Another Day (Part 48)

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A/N: Hey guyss! I hope that these aren't annoying you? If they are please tell me and i'll try not to use them?? Also if you have any idea's or something or songs that relate to this please tell me! I'm interested ;)

Nat's POV 

He sits just staring at me, What do i say?. It's never been this awkard between us! Never!. Should i tell him?. 

"Niall?" "Yeah" he coughs, violently and i hand him some water to clean his throat, "Thanks" he speaks. "I was just wondering what you're injurys are?" . I cant tell him! Not while he's here, when he leaves i will tell him!. No joking, i'll tell him as soon as he leaves hospital and our life gets back to normal!. "Uh just a few broken bones? I think?". He guess's, "What you mean broken bones?" "Uh a rujured rip cage, and i think i broken my right hand??" He looks at his hand and flintches as he tries to close his fist. 

I go and hop to the door, Harry has left, Why is he being like this?. 

Louis POV. 

 I'm Home at last!. 

My mother rushes to me, fussing over me playing the protective mother role!. 

"Mum its fine!" i push her away "I'm sorry, that i'm worried about my only son!" she snaps i'm guessing its her time of the month?. 

I rush past her into the house as soon as the rain comes pouring down, Nothing new then!. I hate the UK it always rains, theres always problems. Maybe i should move away?. Maybe i should move to Australia? I've always wanted to live there its like my dream country, maybe i should live in gold coast? I've heared so much about it? Or maybe Sydney? Lydia's there though isnt she?. Thinking of Lydia makes me remember the time when me and Nat were going to hang out, But Lydia was forced to tag along because Nat made her!. 

There was this old piece of land with a mansionette and atleast 3 acres of land surrounding it, the gardens were all over grown, I thought i would play a trick on the girls . That was so fun!. 

"Come on girls!" i call "Louis, i dont know about this" Nat looks around uncerten "Nat were fine! no ones lived here for centurys!" "Oh and how would you know! Because to me you look 18? Not 100!" Lydia joins in, she really annoys me! Why did Nat even bring her along?. I glare at her "This used to be my grandfathers uncle's house, so i know!" i correct her "Louis be nice!" Nat scolds. 

I open the old door, and brush away the cob webs with my hands showing the way in, The girls creep inside, "Uh Louis, i dont want to do this anymore" "Lydia just shut up, i know what i'm doing!" i harshly reply "Whatever" she hits my arm and Nat laughs at her , i walk around the house quickly so the girls can't keep up with me "Louis Slow Down!" Nat shouts to me and i sneakly laugh , i stand next to a piller and wait for the ever so slow girls, "Hurry up then!". as she approaches i kick the pillar and it sounds like something fell over, The girls jump as the noice eco's around the house. 

"Louis this isnt funny!" the girls angrly say in sync "I'm not doing anything!" i laugh and then scowl at me not buying it "Would it make it better if i went to look around the house first?" "Yes" Nat answers Lydias thoughts. "Ok Your Highness!" i huff and she giggles, What a beautiful sound!. Only she wont be giggling in a minuet she will be screaming!. This is going to be classic!. 

I walk away from the girls leaving them standing there, and look around the massive house, There are some stairs at the back of the house which lead to a landing i walk into a bed room and it's all medival styled "Classic!" i laugh and check behind me to see if they followed me "Louis? Louis where are you?" Nat calls worry clear in her voice "I'm here dont worry just stay where you are!" i shout back. I grab some Knights armer and place it on, Yes this is the cheesyest most used trick ever but i dont care!. I saw it on an episode of scooby doo once?. 

i shout for Nat, she doesnt listen so it leaves me no choice i'm going to her!. 

