Another Day ~Epilogue~

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Natilee's POV

I land at the airport my stomach a volcano of nerves, my mothers picking me up I hope she remembered? What if she forgot I was landing today? Or she's late?. Uh I'm always so paranoid!.

For the last four years of my life I've been living in sydney, I graduated at CrossBridge and I was supposed to stay a little longer but I though fuck it! And just up an left Ireland really wasn't my place to be? Niall and Emily got back together... No surprise there and I guess I just couldn't stick listening to her talk about him all the time. Really they are well matched.

I was just his experiment.

"Ethan hurry up!" I call "okay okay calm down why are you so paranoide!" He laughs "what if my mum forgot?" "She wouldn't have forgotten? The things that go through your brain intrigue me!" He shakes his head. I've been living with Ethan for the last four years we got an apartment together, everyone thinks its weird that we live together even though we aren't together but I see nothing wrong with two friends living together?. My mother even thought we were a pair. I like Ethan and I did have feelings for him like that I'm not shore if I still do don't get me wrong he's gorgeous but when you live with someone you get a different view of them.

I think I've matured a lot since University, I'm not that lonely little depressed confused lovesick dramatic eighteen years old any more, I'm now a twenty four year old respectible woman? I think? I have my own career? I have the bestest friend in the world? I have a home?. I think I should be okay in life.

My mother though it would be a good idea to see someone about my depression to stop me taking anti-depressants all the time and so I did, honestly one of the best thing I did I taught me to look at life a different way? Now things don't seem so bad anymore?.

"That's your mother over there right?" He points to a blonde woman leaning up against a car a guy on her shoulders. Not literally he isn't literally on her shoulders. "Uh she brought Jonny" I roll my eyes "I think your step dads cool? I don't see your problem?" Ethan laughs "you would your a boy you talk about boy stuff!" I nudge him he laughs. He has a nice laugh.

We walk over too the pair "Hi mum!" I smile and she flings her arms around my body pulling me in for a hug I hug her back "I've missed you so much! Your accent is much stronger in person than over the phone and skype" she laughs "awh I've missed you too!" Jonny eyes me smiling "Where's Matthew?" Ethan asks "He's at home?" Jonny informs. Matthew is my step brother he's twenty five, even though he's a year older than me he still thinks its cool to treat me like an eight year old?.

Jonny holds the car door open for me while he and Ethan load the bags into the boot. I'm only staying for two weeks. I have to get back then? I'm not shore how long I'm going to stay in Australia for? My whole life if it works out?.

We arrive at my old child hood home, Ava now lives directly acroos the street, her and Josh did actually get married and now they have a two year old child, Evalina-maire or Eva for short? Ava Eva pretty simular?. I'm sure mum told me she's expecting another baby?..

Mum opens the door for me allowing me and Ethan to climb out and I walk down the pathway to my front door opening it and sitting inside, it feels nice to be home? In a place where I know, a place I feel comfortable and at ease.

Matthew strolls in from the kitchen "Oh hey Nat" he speaks with his mouth full "That's just disgusting Mat" I roll my eyes "What?" He stares him and Ethan are really close its like they are in a relationship or something! Wow I ship them.

"Have you spoken to any of your old friends? Let them know your home?" My mum asks "Not really mum I was too busy planning my two weeks here?" I shrug. "Why don't you go see Lydia?" . Lydia and Harry both moved back here and are together, I knew they would get together. They live somewhere in town and I believe they are getting married. Why is everyone getting married and sprouting babies!.

Another day (In Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें