Another day (Part 1)

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Sunday Morning

"Uuhh" I moan out loud and hit the snooze,

I hate weekends I hate mornings, see I'm not the average teenage girl I'm not obsessing over some boy or crushing, I don't like partying or having friends or being in any sort of public situation, I don't really enjoy school to much either? But this, this is just a big list of things I don't? Things I do, do is well listen?.

I run down stairs to do my usual morning routine breakfast, hugs, kisses, i moan about what's for dinner and how i always have too much homework , then i go back upstairs. To be in silence.

That's how it is every morning same old same old I don't really like spending time with any one. Don't talk don't trust just listen to what others have to say .

*Monday morning*

Same morning routine again only I have to rush it up a bit cause I am going to be late for school it's like 8:30 and my bus is pulling up any minuet cause school starts at 9:15 so I'm in a panic right now .

I get changed run down stairs skip breakfast, quick and messy hair do, quick goodbyes and i'm out the door sprinting down the road for my bus in the pouring down rain .Great so I'm wet now .

Seriously why is everyone looking at me?. I mean I can't actually see them looking at me but I know they are looking at me I can feel their glares . Do you ever get that feeling that your being watched? no, just me?.  I'm very self conscious so this is very uncomfortable for me and I think I'm going to freak I honestly do why can't this bus journey just hurry up .

Really another stop, "Hahah"  a bunch of girls laugh as they get on the bus. oh no they're laughing at me.  I'm a mess a horrible disgusting nerdy mess .

No, she was probably laughing at something her friend said yeah she's not laughing at me. Even though her friends didn't say anything which would infact mean she was laughing at me. Can the ground swallow me up now!.

Finally I can see the school gates at last I can get off this horrible, smelly, disgusting bus .

I run off and into the school seeing if I can dodge any more rain drops hitting me and making me look even worse than I did before.... I don't. I look like something the cat has dragged in when it was pretty desperate. My hair all stuck to my face my mascara all down my cheek. Oh God did you really have to do this to me?

Okay first period, what's first oh great.. math. That's my favorite subject like of all time. Sarcasm. They're laughing again, as i walk down the hall way every pair of eyes on me and they're laughing. I don't like people looking, aarhh what do they want!?. 

I finally get into math without having a panic attack, Mr.Coleman stands there looking at us all he does registration then we get on with the lesson, ugh algebra don't you just love it?. Well clearly I must secretly seeing I'm a straight A+ student in almost every subject, Geography keeps bringing me down I'm a B in that . Any way math yes I'm doing good half way through it, good understanding of what we are doing . Which is a first. Then there's a knock at the door.

Mr.Coleman answers the door and steps outside the class room "uh I'll be back in five minuets" He says with a sense of urgency. This must be serious if he left the class room he never does that, I don't see who is at the door I know it is a man/boy by the voice . Now the class is left alone and no one can stop them so they can do whatever they want, they all turn to face me staring at me i don't look up, i won't dare. Just carry on with your work i thought, what do they want?. Someone's going to say something i can feel it here it comes any minuet now.

"Hey nerd!" someone shouts, a ball of crumpled up paper comes flying at me and hits me in the head, i look up "yeah that's right I'm talking to you, you're the only nerd aren't you?" the anonymous voice continues to say making the whole class start laughing. Oh God. Great. It was Danielle Goodsworth, i suppose i should of guessed? seeing as she's the most prettiest well known girl in school the one everyone loves and wants to be like the amazing talented girl, that every school has?  the head of the cheer squad, and the one no one would mess with . May i also add, my bully. 

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