Another Day (Part 25)

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-- I need Louis.

Louis POV 

Woke up again , why? Why does this have to be my life? Whats the point anymore? If i havent got Nat then life isnt worth living? I wonder if shes thinking about me? Wondering what im doing? i bet she isnt i bet shes moved on from me and is happy? I hope shes happy thats all i ever ask if that shes happy , If shes upset i coouldnt live with myself i promised i wouldnt let her be upset , i wish i was beside her guiding her , helping her through her problems , if she has any?. 

Maybe i should call her?. 

Maybe i shouldnt?. 

She doesnt need me anymore , she doesnt want me! She never wanted me? Did she?. 

I should move on she has , proberly? I mean shes beautiful what guy wouldnt want her?. 

"Louis are you awake?" My mother called up to me and i pull myself out of my bed where i could of stayed all day , where i have spent the last week , Locked in my room. "Yea" i groan "Well get down here then , you cant stay in bed all day again!" "Yea i can and i will!" i snap "Dont have that tone with me mr now get down here!". No point in arguing with my mum. I leave my room my sisters looks at me "Louis whats the matter?" "Not not pheobe" and she runs into her room . Uh i hate life i'm like the living dead!. 

I sit down and stare at the blank Tv , All i can see where ever i look is Nat shes everywhere , whenever someone speaks to me i can only hear her voice her beautiful angelic voice!. My mother throws the Tv remote to me "Louis you need to turn the Tv on before you stare at it?" "I know" , i walk into the kitchen and make myself some cereal then i shower for the first time this week . 

Maybe i will call her? You now what no i wont i will come across as pushy and she needs her space! 

Once im showered and dressed i grab my keys and go jump nto my car just driving anywhere , I drive past her house i've drove past her house so many times this week , for no reason either? I could have to go the oppisite direction and i would still drive past her house , i parked outside her house yeasterday and just stared at it expecting her to just run out of her house and into my car and we would laugh about something and i would surprise her . i loved surprising her. and then we would have a deep chat and she would proberly end up crying because shes sensitive and i would comfort her . 

I remember when i kissed her for the first time and how smiley she was i never really let my feelings out? But with Nat everything was different i told her alot and she told me alot i gained her trust. 

I drive to the pub at the end of the road , everyones meeting in there? So i thought to get my mind off of her i would go. Everyones there all sitting the corner , as soon as i walk through the door they all call me over , Danielle's there . uuhh. "Louis! Louis! come sit over here!!" she calls and she makes my skin tingle . Not in a good way. Any way just to shut here up i go and sit next to her a fake smile plastering my face , "What are you doing here?" she asks "Um i came to um..." "It doesnt matter at least your hear" "Yea" "So are you going to get anything to drink?" . Her voice is pissing me off already . "No , im driving?" "Oh ok" , we sit for about 10 minuets in complete silence before she opens her big trap again . 

"So wheres Nat? I would of thought you would be with her? Have you two argued?" and she smirks "No we have not argued! incase you didnt know shes in Ireland!" i snap "Whys she in Ireland?" "Because she goes to CrossBridge University an thats in Ireland?" . I hate to say it, but i love to rub it in her face!. "Oh" she sighs "Yea oh" . i have a feeling im not going to last long?. Everyone says they are going to leave so its just me and Dani. Lord help me now!. please?. 

"So do you want to get something to eat?" "No your alright!" "Louis whats your problem?" "I havent got a problem!" "Yes you have! why are you being like this!" "Well i dont know Danielle maybe it has something to do with the fact that someone really close to me has left and im not going to see her again?" i yell "Thats not my fault!" .

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