Another Day (Part 34)

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Natilee's POV 

"Dont you dare speak to me like that young lady!" she shouts and stands up "And what are you going to do mum! its true? isnt it? He left you! so your just going to punish me for speaking the truth?"  i yell back "He did not leave me for that , you were 5 you know nothing about what happened and you have no right to campare me with you" , Should i be insulted?. "Shut up mum!" i get up and storm away into the living room "No , you get back in here! We havent finished dicussing this" she yells and i march back infront of her "Seeing as your such and adult , we'll sort this out like adults not children" she speaks calmly trying to defuse the bomb which is me!. 

"Fine" and i sit "Now that your cival to talk to would you like to explain your point?" "Whats to explain mum? Your judging the only person who can make me happy and who i care for saying he's a player and is going to break my heart? i understand your trying to protect me but im 18 im and adult and so are you! i know what im doing and if i want help i'll ask instead of you constanly lecturing me! Hes not a player i know him better than you , He would never do anything to hurt me! He left his girlfriend for me, He said he doesnt beleive in love and he wants to find the 'one' he thinks im his ' one' and i agree" i breath "He's nothing like dad" , Mums face scrunches up "Your father was not a player!" she says in anger "Then what was he mum! because francly i dont know what he was! you've called him so many things! So many unbeliveable things that im confused one minuet he's a horrible man and i should stay away from him , next your all he's the sweetest guy ever! Make up your mind!" I yell and she bites her cheek.

"You dont know the reasons behind why your father left, so you do not have the right to tell me what he is and what he isnt , i have said things yes but they are through anger and stress" she says calmly and i just want to slap her , "Mum He's the reason i've been bullied he's the reason to all my problems  and here you are ..... defending him!" i say and i feel hurt? "I'm not defending him i am simply just stating a point , he isnt the reason behind your problems or bullying you cant blame a man you never knew" she states "Yes he is mum! Oh my god your doing it know!" i throw my hands in my hair tugging at it hardly "Nat if your going to argue with me then this discussion is over!" "No you wanted to 'talk' it out so thats what were going to do" i grab her arm roughly pulling her back. 

She sits , "If i dont know him so well then why dont you explain what kind of man he was? Eh? Tell me mum because i clearly got the wrong image?" "Ok i will" she smiles "Dont smile this isnt amusing" , she drops the smile "Well , me and your father married when i was 21 ...." "I dont care mum all i asked was what kind of man was he and why did he leave?" i interrupt

"Oh ... well your father was a unique character , He was funny and sweet and kind but he had a different side to him your father had an addiction to betting? He used to go out for nights on end and i never saw him? he never came home and when he did he would be drunk or violent very violent he would break things or hurt me, Once he hurt me infront of you? He would constantly embarress me on purpose just to amuse himself , he would do terrible things he would threten me? and i think the worst one was when hit me with a picture frame? he hit me across the head and i had to have ten stiches in the back of my head . His addiction became so bad he would steal money from me just to try and win? he had always promised a beautiful life for us, somewhere sunny? warm? we would have a big house that he would of built and you and Ava would have a plenty of space to play and be free , but it never happened that day when you went to school i confronted him and he just left? He walked out a week later divorce papers were posted an then it just happened? i never seen him since? Thats why i'm scared whenever he's near you? i've been told that he hasnt changed?" She wipes her tears. 

"I'm sorry mum? but why didnt you just explain! i would of understood! why did you lie! that night i cried all night i thought it was my fault! do you know what thats like thinking your responsible for something like that? i thought he hated me? Ava didnt help being miss. perfect you made her your number one! i was just the other kid you had , i was the kid who sits in the corner where as she was golden girl , your little angel , and i thought it was because i ruiend your marrige i thought you hated me? i thought everyone hated me?" im putting on a brave face inside im crushed. "You were too young Nat you was only 5" "Well why didnt you tell me when i was 16? why wait until know? until i confront you about it? what if i hadnt of asked, you would of left me live with your lie never wanting to speak to my father?" "I dont want you speaking to him ever!" she quickly buts in "You would of wouldnt you?" "What?" "Let me live with it? i wouldnt of known any better?" "I was going to tell you i just never did?" "Such a lie!" i yell and run into my room locking myself away from it all , isolating myself from her. 

How can she lie to me? if i knew any of this i  ... i ... i dont know what i would of done? but i would of understood the situation and taken it seriously.

Another day (In Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu