Another Day (Part 4)

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No I wasn't falling for him I can't be falling for him we are friends that's it but everything about him is just so perfect , No Natilee you don't like him you can't.

Louis P.O.V

She sits down still looking absolutely pristine and perfect. When i knocked on her door, she stood there i was blown away i mean it when i tell her shes beautiful. She never believes me though and i don't understand her. I wish i could get inside her head for one day just to see how she feels, I have been up in this cottage all afternoon so i really hope she likes it I've laid out all her favorite sweets and movies i remember her telling them to me when she stayed over last night .

Last night was perfect, i felt really close to her you know? i'm glad that i moved hear. She keeps telling me we're just friends and i don't understand why its like she's reminding me, it's not really like i need reminding. Maybe she likes me? maybe that's what she's trying to hint? maybe she wants me to make us be more than just friends and i'm completely and utterly fine with that because she's really hot but when ever i try to make us closer she reminds me 'We're just friends' . 

Except from earlier in Gym class, she didn't remind me then she let me get closer i was so close from kissing her and i could really kick myself that i didn't do it when i had the chance?. I mean she was letting me, she was well she was flirting she was practically putty in my hands like she wanted me to that was probably the only chance i had.

That's why i have brought her here i'm going to make her feel like she's the most important girl in the world because honestly to me she is. I'm going to spoil her and make her laugh and then i might possibly have a chance of kissing her again!? . I'm not going to take advantage of her and i'm not going to make this a 'One night stands' thing i'm not into them they are stupid and mess with girls feelings granted I've been in that situation being the reason i don't want to get complicated with Nat plus she doesn't seem like the trashy type to do that? Not that one night stands are trashy but i don't see someone like her stooping to do it?.

 I have never liked the fact that boys hurt girls ever since my dad and my mum got divorced, I'd say I've always been a gentleman and i'd never hurt a girl in any way its just wrong .

"I'll be right back okay?" i ask her checking she's okay. "Uh okay sure but uh where are you going? " she questioned me "Oh its a surprise" i love surprising her she has a beautiful smile and i want to see it as much as possible. "Okay but don't go bringing a ax in here, you're not planning on killing me are you?" she jokes with me she has a amazing sense of humor so i have to smile at her "Oh damn! That ruins the surprise, who told you ?" i tease back her facial expression changing she looks at me terrified "I'm only joking mind Nat?" i reassure her "Oh yeah i know i'm playing along" i laugh at her she looked terrified, she blushes with embarrassment .

I went outside to finish off something that i had started doing before i picked her up, everything is going perfectly.

Natilee's P.O.V

Louis steps outside, i am in this cottage all on my own and i have no idea what he's up to and i have no idea why he brought me hear in the fist place?. But i do like it here its nice. I get up and go over to the table, i grab a hand full of toffee's they are my all time favorites. I put my hand over the popcorn it is still warm like he just made it there is butter still melting on it, it looks delicious i just want to eat it all by myself. 

I sit back down and look through the movies to pick out one to watch, they are romance and comedy and animated i looked through each one i see a film case laying on the floor i pick it up and look at it, it is a blank case and had nothing on the front i open the case there is a DVD inside with "Look after you" written on the front i smile brightly i'm sure that is a fray song? I also remember Louis saying last night that it is one of his favorite songs. I turn to face the door and look around i am still alone, i put the DVD in the disc player and it comes on.

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