Another Day (Part 43)

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A/N: ItsThursdaysohere'stheupdate :) attheendofthechapterI'llputmyplaylist

Nialls POV

These are the things i cant do, see, feel or hear but i can breath.I Think i can breath? Am i even alive? I must be alive because i can hear these thoughts obviously i'm alive! I'm just not conscious thats all?.*

I think i should wake up or atleast try? Is Nat conscious?, I sure as hell hope she is! I'm going to wake up now, or at least try?.

"Uh uhh where am i?" I question the three odd looking people standing around me shining bright lights in my eyes strapping weird things on my arms. "Its OK your in hospital you have been in a very bad accident but you will be fine" One of the lady's who I make out to be a nurse smiles . I recognise her, but I don't know where from.

I shut my eyes as the hold them open staring in them "He seem fine... for now" they speak to each other. what do they mean for now?.

"Your a lucky lad" the doctor speaks . How am I lucky? I don't think being in a car accident and almost dying is seen as lucky?. I just scowl at him "You know lucky to be alive" he continues "Where's Nat?" I ask I need to now if she's okay "I'm afraid I can't tell you" he answers as the two nurses leave. "Why?" "Its private" "I'm her boyfriend and I care about her where is she? is she okay? is she alive? Can I see her? Does she want me to see her? Is she badly hurt you can help her cant you?" I ask so many questions he doesn't answer one "I'm afraid that's private business and I strictly cannot tell you" he sighs and shrugs.

"I don't care if you can't tell me you have to tell me" "I understand your worried about your girlfriend but you have just gained consciousness and I seriously consider you give yourself time before you wish to see her its for the best?" he shrugs and places his clipboard down "Okay but can you please answer me one question?" I ask shyly knowing he's going to say no "OK" he sighs "Is she okay like is she alive" "Yes I believe that Miss Natilee is conscious and should be OK but she is hurt very badly so were not sure how long this is going to last?" he smiles sympathetically . What does that mean?.

"You mean she's going to die?" disappointment take over my voice "We can't exactly say if she will live or die but we will take great care of her , she's I the VIP ward to tell you" he smiles "Now Thats all I can say really!" he laughs and leaves me with the thought that she might leave me, permantly!

Nats POV

Niall... Niall ... "Niall!" I yell quickly shooting my eyes open panic take over my body and as I look around he's not to be seen, A hospital is to be seen. I hate this place!.

I look to my left things sticking on my arms strapping up to a machine thingy which keeps beeping, I hate these things!. my body is bruised badly bruised my face isn't to pretty but like Tia would say 'Nothing Make up can't fix' and I laugh at her quote I seriously doubt make up could fix the state that I call my face?.

There's a knock at the door its that woman who was in the ambulance with me. She smiles sympathetically and sits on the end of the hospital bed, don't you love hospitals!. "Does it look bad?" I say gesturing to my face "No" she lies. . "I just came to ask where got from?" she adds "England ... Doncaster " I tell her quietly my voice still hurts I'm sure I swallowed some glass because it sure feel like it!.

"Do you have any family here?" "um..." I think for a while "Not that I now off?" I answer still thinking, does my mother now?. "We need to contact someone" she sighs and rubs her temples obviously stressed "My mother phone her." I suggest "Do you have your mothers number?" "Its in my phone " I tell her with a raspy voice while I shut my eyes.

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