Another day (Part 23)

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Natilee POV

We all sit around ... or cramed around . To make it ten times worse Tristan is sitting on the arm of the chair im sitting in and I really want to move but I can't its the awkwardest thing ever! also because Megan is giving me the dirtyest looks ever because Tristan chose to sit there instead of with her.

But I'm glad really? Megan is sitting in between Niall and Emily so that's proberly why I'm glad?. I can be a real jealous bitch sometimes! but I don't care I've seen enough of them together. "So are we going to do anything or just sit here giving each other weird stares?" Tia inerups all of our thoughts.

"Uh yeah let's play a game!?" Zayn asks and winks at Tia "okay what should we play?" Emily asks and looks at Niall . please don't say what I think your going to say!. "How about call or delete?" he suggests and they all agree. Okay so I wasn't expecting that?. "Let Natilee go first!" Paige says and they all look at me.


"Um okay? how do you play?" I ask and they all laugh at me . "Come on you have obviously played this game before right?" Emily asks in disbelief "Nope I have never played this game before?" "Not even in highschool? we all played this in highschool" Jamie asks and her face is puzzeled "Believe it or not butI wasn't exactly popular in highschool?" . They all soon realised that I meant I was a loser and everyone hated me.

"Um well let's get on with the game?" Niall soon breaks silence . "You haven't told me how to play?" I state " o well its actually very easy game to play?" he says "so explain" I say rushing him . " Well basically I need your phone?" he asks "Why!" I yell "so we can play? its kinda in the title call or delete?" I hand him my phone.

"Now what?!" I ask " well I will shuffle through your  contacts and when I stop you must decide whether to call or delete that contact" he explains and I still look confused "Do I get to see the contact?" I ask "Nope and if you say call I or whoever has the phone must call that person and prank call them but if you say delete we must delete it straight away" he finishes. This isn't going to end well.

"OK" I say and they star the game they all sit in a circle on the floor looking at my phone I stay sitting on my chair. "Right I'm going to start now OK!?" he asks "OK " . I hear him shuffling through my contacts " Oh one quick thing though don't delete my mum my sister Ava um Lydia that's it anyone else doesn't bother me" I state and he nods.

"Ok done call or delete?" he asks smirking .

Niall POV

I stop on some girl named Cameron well I think its a girl? she thinks for a moment before saying call we call but there was no answer . I start scrolling again and Emily points a name out I stop its a boy named Calum she says call and I do he answers and I can't believe who I'm talking to it calum my hero calum as In 5sos calum! I talk to I'm but after 5 minuets he hangs up.

we gt half way through her contacts calling and deleting and she looks worried I stop scrolling for the last time "Okay call or delete this is the last one" I say keeping on looking at the contact so far we've gone boy girl I stopped on a boy named Lewis or Louis I don't know how to pronounce it .

she hesitates for a moment "Um ...... Ca- delete she quickly changes her mind" "You shore?" I ask "Just do it before I change my mind" and as she says I do and delete the boy I have never met . I hand her phone back and she quickly goes scrolling too see who I deleted "You haven't deleted anyone?" she asks "Yes I have".

She puts her phone away and we lay the game again this time with Megan's phone we play until it gets late and decide to call it a night everyone leaves my dorm except Natilee which surprises me!?. Emily waits by the door for her "Nat come on?"  she asks "Yeah I'll be right in I just need to speak to Niall a minuet!" "Oh OK I'll wait here then" "Alone" . why does she want to speak to me ? and what about? Emily leaves in a Huff .

"what did you want to talk about?" I ask her "Nothing I just didn't want to leave yet" she lies "Oh OK" I say and lay on my bed my arms behind my neck . She Stares at me and I give her a strange look "Some thing bothering you?" I ask "oh no sorry" and she turns away in embarrassment "Don't mind if I get comfy do you?" I ask "Oh no I mean its your room?"

She's right it is my room. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it on the floor she looks at the shirt and picks it up placing it on my dresser neatly "Sorry habit?" she shrugs I laugh "Its fine?" she sits in the tiny chair bringing her knees to her chest hiding her face behind then shyly so all I see is her eyes . Her beautiful brown eyes.

we sit on my room ...... silence but its nice not awkward . we both quickly look to the window when he hear a boom of thunder and slashes of rain hitting the glass I look at my watch "Don't you think you should be getting back into your room we have an early start tomorrow". She look up at me.

Natilee POV

"Do I have too?" I ask without thinking and regret opening my mouth "what do you mean where else are you going to go?" he ask in surprise "Here" I say so quiet I don't think he heared "Here?" obviously he did hear. "yes!" I say "why do you want to stay here?" he asks and makes eye contact "Because i-I want to stay with you?" I admit and my cheeks heat.

"with me? why?" "because I can't sleep without you?" I don't know what I am saying I have slept fine without him and I must sound like a freak! if I were Niall I would be scared of me. he shifts his body to the edge of his bed and holds his arms out surprising me "come" he whispered and I do as he say . I slowly make my way over to him and into his arms . he wraps them tightly around me I do the same to him and I want to stay in his grip forever.

"Niall can i-i " I stutter "Can you what?" he asks and I pluck up the courage to ask even though I'm going to regret it "Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask quickly and dig my head into his neck.  "of course" he says slowly unwrapping his arms for me to pull them back "really!" I question "really" .

He pulls me onto his bed "what am I supposed to tell Emily?" I ask remembering he has a girl friend who isn't me . "Nothing just tell her your going to see harry and you will be back later?" he suggests so I do i text her that im with Harry  and I lay my head on his pillow . Looks like I'm sleeping in my clothes. I turn over and face the wall as Niall pulls his jeans down and gets into bed in just his boxers .

I fall asleep quite quickly Niall had managed to snake his arm around my waist maybe that was why I  wanted to stay?.

A/N:Helloo Sexy people Enjoy this chapter , sorry its not so long? And sorry for any mistakes or things that dont make sence Auto-correct is a bitch! Make sure you vote and comment , i really appriceate ;) What do you all think so far? x 

Natiloue Tomlomez  or  Niatilee Loran 

that's right made a ship name!  which one do you choose? Comment ;) 

Another day (In Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon