Another Day (Part 14)

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---- i had a little circle window and because my room was at the bottom of the ship i had under water view!.

Natilee's P.O.V

I could really get used to this whole boat thing, I looked around so I could get familiar with my suroundings and turned the little Tv that was in my room on nothing that could entertain me was on so I switched to the music channels and left that on I unpacked my suite case even though I was getting ff the boat tomorrow the thought of my clothes being crumpled up terrifies me.

I had just enough clothe hangers to hang up my clothes I just needed one more , I went out into the hallway and knock on Harrys door he answers and smiles when he see's me "Oh Hey Nat didn't expect to see you?" "Uh yeah" I scratch my head "I don't mean to be rude or cheeky or anything but would it be possible if I could have a clothe hanger?" He looked at me surprised "you came and knocked on my door just to ask for a clothe hanger?" "Yep" and I do a side smile "why are you unpacking anyway? Were getting off tomorrow!?" "I know I just don't like crumpled clothes" he goes in his room and rummages around his wardrobe and gives me what I came for I thank him and tell him I'll see him later then return to my room. 

I go through my wardrobe looking at my clothes i just unpacked from my suit case , My mum has packed a whole load of new clothes that i've never seen before but i'm not complaining , shes also packed some of my old clothes which is good!. I rumege and pick out and outfit to wear and lay it neatly on my bed then i go in the shower , i stand under the scolding hot water and watch it drip off my body . It's weird whenever you go in the shower you usually just stand their and start to deep think, I wonder what Louis Is doing know? I Wonder if he's thinking about me like i'm thinking off him? I wonder if he notices me being away? I Wonder if he misses me? I wonder who he's with? I wonder if he will forget about me? I wonder if he will forget about us and what we had?. 

I snap back into reality and turn the water off then climb out of the shower i go into my room and plug my hair dyer into the socket and dry my hair then curl it even though its naturally curly. I put o my outfit i so carfully chose out , A grey jumper with a black heart a pair of black skinnys , grey vans and a white woolen beanie i thought i would wear glasses to make it look cooler? i dont know?. Harry Will be hear soon , i lay on my bed and start to think and thats ever a good thing i grab my phoe out of my bag i have one missed call and a text message from my mum , i open up the text 

"Hey Hunny just thought i'd text you to see how your getting off! are you sea sick? have you gotten into your room alright? I Hope your ok? Me and Louis have just arrived back home , He misses you darling ;) have fun " . I smiled Louis misses me and even more he told my mother he misses me . I text her back its only right or she will be panicking all night , 

"Yeah i'm fine mum i'm not sea sick yet :) i got in my room just fine its huge!! i'm glad your home alright and i miss you and Louis Loads!!! and i've only been away a couple hours how am i going to cope ;) x" She replied about ten minuets later "Oh good! i dont know sweetie but i'm sure you will be fine!! What are you doing know??" "well i made a friend mum his names Harry he's going to CrossBridge aswell! so he asked if i wanted to hang out with him so yeah i'm waiting for him"  She didnt repy?. 

Awhile later i left and made my way to the deck , i walk over to the spot he told me and look around he wasnt any where to be seen i guess i came alittle early? What if he stiched me up!? I look out at the water my hand under my chin. A pair of arms slip through the spaces under my arms around to my waist i was surprised i turned around and i saw that curly headed boy with the lip ring which glistened in the dark "Hello" he says smiling "Uh-uhm Hi" i stutter ad he chuckles "I thought you ditched me" he says "No! i thought you were going to ditch me!" i admit "Well i didnt?" He says still smiling he pulls his arms away and pulls me in for a hug , Whats gotten into him? 

"I like what your wearing" He says eyeing my up and down "Uhm thanks" i say and start to blush as he looks at me "I like what your wearing too!" i add He's wearing a grey coloured button up shirt blue jeans a jacket and a black beanie and he looks really cute!. 

A/N: The Look on Harry that i imagine is what he was wearing when he went out with Taylor :) 

He leads me into the cafe we ate in earlier and we grab a bite to eat then go to the arcade and play on some of the machienes , "Wanna play air hockey?" i ask and smile "Uh okay! but warning i'm very good at this game!" he says and smiles "Wanna bet did you spend every saterday in an arcade playing it!?" i laugh "Yes i did actually" he says grinning , i put a £2 coin in so we could play five times "I was going to pay" he says frowning "Harry it's fine" "Yeah but i wanted to pay" i tut and roll my eyes "You can pay for the next thing we go on ok" "Okay" he says with a smile , The game starts and he hits the puck thingy to me and i block it and whack it back to him and it goes straight into his goals , he looks up at me "Wow you are good" he says with a surprised look on his face i smile "I know its called practice" he grabs the puck and we whack it back and forth i won the first game he won the second we drew on the third he won the forth and i won the fith so it was equal . 

"What know?" i asked "Race cars?" he said excitedly "Ok" And we ran to the race cars and jumped into the seats knocking two kids out off the way , he put the money in and the game started "Dont worry if you lose Nat" he said smirking that makes me want to win even more i've never really been competitive but Harry just brings out that side to me! , "Yeah well just cause i'm a girl dont under estimate me" "Have you  got your lisence" he said while his eyes were glued to the screen "Yep" "What!" "Why havent you Harry?" "No" and i laugh "Then i hink i'll win this easliy" and like i said i did. 

We came off the race cars "What car you got?" he asked "Fiat 500" "Oh nice What colour?" "Blue" and he smiled we walked back onto the deck and sat down our legs dangling of the edge off the boat , "Cant belive were in CrossBridge!" he said as we sit down "I know at least i have made a friend" i said and he looked at me and smiled "Yeah i wonder if i'll see you around?" "Your bound too and any way you cant escape me that easily"  he smiled , i took my phone out of my jean pocket and placed it next to me after checking the time , it was half ten . 

He picked it up and unlocked it "Who's that" he said and turned my phone to me pointing at my screen saver "Oh uh he's me friend" he was looking at the picture of me and Lou and that made me miss him seeing his face smiling i cant remember when i made that my screen saver "Friend , you look pretty close" he said grinning and raised his eye brow "No were just friends" "Whats his name?" "Louis" i spoke quietly "As in Louis Tomlinson Louis" he looked up at me "Uh yeah? you know him?" i asked "Yeah he's my mate i said about earlier" "Ohh" "Has he told you about me?" he asked "Yeah he said about you on my birthday and we had a big argument thing about you" "Really?" he asked surprised "yeah i wanted to know your name and he wouldnt tell me" , he laughed "Thats Louis" and i giggle .

I rub my arms slowly and he takes his jacket off and passes it to me "Oh no its fine" i say handing it back "No take it i'm fine its getting kinda cold just take it" i take it off him and put it on "Thanks" i say smiling "Did Louis Wish you happy birthday from me?" he asks smiling and i turn to him "Yeah he did i was a little creeped out at first"and he laughed "Louis had told us about you he was bragging saying how perfect you were and i guess he was right" i smiled at the fact Louis had told his friends about me especially in that way "So are you and him like ...... Together?" he asked nervously "No i already told you were just friends" "Oh ok"  we sat for awhile looking out at the water . 

"Louis Told me To Look after you" he admits and and looks up at me a little "What?" i say surprised "Once i told him that i was going to CrossBridge he told me about you and that you were to he told me that if i met you to watch you and look after you to be another him to cuddle you when your sad and make you smile when you cry" he said and looked at me , i let a tear from my eye of how kind and caring Louis is he didnt need to do that and i dont need looking after but its so sweet he asked his friend to cuddle me when i need one and make me smile when i cry its true Louis is a true Angel. 

A/N: Hey enjoy this part i'll be going through all the parts soon when i have time doing the corrections . I attached a picture of what Natilee is wearing when she goes out with Harry but i dont know if its uploaded? :/ also i made a trailer please watch it! and sorry its not the best but i tried. 

Another day (In Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora