Another Day (Part 42)

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A/N: so haven't updated know but its because have 1) been busy and 2) have made an update schedule so will post on Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturday ok  also this chapter will mainly be initalic because its like flash backs or memories sorry if you don't understand?.

Nialls POV

The Car came head on crashing into us toppling us over, Nat screamed as we flipped over pain increaseing in my chest and leg as i get thrown out of my chair aroung the car then onto her, Blood cover her face glass everywhere shes unconscious and not breathing my vision is blurred as i hear screaches and alarms going off the pain i feel is unbarable and continues to grow up my leg and into my chest. I think im bleeding? My eyes close and i just see thick darkness. 

Is she ok? How badly hurt is she?  Will she live? Will live?

have tlive, have to live for her! What if she doesn't live? Its my fault, if she doesn't live

I hear her, i hear her calling me calling my name over and over shes crying tears stream down her cheeks, Shes in a terrible pain begging me to take it away to help her to hold her and tell her shses going to be ok! I cant promise her i will but i sure will try!. As i go and look for her i cant seem to find her the darkness im in is just to overpowering i call her i call her name over and over no response back. 

"Nat baby where are you?" i cry "Niall...Help I-I cant do this its unbarable i need you" She's heavily breathing through the tears i still cant see her i turn around i look in every direction "Nat where are you?" i call "Niall... Niall" Her voice fades away the second time she says my name i fall to my knees in tears "I'll be back Niall our love is to strong to keep us apart" her voice is almost a whisper as she disapears i couldnt see her anyway?.

I see her she's in my parents house sitting on the couch by the window the sunlight on her beautiful face, her brown eyes standing out!. I'm standing in the doorway smiling at her "Your gorgeous you know that right?" "Your the best thing thats ever happened to me you know that right?" she smirks as her cheeks begin to redden. "Nat come here!" i say opening my arms wide as she giggles and walks over to me "Yes?" and i clutch her T-shirt crashing out lips together as we move in sync i loosen my grip on her shirt moving my hands to her waist "I love you" i whisper into her mouth she opens her eyes and pulls out of the kiss resting her head on my shoulder. As this magnificent memory plays over and over i realise just how much i loved that moment!. 

The darkness is back and its terrifying me the pain just increases and i hate it my chest is aching and i'm scared to move, I cant move!. i cant speak i try and call her but i cant move my lips. 

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now