I walk down stairs making no noise "So do you like Louis?" i hear Lydia gossiping "What! of course not!" she lies "Yes you do don't lie!" Lydia giggles "Where is Louis anyway?" Nat makes a valid point "Dunno call for him!" she demands like always being the demanding bitch she is!. "Lous? Louis where are you this isnt funny now you've been gone for ages!" she walks the way i went i stand perfectly still, Her and Lydia stand in the hallway and gaze up the stairs "You dont suppose?" Lydia questions "No he wouldnt leave us down here on our own!" Nat interrupts and i bite my cheek. 

I count in my head "1...2 .....3" And grab the two girls they both shriek clinging to eachother and i pull the healmet from my head crying in laughter obviously they didnt find it very funny?. 

That was so much fun!. 

Nat's POV 

"Um Niall i'm going to leave now?" i'm unsure wheather im asking or telling?. "No Nat please dont go! dont leave me! I need you here!" "You'll be fine! when are you getting released?" "Uh Next week?" she shrugs but winces in pain as he does so, i shuffle my chair closer it drags across the floor making the most horrific noise which makes me and Niall screw our eyes shut and scrunch our noses. 

"I need to go Niall, its unreal how tired i am!" "You can sleep here!" he insists, This boy must be madly in love with me, and i must be madly in love with him to agree, i dont give up my sleep so he must be special!. I giggle and kiss his forehead "You're an idiot but you're my idiot!" and he smirks "You got that right baby!" his accent making me whole. As we continue this playful conversation the door opens someone i never to see enexpected to see entering the room strutting her way in full of confidence "Nat" she blankly greets no emotion in her voice "Emily" i say back in the same tone. If shes going to be a bitch to me i am certanly going to be one back!. 

She sits, who said she can sit?. 

Niall awkwardly looks between me and her, giving eachother death stares. She starts to talk to Niall bitch needs to realise he doesnt love anymore, If i could move without crutches i'd be on her faster than donkey kong!. If you could seen her! Drooling all over my boyfriend she seems to have forgotten that he dumped her!. she complains about some shit i wasnt listening to but me being the polite person i am just nodded and agreed pretending i gave a shit, Niall would smirk at me blanking her out but her not noticing i'm doing it!. 

She continues to talk and moan and complain and i think i  just snapped? "I'm sorry for whatever i did to make you think i gave a shit about your feelings!" i blurt and surprise take over her Niall and my face, Did i just say that out loud?. Fuck!. 

"Excuse me!" she is genuiny surprised i am too!. Niall bursts out laughing at me, Like he would. Her face twists in anger, i'm surprised she hasnt got up and full on slapped me! "I would slap you but i dont want to get slut on my hand!" she answers my thoughts proud of her come back. Niall continuing laughing taking this as a joke, i'm so insulted!. "Me! The slut? I'm sorry darling i'm not the one throwing myself at another man!" and she throws me a wicked grin. I'm slightly scared?. "Really? What about that night at the party Nat? You think back to that Night!" she evily smirks, Fuck!. 

How does she know? Did Harry tell her??. 

The colour drain from my face and Niall suddenly stops laughing the pair eyeing me "What when you were making out with my boyfriend?" i fire back and she soon shuts up moments later opening that big trap of hers "Coming from the one dating my ex what you want my sandwhich left overs too?" she shrugs Niall becoming slightly uncomfortable, I continue with my verbal assult "eenie meenie miny moe you ain't nothing but a hoe you think your cute? you think your classy? Newsflash girl your fricken nasty!" , shock wiping her face "You know what i came here too make peace with you! But its true what everyone says your a smug little bitch and i hate you!" she flusters grabbing her bag making her way for the door. 

"Awh I Hate You Too Bitch!" I sigh and laugh as she leaves!. Niall still in shock with what took place in front of him. 

"Whats got into you?" he asks "I just .... REALLY hate her!" i let out my anger in a huff of breath and he tries to sit up "Come here!" i move over and into his arms and he cuddles me tightly. 

A/N: Hope you liked that bitch fight! Thats been brewing for a while haha!. Love you Vot and Commnt<3 

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