Another Day (Part 35)

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Nats POV 

I walk away i have nothing left to say to her? 

Nialls POV 

I lay waiting for her text back , whats taking so long? I hope shes ok ? I wonder what shes been doing today? Maybe i should call?. 

Nats POV 

I need someone to comfort me? 

My phone rings and its Niall . What a coinsedence?. 

"Hey? Niall?" "Yea its me just wanted to see what your doing?" "Nothing just in my room?" "Oh how did your talk go with your mum?" "Terrible!" "Oh anything i can do to help?" saddness fill his voice  "Not really but i'll get over it!" i laugh "When are you coming home?" "Proberly next Monday? Missing me already?" "Terribly" he admits and all i can say is 'Aww' and i can imagine him blushing "Niall" "Yea?" i can tell he's worried "Do you love me?" i ask , my mothers words are swirling around i just need to be sure he really loves me , Not that i should really be listening to her? Shes just trying to poisen my thoughts. Also i think its abit soon to be asking such a serious question like that so early on in our relationship? But i just really need reassuring from my little spat with my mother. 

"What?" almost yelling "Do .. do you love me?" "Nat of course i love you? what would make you think i dont?" "I dunno .. my mother? and everything you said about Emily? its just all happened so quickly? and i'm just so confused and ..."

  "Its ok i understand this isnt easy on you? its not easy on me either? i'm still trying to get my head round it all? But just know one thing i love you Nat , i'll never compare you to Emily or any other girl because your not the same as them your beautiful in all your own unique ways and i love you for that? Dont listen to your mum listen to yourself , dont listen to what your mum or any one else or what they are telling you to do , Listen to what your gut says! But I love you , i Love you deeply , i Love you with a passion i love you more than i have loved any other girl i love you more than i thought i could possibly love someone" 

Im sobbing  , as the tears flood from my eyes. He loves me no matter how much i or anyone think he doesnt he does he truley does , he loves me! Someone loves me , actually loves me and i lvoe someone, i love him he loves me we love eachother!. 

"I know and I love you too , But lets take this slow eh? Baby steps? The last thing i want is for us to rush this and have it all be over because thats the last thing i want Niall i never want to be without you? I love you i never want to leave you we'll take this slow we'll cherish every moment we get together" "Baby Steps" he repeats almost a whisper  , he's crying . 

"Niall are you crying?" i laugh through my own tears "... Yea" he speaks after a few seconds of silence and i smile , but it hurts nowing he's crying but its cute that he can open up and express to me how he feels about me? "Me too" i laugh "I wish i was with you to wipe your tears? To just be with you?" and the waterfalls start again , i cant stand any more i've lost all feeling in my legs so i sit on my bed cross legged "I wish i was with you too , so i could hug you and see you , and admire all the feautures on your face like your eyes , your beautiful blue eyes that shine when you wake up and the way you flick your hair and when you bite your nails when your nervous or furrow your eyebrows but still manege to look perfect" i blurt without noticing he was still there " You been stalking me?" he jokes "I just pay attention to detail?" i sigh "I like it" i can imagine his beautiful wide smile. 

"Well you could see me and pay more attention to me? if you came home early?" he cherps happily knowing how much he's persuading me! "Welll..." my voice highers "You know you want to babe" . Did he just call me 'babe' what happened to going slow? As much as it makes me want to just go crazy! "What happened to going slow!" i scold teasingly "Sorry Ma'am" he jokes then laughs , he has a cute laugh "I miss you" "I miss you too , also thanks for just leaving me? i looked like an idiot i have never been more ashamed in my life!" "I know and im sorry!" i apoligize "But... it was worth it for the woman i love" and i flush he's such a charmer!.  

"I'm going to have to go know? Sort some more stuff out, I'll talk to you later? Yeah?" "Yea i'll text you" "Bye" "Bye Babe" he's doing it on purpose now!. I hang up and put my phone on the pillow then i just let out a huge sigh and the biggest smile cover my face , even though i have been crying! Like always!. 

I should proberly go see Louis and speak to him about what happened? Or maybe i shouldnt? He blanked me!. 

I should call Lydia? I havent spoken to her since forever! Actually that isnt mathmatically true? but im not going to go into that. 

I pick up my phone and call her she answers "Hey?" she questions "Is this Lydia?" i ask "Yea .. whos this?" you can tell she lives in australia! "Its me? Natilee , Nat?" "Nat!" she shreaks "Yeah how are you?" i ask " Oh i'm fine! Ashtons the best boyfriend ever! he's so cute!" "Thanks for telling me you were going by the way?" i sarcasticly remark "I know i'm sorry! Who told you?" "Cameron?" "Oh well i was going to tell you but .. i dont really have an excuse?" she laughs "Its fine! How long are you in australia for?" "Um i was only supposed to be here for two months but Ashtons asked me to move in!" "And you agreed?" "Of course!" she laughs , A silence falls but soon broken "So hows University life?" she questions . 

"Um its really good actually?" "Met any fit guys?" she jokes "Theres a few i can think of?" i tease "Oooh" and i laugh "I um i have a boyfriend?" i tell her and she gasps "Nat! Spill! Now!" i just laugh regreting telling her "I need the details! Wait who is he! Is it ..... Louis?" and i cringe "No! Its not its a guy from uni!" "Whats his name?" "Niall" "Is he cute?" "Yes!" and she giggles "I must meet him!" "Theres one little glitch?" i say "What?" she asks "His cousin is Lukes girlfriend?" "What!" she yells "Yea" "Wait? why does it matter?" "Because i'm friends with her and if you remember i kissed him?" "Oh ... My ... God!" "Yeah i know" "Well thats an interesting family lunch!" I laugh "Well i have to go Ashtons calling me!" "Ok have fun" "Oh I Will!" she says and hangs up. Oh . Oh i understand now!. 

I wonder if Lydia hasmet Chloe? You know because their boyfriends are in the same band? I wonder if Lydia has met Maddie?. 

So today has been interesting , i came home to relax? not to be all emotional?

1) My boy best friends sister showed me things and told me things which made me feel different about him 

2) I Argued with my best boy friend

3) I argued with my mum 

4) I had a deep talk with my boyfriend 

5) I talked to my best friend and then she made a remark about how perfect her life is and then hung up to have sex with her boyfriend and now made me miss mine even more!  

Five very different points made today. 

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