Another Day (Part 54)

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A/N:Hi guys! please comment to tell me what you think! I do read them :) I very much appreciate your kind comments too! love you sorry o left it so long to update!!

(My tablet works again :D their may be some auto corrections so it might not make sense sorry?)

Nats POV 

"What did you do?" my voice betrays me and I sound weak and tired "Nothing, I did what I had to do!" he answers , Harry winces as he moves. at least he isn't dead... yet?.

He clings onto the bed pulling himself up my instinct tells me to help him but I fight the urge that will only push Niall further and that's the last thing I want. I watch as he struggles to stand I glance between the two boys and the tension on the room is so strong its choking me all the air seems to have disappeared?.

"Nat .. how lovely of you to join us!" . Even when Harry is wincing in pain he can still mange to be an asshole! "I came because I was told to by Zayn to make sure he didn't do anything stupid!" I correct "I don't need looking after I'm a big boy now so you can just leave!" Niall bites.

Im hurt ten times worse.

"Then why were you defending me? why are you hitting him?" I question raising my brow try very hard to be strong. "Because... I'm angry! its his fault this is wrong!" "It was equally my fault to?" I shrug , wait am I defending Harry?.

"You know what fuck the both of you!" he yells and storms or of the room knocking over the mirror on the way or I jump as the glass smashes against the hard wood floor. "I hope your both very happy!" he calls and slams the already broken door.

"Thanks" Harry speaks as he swipes his lip wiring away the blood. "Don't thank me! I'm still fucking fuming with you!" "That's why you came here right? to yell at me and remind me of how angry you are and tell me to never speak to you again? " the sarcasm in his voice shines like a torch in the dark.

"No! I came to make sure Niall didn't fucking kill you because seriously he would of? why do you always have to push peoples buttons why can't you just be normal and shut your god damn mouth!" I shout tugging at my scalp.

"Because what would be the point of that? why would I want to do that? I mean its ten times funner doing this because I love getting a reaction!" he grins "Are you fucking mad? your telling me you like fucking peoples lives up? you like getting hit and screamed at? you like this your enjoying this shit? you like the fact that I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight and for the rest of the week?" I rub my eyes violently.

"Well most it yes? I guess so you have no idea how much adrenaline you get" he shrugs I scream and march out of his room he follows "Wait!" he shouts "Why? so you can make me cry yet again!" he grips my arms pulling my body to his "Nat baby you know I hate to see you cry?" he swipes my cheek with his thumb . Its funny how Harry can go from a horrible evil mean asshole to a sweet kind funny caring sensitive boy in less than a minuet!.

the tears stream out of my eyes down my cheek and I begin to cry he pulls my head in his neck crying on his shoulder he hugs me tightly trying to pull the pain out of me, but that's the problem I've been cut to deep this time. There are two kinds of people ones who can get hurt but get up brush themselves up and become a stronger person  at the end like Harry? or there's people who can get hurt so badly that they cry themselves to sleep and blame themselves and hide away from anyone willing to help the kind of people where this pain can shatter them and everyone around them. Like me.

I'm that kind of person this has shattered me and every fibre of hope and faith I have left shattered every fibre of me that is willing to live.

I have nothing? I am nothing?

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