Another Day (Part 22)

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---"Michael he left without graduating to join a band" . that's her boyfriend then.

"oh you said that she sat by you on class but your an English major ?" I ask curiously something isn't right? " yeah so?" " well she told me that she studies business and law?" " yeah she used to study litreture  with me but then she met Michael and she changed her mind and swapped classes but I think its because she didn't want to he in the same class as me!" Megan looks Sad and I kinda have sympathy for her .

"you can change classes?" I say in shock I mean if I only knew that before! "Yeah as many times as you want but of you change them a lot its  harder on you because you have to do an exam on it?" . awesome this is just awesome .

"so are we going to order or is this just going to be chit chat?" I say I'm starving! " no let's order!" guessing she's Hungary to. She calls Tristan over and he takes our order "you wouldn't find it rude if I asked for it to be take away would you?" I ask her " Oh no why have you got somewhere to be?" "well yea sort of?" . she told Tristan to make mine a take away.

he came back with the food and I said goodbye to them both and made a dash for my car . I got in and turned the heating in my car on and place the pizza on the passenger seat before I did I moved the book I got from the library out of the way I forgot that was on here. I made my way back to the dorm and into my room Emily was back from her shower and still laying there " Hey" I say to her "hi" she says not so happily " well because I'm like the best friend ever I brought pizza?" . She sat up straight away . "Oh my god you are a life saver!" "How?" "Because you brought me food!" and she looks like shes going to cry happy tears. I split the pizza in half and gave her the bigger half .

She finished her pizza in minuets and it just bafeld me how fast she can eat , I got changed into my Pajamas they had thumper from  bambii on the front and they were my favourite pj's . I may aswell change into them i doubt i'm going anywhere now . We lay on our beds watching a movie that i put on through netflex funny enough we were watching The notebook and it brought back loads of memories. I remeber cuddling into Louis chest his arm was wrapped like he was protecting me? Lydia was on the other couch not playing attion then me and Louis started to act the film out and then he kissed my forehead and Lydia saw us . The memorie play vididly over and over in my head. 

I couldnt forget a simple yet affective memorie . 

"Hello? Earth to Nat?" Emily wave her hands infront of my face and i snap back into reality . 

"um yeah?" 

"I'm going over to Nialls room? Were all meeting in there fancy joinging us?" her smile is bright whenever you mention him . His name is enough to make her smile and that used to be me and Louis . God do i miss that adorable michevious funny charming boy!. 

"Um i dont think i'm really dressed for it?" and i point out my pajamas and she laughs "Dont worry come on!" i give in and quickly change and we walk 5 feet to Nialls door and i knock on thehard wooden door , Whenever i go near Niall i get nervous or if you mention him i feel funny inside . Is that love?. He answered and had to look twice not expecting me to be with Emily, especially with our convosation that we had when he said he didnt Love love her , more like a sister kind of Love?. 

He invites us both inside and i sit on a small chair in his room Emily takes it upon her self to lay on his bed and it makes me feel really mad for some reason proberly because i know she can without worrying about Niall saying anything?. i just turn away from her and shake the though of them together from my head . "Hey"  i say and Emily says the same thing "Hi" he says to me and joins Emily on his bed and gives her a cheeky grin , i feel kinda like a third weel here? i mean just a few hours ago me and Niall were sleeping together?. Wait that doesnt sound right?. What i mean is like sleeping but not in the sexual way?. You wish it was the sexual way , my subconise says and i shake the thought of me and Niall and just smile awkwardly. 

"Orite Babe?" he asks her and she just smiles and winks , a huge lump grow in my throat and my eyes starts stinging . What is this a game of 'Lets see who can make Natilee cry with jealousy first?' like seriosuly!. Just to rub it in even more Emily leans over and plants a kiss on his neck and he does the same to her . Am i invisable?. "Uhum!" i couch and they pull away from each other , Emily giggle alittle. Would it be rude if i just ran out of his room screming crying? Or would that be abit of an exaggeration?. i can't decide?.

"SO what are we going to do besides you two having a make out session in front of me?" I ask and Emily glows with embarrassment "Um well the others should be arriving shortly?" she speaks quietly which is a first for her?. "Others?" Niall barely asks "Yes Niall others!" "I wasn't expecting Nat to come over never mind others!" . Are yo u getting the feeling that I'm loved? I feel so wanted right now. "Oh yeah" she says "Yeah I thought it was going to be just me and you" his tone flirty and his bites his lip "and what were you expecting us to do?" she asks raising her brow. Is this girl thick or just playing dumb? Can't she tell Niall is hitting g on her?.

"How about I show you?" his smile brimming  and he moves a little so that Hess hovering above her . They seriously must forget I'm still here or something? am I really invisible?. "Um I an still here you know? and if I am being honest I'm not in the mood to see a porno thanks?" . They quickly pull themselves away and sit up straight . After ruining their little moment Niall gets up a d puts some music on to break the silence.

Obviously it was 5sos Who I have met kissed partyed with and found out that one if them used to go here but dropped out and has a very rude and colourful girlfriend. He plays my favourite song not that he knows its my favourite song. does he? I can't remember telling him?.  any way he plays Gotta get out I can really link to that song.

"Trust Niall to put this shit on!" Emily mocks and it makes me mad for some unknown reason?. "Its not shit!" Niall defends "Yes it is! Niall I love you to pieces but one thing I hate about you is your shit taste in music!" and she laughs. There's the word 'Love' and my in er thoughts are just swirling you may love him but he doesn't love you!. One of them adds and I shake it away.

"They arnt shit they are amazing!" Niall says again repeating himself "Niall do shut up!". Their mini argument amuses me slightly. "I agree they are awesome!" I add . "Not you as well Nat!"  she whines "Niall turn it off!" and she pushes him off the be just as he goes to switch it off I shout"Niall don't!" and he obeys Emily crosses her arms in a strop while me and Niall scream out the lyrics. Once the sing ends he turns it off "Love that song man!" he says while walking to the stereo . "Me too its actually my favourite" I comment "No way me to!" he screams. Another reason why I should be your girlfriend.

there's a knock on a knock on Niall door and I answer considering I'm the closest as Emily said it was the others and it was all of them! . In enter Jamie-lee Paige Tia and some olive colored boy who's name as I found out was Zayn also Megan and Tristan I have no I dear his they are all going to fit in Niall tiny dorm room? But they do sitting wherever there's space I also find out of hat Zayn is Tia's boyfriend .

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