Another day (Part 9)

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- My ankle went red and it hurt when i put my shoes on , me and Louis limpped out off the shop giggling, and made our way back to the beach. 

Natilee's POV 

"So what other crazy stuff do you have in store for me?" i asked and raised my eye brows. 

"Theres plenty to do just not enough time!!" and he grinned cheekily . 

"Who's that guy you were talking to earlier?" i questioned feeling curious i felt alot more comfortable around him now. 

"Oh Him me and him go way back to when we were like 12" He informed me but he didnt answer my question . 

"Yeah whats his name?" and i gave him a look and raised my eye brows again . 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"Why wont you tell me" 

"Maybe i dont wanna tell you his name"

"Maybe you should tell me his name" 

"Fine, His name is mindyourownbuisness!" 

"Haha funny now tell me his real name" i punched his arm softly. 

"Why going to try getting with him are you?"

"No! But Lydia Might haha!" 

He laughed but didnt smile he was taking ths waaaayyyyyy too seriously all i wanted to now was this guys name not anything more or less? what was his problem?. 

We went back to the same spot on the beach and once again sit in the sand i started doodiling, my name everywhere. 

"Fancy coming out onto the pier?"He asked . 


And we made our to the pier, once we reached the end we sat down and over looked the sea , it was perfect timing it was sun down , Me and Louis sat there at the end of the pier staring out at the water and watching the sun set and i must say it looked beautiful!!. I realised how much i am going to miss out on things like this when i go to Ireland , obviusly they have sun set but it wont look like this and wont be as perfect as this . 

"Fancy getting in?" he asked his smile from ear to ear . 

"What?" i looked shocked at his idear .

"Come on and plus it was you who asked what other crazy stuff i was gonna make you do"

He had a point to be fair i did ask that i started debaiting wether or not to do it .

Bleep , bleep ,bleep

There goes Louis phone Again!.

He ran off to go and answer it , i followed him i didnt want to be left alone . He kept running away or telling me to go away , i went back to the beach and sat in the sand ........ Alone i crossed my arms over my legs and sat there looking out. Louis came back about 10 minuets later "Hey , I'm back" "Nice!" i said sarcastily "Whats got into you" i cant belive this dude is acting like nothings happened?. "Nothing" "Yeah it has" "No Louis it hasn't" I snapped , he shut up .

"Sorry then." "Whatever" , i looked at my phone hoping to have a text from someone to break the awkwardness, ........ I didn't. "So um my friend was on the phone?" "Yeah so why should i care" "Well he was asking about you!? he says Happy Birthday" , i looked at him surprised and abit creeped out "Ooookkkkkkkk then?" , "Yeah thats what i thought" . 

Lydia text, When i want her to she dosn't when i dont want her too she does!. 

"Heyy sexyy hows your birthday so far?x" 

I text back , "Fine i guess, Fancy staying over tonight?x". 


Louis looked at me "Having a sleep over ehh?" "Yeahhh??" "Am i invited?" "Louis you will be the only boy there sooo?" "Oh yeah well i dont care" "Fine whatever" .  

We talked alittle bit and he soon got me laughing again i mean its very hard to stay mad at Louis."So whats his name then?" "What" "that guy who was on the phone and wished me happy birthday" "Oh him yeah uh ....... Harry his names Harry" "See how simple was that!" "Yeah i guess it was pretty simple?" he sighed , i wrapped my arms around him , he quickly turned and pulled away from me and i fell foward face first into sand ......... It was pretty embarresing and i got a mouth full of sand. 

"Why did you do that" i asked "Because i did i dont like you" he grinned i knew he was messing around i moved over to him he got up and ran away laughing i got up and started chasing him we laugh as we do instead of me chasing him he was chasing me i fell to the ground with laughter after my legs caved in i lay there laughing , Louis turn around laughing while looking at me , he run at me and jump on me , I lay there Louis laying over my stomach both of us in an histerical laughter Louis head would move everytime i would heavely breath. 



"I Wove wou" 


"I Wove wou" 

"Oh I love you too" 

and i giggle , he turned his head to look at me "Wanna get in?" i laugh "What get in where?" "In the water!" "Oh Sure!"  "Come on then" i pushed his head off my stomach and ran onto the pier taking my shoes off and jumped into the sea , when i came back up Louis was laughing at me "Having fun?" he questioned i shook my hair off my face "Yep" . He Jumped in "Omg its fucking freezing" "Yep" i giggle at his reaction . It was dark when we jumped in and we decided to get out and go home . 

*2 hours later* 

I ran into my house and chucked down a towel for Louis he started to dry his hair off i gave him some of Josh's old clothes , he ran into the spare room and got changed  he came back and asked what to do with his clothes i took them off him and put them in the dyer , i ran upstarirs and got changed and tyed my hair up , i came back downstairs and also chucked my clothes into the dyer .

"Lydia , will be here soon!" i said exitedly .

"Oh nice " he said i dont think he likes Lydia to much but i dont now why .

i moved closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder i was so tired , i yawn loudly he chuckled "Someones tired" "yeah i guess i am"  he kissed my forehead , i looked up and smile, i did a duckface he laughed and did one back he moved even closer and our lips touched , Sparks fly . We started to passionatly kiss , and when we stopped , i giggled alittle and started Blushing intensivly . 

Another day (In Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora