember Maura saying about the spare key under the plant pot, I lift it up and there it is sparkling in the moon light.

I place the key in the lock and slwoly turn it opening the door, the downstairs is dark and quiete I step inside and feel a cold atmosphere it sends chills up my back and on my arms. I look around I see a light from the stairs and voice over voice shouting cooing for Niall to calm down, I look at the wall to my left a big hole left in the wall glass laying across the floor it cruntches as I walk over it under my heels. The phone cable has been wripped out of the wall the kitchen is trashed. What have I done?.

I see one of Thoes toys laying on the floor broken, theo was here while Niall was on a rampage? His crib is in the corner of the room I look down he lays there asleep. How can that baby sleep through all this comotion!. I walk to the stairs and up the doors have been kicked in laying on the floor is broken wood, Chloe spots me and shoots me and evil and disgusted look, I don't blame her. She turns her head on me I look down his family members not noticing me. There's a wripped up picture of me and Niall scattered acroos the floor.

"Niall" Chloe speaks and he looks at me his eyes blaring temper boiling "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be fucking Harry somewhere? Or do you want one of my other friends? I hear Tristans newly single" he spits "I'll take that into account" I sarcasticly remark ignoring his mean comment "just go Nat. I don't want you" he turns on me "that's why your trashing the place right? Because you don't want me?" I blink my tears holding them back

"Yeah" he agrees "Niall don't do this, if you don't want me fine but don't break everything in this house that's In your way just to take your anger out there's a baby downstairs a sweet innocent child who has done nothing and by you wrecking his home causing disruption he will grow up with that! Thinking violence is right!" I really don't want to do this! He brings his fists down "Take your anger out on me" I speak after five minuets silence "what?" He asks "take your anger out on me" I repeat his eyes widen his pupils dilating " hit me Niall, hit me shout at me I don't care just don't hurt those who you love around you, I hurt you terribly so hurt me, hit me go on!" I yell .

His family gasp at the thought, "Hit me!" I scream in his face ".. No... NO I Won't!!" He yells "why! Go on I give you permission! I don't care hit me! Hurt me" "I'm not hurting you Natilee physically or verbally!" He refuses. He called me Natilee. "Why?" "Because I'm not like you I don't want to hurt you, make you cry I love you Nat I still love you! I'm fucking insane I shouldn't love you right now! Infact I should hate you guts I should wish you death I should hit you or hurt you but I can't because I love you! I Fucking Love you you stupid whore!" His voice cracking.

A/N: Sorry if its too short? X ilysm

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