Another Day (Part 38)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy thischapter dont blame me blame the characters!

Nats POV 

I open my eyes vision blurred for a few seconds i look around to try and get familiar with y surroundings, My head is layed on Harrys chest his arm around my waist , His hair falls over his face and is messed it looks perfect! My head hurts terribly! What happened last night? I sit up and look around his room The curtains are spread open and the light from outside is shinging through to one part of his room , I look down i have no clothes on . What the hell happened?. I quickly cover up my bare body with a blanket wraping myself in a coucoun. 

I get out of his bed pulling the blanket with me i go into his kitchen my head killing i rumage around his cuboards looking for a paracetamol but i can find one? "Nat?" Harry calls his voice croaky as he walks into the kitchen his hand in his hair "Uh hi?" i manege to speak "What are you doing?" he asks "Looking for a parecetamol?" "Top cuboard" he points and i grab two and a glass of water chucking the pills in my mouth and swallowing. "Last night was fun!" he smiles his green eyes barely open "What happened last night? i cant remember anything?" "Me either?" he laughs "I just woke up with a banging head ache and naked?" i say quite creeped out "Yea" he nods . I walk into the bathroom , my legs are killing they feel bruised i drop the blanket and get In the shower , the warm water hits my skin it feels lovely!. 

I look down i have two big black bruises on each sides of my legs. Seriously what the fuck happened? Did i fall over?. Did someone hurt me?. 

I get out of the shower a towl wraped around me "Uh where are my clothes?" i ask and he points in his room , i walk in and my clothes are neatly folded on the end of his bed , I pick them up putting them on , Oh god i hope i didnt do anything stupid!. I proberly did?. I walk into the kitchen joinging Harry "I would of made you a coffee but i didnt know if ou wanted one or not?" he says "Its fine! Wheres my phone?" "In there" he points to the living room i pick it up and sit down on the couch turning my phone on. 

I get mutiple beeps over and over every minuet with a new text ten minuets later the beeps stop 19 Missed calls 12 voice mails and 15 texts all from Niall , Oh no! No No No No please No!. 

It all hits me like a gust a wind everything that happened i open the texts 

"Nat please come back!" 

"Nat answer your phone please just let me explain!" 

"Answer me! i'm getting worried your drunk!" 

"Nat answer me so i can explain before you do something stupid!" 

"Nat please!" 

"Where are you i'm coming to get you!" 

"i didnt do anything? why are you doing this!" 


"If you dont come back i swear to god..!" 

"Please just come back to the dorms so i know your safe! I dont care if you hate me!" 

I stop reading them , Im such a stupid bitch! I think about last night , I went to go see what was taking Niall so long and i walked into my dorm room , Emily was all over him and he was letting her i stormed away then came to Harrys we drank alot and i think i had sex with him? Oh god!. 

"Um Harry?" i call "Yea" he pads into the living room "Did we have ... you know?" "Sex?" "Yea that" "Yea" he answers . Not the answer i wanted!. 

"Oh god!" i rub my temples "What?" "That was a huge mistake!" "Oh" "I mean dont get affened or anything but i was drunk? i didnt know what i was doing? I'm sorry Harry?" i apoligize "Its .. its fine!" "Harry we cant tell anyone!" "What?" "You cant tell anyone about last night'! you cant talk about it to me Niall anyone!" "I wont" "Promise?" "I promise! But Nat you have to tell him?" "I cant tell him Harry that will ruin him!" "Should of thought about that shouldnt you?" he huffs and crosses his arms , why is he acting like this!. 

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