Another day (Part 10)

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-- i giggled alittle and started Blushing intensivly . 

Louis P.O.V 

She is amazing! Like really i couldnt love her anymore right now!! This day can't get more perfect!! well it could if Lydia dosen't come then it truly will be Per-Fect!. I have nothing against Lydia it's just well i'm not sure she's really the right person for Natilee to be friends with?, But i'm not getting involved. 

I started to play with her hair "Hey Nat let me test you!", "Test me on What?" "On me see how well you know me and then you test me" "Okay then" . "Right first question ready" "Yep" "When was i born?" "Come on thats easy? 24th of December 1991" "Okay then um my favourite colour??" "Red like me" "Favourite song?" "Look after you by The Fray" "Your really good" "Yeah well like i said when i first met you i'm a good listener" "Secret talent?" "Singing" "How do you know , i 've never told you that?" "Uhh i- you um" she stuttered . 

Natilee's P.O.V 

I couldnt think of what to say ....... i couldnt tell him i watched that video!, But i couldnt lie to him either its just so complicated. "well?" he asked i take a deep breath "Uh when you took me up to that cottage, i kinda found a video and it was you singing Look After You by The Fray and then some more emotional stuff and i'm really sorry Louis i should of told you but yeah?" "Oh That yeah um you wernt supposed to see that! and i know you watched it i watched you watch it and i'm sorry too i guess" , My expresion changed for a second then i shrugged "Got any jokes?" i asked "What about asking me questions about you" "Nah just do jokes" "Okay um yeah i guess i got one or two but you proberly heard them?" "So .... go for it" . 

"Knock Knock?" "Who's There?" "Hula" "Hula who?" "P" , i burst out laughing "Harry told me that ha" i kept laughing unable to speak "It wasnt that funny nat" i continued to laugh "Do another one" "Okay, Why did the mushroom go to the party?" "Why" "Because he's a Fun-guy" again i burst out laughing, My front door opened Lydia came in and stared at us. 

Lydia's P.O.V 

As soon as i walked through the door all i saw was Louis and Natilee together cuddling and laughing there heads off , i froze for a second taking in what i just saw trying to under stand "Uh Hi Lydia?" Nat say quickly moving away from Louis and coming over to me "Uh hi Nat" and she hug me and pull me into her living room and sit me down "Hi Louis?" i say "Uh .......... Hi?" it was so quiet "So whats up with you two then ...... are you like a couple??" "No we're just friends? why do you ask?" "Because you look um quiet ....... Close is the word i'm going to use" "No Lyd were just really good friends aint that right Louis" Nat said trying to convince me and nuged his arm "What uh yeah?" "Okay then" i sighed just agreeing "What are we going to do first then?" i ask "Um not shore how about  a movie!" Nat suggested "Sure Thing!" Louis said excitedly and gave her a look , She put a Movie that she found in her Tv . 

"Whats it called?" i asked "Uh The Notebook? Hope you dont mind" "Nope not at all" i said , Louis just shake his head , she quickly made popcorn and turned the lights off , She sat down next to Louis again Leaning on him and giggle every now and then. The Movie started , It was proberly my favourite movie off all time so it didnt bother me to watch it, i got so engaged into the film i wasnt bothered about the other two , I looked over at them without them noticing, Louis kiss Nat's forehead and Mime one off the lines being said in the film Nat miming another then they both giggle quietly and cuddle closer together , i shout loudly "Not a couple my ass!" the jump and move away "We're not!" they said at the same time then look at each other . 

"Okay you sure" "Lydia i'm not with him" "Well you want to be" "NO I DONT" "Oh your with Luke are you?" "What?" "Luke text me saying he has a girlfriend so i'm asuming it's you" "Lydia i haven't spoke or seen Luke since that night!" "Who's Luke?" Louis interrupted "Uh no one don't worry" Why Hasn't she told him about Luke? "No who's Luke" he spoke loudly "He's a boy i met dont worry he's nothing and we're nothing" , Why should he care anyway if he's not dating her , "Why do you care Louis?" He just stared at me, Nat also staring with a look on her face looking like she was going to kill me , i sit there grinning proudly "Because If someone's messing around with my Natilee well i need to now!" he said and gave me a sharp look as if he was proud of what he said then he grabbed Natilee and pulled her into his lips she made a squeal but never pulled away , i sit there completly shocked!. 

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