Another Day (Part 33)

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Natilee's POV

"Well Were goingto go upstairs" Lottie and Felicite say at the same time "So soon?" i joke "Yeah got homework to do" Felicite says and frowns . "Oh well have fun" i laugh "Glad that i dont have to do homework anymore" Louis adds and they run upstairs "Um mum me and Nat are going to go for a walk around?" "Oh ok have fun , but sweetie be back before 6" "Why?" "Grampa's coming round" "Oh ok".

I love the relationship Louis has with his family, Much closer than mine i mean first day home and im already lookng for excuses to get out of the house!. "Bye" i cherp "Bye hunny" she smiles softly , we get to the door and i shout up to Louis sisters "Bye girls" They run to the stairs "Where are you going?" Daisy asks "Oh me and Louis are just going to hang out" i smile "Oh ok are you coming back?" and i laugh "Uh .... no but i'll come round tomorrow and see you eh? See how well you painted my hand?" i smile and wink "Ok Thanks Nat your awesome" and she hugs me , i feel so special!. "Aww Thank you,well i best be going?" "Ok bye" she lets go and runs back up the stairs . 

Louis holds the door open for me and i walk past him , "So where are we going?" i ask "Um wanna go hang out by the lake?" he asks "Where?" "The Lake? On creek street?" "I've never been there?" "Its cool? you should come" "Ok" . I never ever heared of Creek street? And i never knew about this 'Lake'?. I Get in his car , im guessing its not walking distance?. we drive away from his house "Can i put the heat on?" i ask "You cold?" "Yea" "Your fault for wearing dungaree's" he laughs "Yea well it looked sunny" i defend "Can you just put the heat on?" "Ok" and he does as he's told . 

We arrive at this 'Lake' about 20 minuets later "Were here" he smiles "Doesnt look like a lake?" i say examining the area "Yea look its over there" and i look in the direction he's pointing to see the glistening water "Wow its huge" "Yea" "Why have you parked so far away?" i ask "So you can walk , you have proberly been driving everywhere , thought you could get some excercise" he teases "Oh Thanks Is That Your Way Of Saying Im Fat?" i say raising my brow "No" he quickly replies. We get out of the car and take the long walk to the lake , "So how do you know about this place and why have you never brought me here!" i half laugh "I never knew about it till Danielle told me about it?" he shrugs , the mention of her name makes the hair on my neck stand! . 

"Dani?" i ask "Uh Yea? Why?" "I thought you didnt like her?" "I dont i was only talking to her to be nice" "What?" i ask im confused? "I saw her with her friends and she approached me so i started talking to her to be nice?" he laughs "Whats funny?" i ask "Your face!" "Oh thanks such a gentleman!" i snap "No look at you , someones jealous! Why do you care if i hang round with Dani?" "I dont" i quickly answer and feel my cheeks heat "Yea shore" "Can we just change topic!" i moan "Sure were here now anyway" "Why did you bring me here? To rub it in that you and Dani came here?" i ask harshly "No i wanted you to see it because i thought you would like it!" he fires back "Sure" i roll my eyes.  

Louis POV

Is it just me or is this awkward?. Why is she acting like such a stuck up bitch! Whats it to her what i do when shes not around? So she can get a boyfriend and hang around with boys, but when i talk to Dani its not acceptable?. 

Natilee's POV 

"So what are we going to do?" i ask and he just blanks me , Whats his problem!?. "Oh ok be like that then" i huff again he blanks me , What the fuck is he playing at? "You know what i wish i stayed in Ireland!" i yell and storm away , almost running then realising that i havent got a lift back to my house? Oh he planned this didnt he , bet he's laughing at my stupidity . I storm past his car , fuck it im walking! as long as he doesnt speak to me i'll be fine! i look back he's staring at the water then falls backwards looking up at the sky he tips his head back messing his hair up and looks at me , i turn back around and carry on walking. 

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