Another Day (Part 64)

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A/N:This Chapter May not make much sense to you! Sorry if its confusing in some way?anyway I'm going to skip abit to the manner house but not straight away!

Niall's Pov

I wake next too Nat, her lips pursed together her hair falling perfectly on her face I love waking next to her, she's so peaceful when she sleeps unlike me I toss an turn all fucking night long!. I snake my arm under hers over her waist she snuggles in closer to me digging her body into mine, I'm happy when she's with me it makes my body electrify when we make contact I don't know she sparks something inside of me something great I tried to work out how and why but now I just roll with the way she makes me feel and she makes me feel amazing I'm a better person when I'm with her . I like it.

She wriggles alittle and rapidly blinks her lashes looking up and me "Morning Princess!" I smile "Morning" she replies her voice raspy . I'm trying to make this a light easy stress free day until this evening anyway! She finally agreed to meet her father after all the pain and disruption her caused her and her family! I'm not 100% supportive of her disicion but its up to her but I swear one wrong word to upset her and he's dead!. The funny thing is that its not just Nat and her Dad having dinner together its his whole fucking family! His new wife and there son! Nat decided to bring me along for her. I would of went anyway!.

"How about me and you go and get a coffee and breakfast eh?" I gleam "Mcdonalds?" She suggests "I was thinking more starbucks?" I shrug and laugh "I'm fine with that" she smiles a doppy smile she's always so funny in the morning she really isn't a moring person but she always hides it! Always has a smile maybe its because she's waking up next to me?. Probably not that's just Nats character.

She sits up and rubs her eyes making them go red "your eyes are sore?" I move her hands away stopping her making it worse "Yeah I guess! They have been like this since I was little" she crinkles them closed then opens them again "You should go see a doctor" I rub her back "I have plenty of times they don't know the cause I just have irritated skin around them its nothing to worry about really? I just have to be carful with products that I put on my face and skin" she tries to smile but her eyes are getting puffier "like sensitive skin?" I shrug "pretty much!" She giggles I kiss her forehead "if your sure your fine" "I am!" She pushes me away laughing and gets out of bed revealing her bare legs.


She stands before me looking for her slippers wearing only one of my tank tops and her underwear of course, she looks gorgeous! I can't imagine any other man looking at her and seeing the sights I get to see she notics me looking at her body and looks down consiously "what!" She asks "nothing your just wearing my tank top" I smile she places her hand on her hip "What this! No this is Harry's" she points to the item of clothing , my jaw tenses and my blood begins to boil "Really" my teeth grit "I'm only joking you idiot!" She giggles "well you look incerdibly sexy!" I pur "really? " She flushes "oh yes! I'm already going hard just looking at you!" Her cheeks glow bright red as she laughs "oh is that right this turns you on!" "Magerly!" I nod she places both hands on her hips standing in front of me.

She starts to lift the shirt up her theigh "How about now?" She smirks raising it higher "Yes" I nod she starts to lift it higher and higher almost lifting it over her head "what about now?" "Stop teasing me!" I grin she smirks wider lowing back so it covers her thigh and starts to shake her hips turing me on totally as she moves her body and dances sexily around the room, I fall back on the bed laughing while staring at the ceiling I can't watch her tease me anymore!. "Niall watch me!" She whines I sit up and cover my eyes "drop the hands baby!". Did she just call me baby?.

She continues to move swaying her hips, and throws the shirt over her head dancing in her underwear my eyes trail down her curvy body, god she's sexy! I'm using everything in my will not to just throw her on the bed and fuck her!. She comes closer to me and places her hands on my bare chest straddling my lap she pushes her forehead against mine, there's no doubt about it that I'm hard as fuck while she sits on my crotch, "You turned on now!" She whispers" "no" I lie "really?" She smiles pushing me back onto the matress kissing down my neck its so strange seeing her in control! What happened to the old Nat my old Nat like who is this sexy fun girl infront of me whoever she is I'm not stopping her! This moment is just to perfect!.

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now