Another Day (Part 47)

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A/N: Sorry i didnt post yeasterday, i havent got an excuse other than i was really tired? So i slept most of the day yeasterday so heres yeaster days part! also i'm sorry for typo's and any kinds of mistakes because there are probably going to be some i will edit them i swear! Vote and comment please 

She kisses me, Hard, her soft lips desperatly hunting for feeling from me. She kisses good, but not as good as Nat. 


I push Emily away from me "Stop" i command and she looks confused. "Whats the matter?" "I cant kiss you!" "Well why not? Your single!" "No, No i'm not!" i correct her, im with Nat and i must be faithful to her to the only woman i have ever loved . Apart from Hannah, but that was a fake relationship. She laughs at me "You dont really think you're with Nat? She has a boyfriend, my boyfriend" she scowls , i dont like her talking to me this way. "Look you may not understand my fucked up logic not many do! But me and Nat are in a relationship an emotional and physical!" . She rolls her eyes. 

"So she's cheating then? Not only on you but with her many other 'boyfriends' " she finger quotes. "No i dont wanna talk to you about my relationship with her, its complicated and i dont even understand it!" "Because it isnt real?" she quickly interrupts. Dont push me!. If she wasnt a girl i would probably hit her? Maybe? But i was rased correctly and i was told to never harm a woman even if they deserve to be smacked!. "You're one to talk? arn't you your boyfriend left you!" i fire to her. "No it was a mutual discion" she lies. "Not what you were saying before you latched yourself to me". "Latched myself?" she laughs. 

"Thats what i said didnt i ?" "I didnt latch myself to you! God no! i was just .." she stumbles for words "Latching yourself to me?" i suggest. she glares at me. 

Nat's POV 

 I hop into the bedroom, the memories of me and Harry come flooding back as i stand in the door way remembering everything we did, said. I sit on the edge of the bed and properly admire the room. Harry joins me "What are you doing?" and i jump out of thought "Uh.. Nothing" i stutter. "Oh ok?" he shrugs "Is it too late for me to go see Niall?" "Uh yeah its 1 in the morning" "Really?" i shriek "Yeah" he laughs. He walks over to the dresser and rumages around. He closes it. i drop my crutches to the floor and bring my leg onto the bed carefully, I lay back. 

I watch Harry as he observes my every move "Im uh im going to change?" "Ok" i answer. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head messing his perfect curls. My eyes glue on his torso and i have to force my eyes closed. I re-open them and he pulls his black jeans down his legs, leaving him in just boxers. I feel slightly uncomfortable and feel my cheeks heat. he climbs into bed next to me. 

I turn over and Harry switches the light off. This feels strange. I shouldnt be in the same bed as Harry! Especially after what happened last time!. I cant this is wrong. I should be in bed with Niall, But i'm not here i am in bed with Harry!. Harry!. 

"Nat is something wrong?" Harry finally speaks ".. No" i answer after alot of consideration. "Are you sure? Is it me being in the same bed as you?" "No.. Yes" i answer truthfully. "I dont want to make this awkward for you! You know that?" he turns over and i feel him stare at me i turn and face him "Yes" . He gets up grabs two pillows and a spare blanket laying it out on the floor, "What are you doing?" i ask. 

"Sleeping on the floor" . he states the obvious. 

"I can see that" i smile "Why?" i add "So you feel comfortable" he smiles kindly, Harry is generally the sweetest person ever!. 


I awoke from my deep slumber Harry has already woke up and put the pillows and blanket back. I grab for my crutches and go into the kitchen Breakfast all layed out, i laugh "What's all this?" "Well i thought i would make you breakfast? I mean im no Jamie Oliver but i tried?" he shrugs and i laugh at him. "Bacon, toast , Grapefruit i love grapefruit , eggs?." I name what i see layed out. "Uh and coffee" he interupts. I take a gulp and smirk from the edge of my cup, Mornings would be alot better if they were like this everyday!. I plate my food up and scoff is down. 

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