Another day (Part 5)

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- I don't want to let go of her i want to hug her and hold her all night long i want to feel like she is mine and no one else's .

Louis P.O.V

We go inside and continued with our evening, it's great we chat some more and watch some movies while stuffing our faces with popcorn, toffees, pizza and all her other favorite sweets and foods. She falls asleep on my lap i stare at her as she lays in a peaceful slumber, she looks so perfect so still so quiet and beautiful i don't want to wake her so i decide to leave her sleep. Her phone beings to bleep and i cuss quietly at it afraid it will wake her, she has a text message i don't mean to but i had to read it, it's from an unknown number i open the message beginning to scan it.

'We missed you at cheer practice, the least you could of done was show up to at least this one!. Let me guess you're spending you're time with you're new 'best friend' Louis well let me tell you one thing he doesn't care about you!!!! no one does i mean who would? And i'm going to prove it to you so have fun Nat because it wont last long he will be running for me soon darling like every other boy in our school, so enjoy it Love - Dani xx.'

My face scrunches up as fury rages through my entire body my hands tense how on earth could someone say such stuff to someone? and if she thinks that for one second i'll go running to her well frankly she can keep dreaming i would never EVER do that to Nat she's the best thing that's happened to me!!.

Natilee slowly begins to wake up smiling at me i force a smile upon my cheeks and slip her phone back in her bag she props herself up and begins to ask me what's wrong i smile in response but don't reply she places her head on my shoulder and bats her eye lashes "You can tell me ?" she teases i try to keep serious but give in laughing at her.

How could you not love her she's adorable?. I push her head off my shoulder gently laughing i get up and stretch, i help her up being the gentleman i am "Well you best be getting home, haven't you Missy.. you're mum will be getting worried?" "Why? ..... don't you like my company Mr " she wines, now she's giving me all the right signs that she likes me and if she doesn't what is she playing at? i lean into her "I didn't say i wanted you to go darling?" she smirks blushing slightly "Good now what can we do?" she bit her bottom lip lightly.

She's teasing me and she knows it! " What do you want to do?" i push her against the wall "I have a few ideas" and she rapidly pulls away from the wall slowly backing over to the sofa, she turns around I stare at her as she sits down patting the sofa "Come" she whispers, my hands start to shake and get clammy is this actually happening to me!?. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING!?. I walk over she pushes me down and climbs on top of me whispering in to my ear "What was it you wanted to show me?" i forgot that i said that to her earlier, she has a really good memory huh?.

"Oh yeah i remember" i speak softly in her ear trying to sound seductive.. and failing. She gets closer "Then show me" i smirk widely putting my hands on her waist i make my way down her back her dress felt smooth as i followed the pattern all the way down she starts trembling i look up at her, "What's wrong?" i question wishing she says nothing so i can continue this could be my only chance . "This doesn't feel right" she answers truthfully "Why?" i ask instantly regretting asking her anything in the first place but i want her to be comfortable and i don't want to pressure her but gees i really just wanted her!!. " I'm not ready for this yet!" she speaks with a shaky tone "How?" "This is my first time" she answers still laying on me.

All the more reason i want to, i wanted to be her first, her first kiss, her first love, her first, i wanted her to be happy on her first instead of having a heart break like i did .

"Don't worry, i wont hurt you? you know i would never hurt you?" i try to persuade her into changing her mind "No, Louis I've got this wrong this is wrong i can't go through with this" she sits up . I feel so disappointed my only chance and its gone. BOOM . Gone all gone, i know now where we stand i guess like she keeps reminding me 'We're just friends!'. I stand up pushing her off my lap "Oh okay well you best be going then hadn't you i mean look at the time you're mums going to be angry if you don't go now" i'm crushed .... Again. But i have to keep it in she can't know how i really feel, i don't mean to sound so mean but i do and i can't undo it, her facial expression changes drastically she frowns at me.

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