Another Day (Part 70)

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A/N: Hey guys so I haven't posted in like what 2 weeks? I'm so so sorry! I'm just lazy and didn't feel like writing also I'm on easter break so I've been making the most of it and been hanging out with my friends a lot? Have you guys seen the You & I music video! Its amazing I'm going to start refreshing it again in a bit :) also did you hear about After becoming a movie!!! That's amazing! So here's the part?.

Songs for this chapter are:

Empire- Shakira

Drive- Miley Cyrus

You & I - One Direction :)

Amnesia- 5sos (This is the ultimate Another Day song this is for Louis POV personally)

Half a heart- One direction

Turn your face- Little Mix

Sunburn- Ed sheeran

When I look at you- Miley Cyrus

Nats POV

As I leave the room I hear muffled laughs coming from the small room behind me, I follow the giggles and a small gape enough for me to peak through the door is evident, I creep up leaning on the wall peeking in I spot Lydia laughing 'what if we got caught?' She whispers 'Lydia come on we both want it I don't care about them!' . Who is she with?. Harry?. 'Jason I can't what if Megan walked in?' . Jason!!. What the holy mother fuck!. That lying sneeking fucking doosh bag!.

'She won't its fine come on!' He eases her, I spot him move from behind the door, he walks over to Lydia wrapping his arm around her waist placing his chin on her head she cuddles in close having as much physical contact as possible, jason places multiple kisses on her head 'I Love you Jason' she looks up at him, I see tears forming in her eyes 'I love you too' 'then why are you still with her?' She silently crys he squeezes her closer 'You know why Lydia, I've told you' 'You Can't have two of us Jason you have too pick me or Megan' uh oh this isn't going to be good. I don't think I can listen to anymore! I can't.

I scurry away and go back into the living room, "Nat are you okay?" Megan asks a bright smile "Um- fine where's Jason?" I ask she lowers her eye brows "Why?" "Yeah Why?" Niall says after her, "Just answer me? Cut the bullshit" I huff "he went out to the shops with .. Lydia" she grits her teeth at her name. Wow you despise her that much?. "That's what he told you!" I laugh "what?" "Nothing" I shake her off "No what-" "where's Emily?" I interrupt

"I thought she was with you?" Niall asks "What?" "She said she was going to go get you, we could hear you shouting and Louis, what has he said?" . Oh shit.

"Pardon?" I pretend I didn't hear him "what did Louis say to you? If he's upset you I'll kill the bastard!" "Niall its fine? We were just talking" "shouting" Chloe corrects and I sarcastically smile at her she sticks her tounge out like a child. "About?..." He waves his hand for me to continue "about old times and I told him straight that its not like that anymore" "so he won't be perving on you anymore?" Niall raises his brow and I laugh "shut up you idiot he doesn't perve on me!" "So your telling me if he had the chance to watch you shower he would reject?" I laugh and cover my mouth with my hand "Oh my god stop! Of course he would reject were jusy friends, or were friends. And that's what you would do you would watch me shower!" "Why would I watch you shower, when I can do so many other things to you?" He shrugs at that moment when Louis walks into the lounge.


"Nialll!!" I drag his name out my pitch going higher as I drag his name. "What its true!" I begin to flush bright red. "Don't get embarresed baby! You love what I do to you!" "Niall shut up shut up shut up!!" I cover his mouth with my hand before he says something else obviously being the child he is he swipes his tounge over my hand making me squeal and remove it. He laughs at me "Eh Nat if your lucky I might shower with you tonight then we can go and spend the night in my room?" He smirks. "Really and what will we do in your room?" I nod and play naïve. "Well.. I have a few Ideas" his smirk widening "go on?.." "How about frickle frackling?" He whispers in my ear and I try my hardest not to laugh but I can't help it to just burts out with laugher. What kind of word is frickle frackle! .

"Mmhhm would you like to tell me what that means?" I sigh "God Nat I'm going to fuck you! There I said it I'm going to fuck you! Happy! Me and you are going to have sex!" He blurts loudly Chloe shooting a look over to us Megan and Louis the same. "What? Its not as if youvb never had sex before?" He rasies his hands Chloe shakes her head, walking out of the cheecks are burning deep red why does he always do this!.

Niall shuffles from underneath me to go change up stairs "I'm going to go find Jason" Megan announces leaving me alone with Louis, Again!.

"So that's what you call love?" Louis stares at the wall not looking at me "what do you mean?" "That, him! You call what he just did love?" He spits his tone the hashest I've ever heared from Louis "Yes I do! You don't know Niall, and you don't know about our relationship so you don't get to judge!" "He just humiliated you and don't pretend he didn't! I mean you obviously had sex with him but did he need to blurt it out? The way I was brought up is that, that should be private between yourself and your partner was that necissary?" . I bow my head as much as I hate it Louis right, it is supposed to be private.

We sit in silence until Niall comes back down stairs "do you want to change? We can go shopping and buy some goods?" "Okay!" I smile and stand from the chair glancing at louis one last time and leave the room "Make it quick baby! I want to beat the traffic!" . He called me baby.

Nialls POV

So I'm left with this twat, nice. Would it be rude to just follow Nat up into her room?

Wait why do I give a fuck if I'm being rude to him? I don't.

"Niall-" he stops me I roll my eyes are turn around "What!" I yell "you've won" he sighs bowing his head . Wait what? Won what?. "I don't get it?" I speak my mind "you've won Niall! You got what you wanted Natilee's all yours she and you and everyone have made it crystiline clear that she's yours and your hers? I'm not going to bother you two anymore I'll leave you alone I'll leave you two be happy? Because she's happier with you! Much happier se wants you don't hurt her please don't hurt her she's been through enough, miles too much! I love her but you've one and I want you to promise me there won't be a day where you won't love her as much as I do or as you do! Promise me she won't ever cry again pleae because if she does then I won't live with myself." Wow deep.

But somehow deep inside I feel for him? And I actually respect him?. I mean if I was in his position I would of flipped by now probably? So for him to say all that makes me respect him?.

"I haven't won Natilee, she could leave me at any second and she's had many chances to do that but she hasn't I know that she's been through a lot I have too but I respect you for saying all of that I would say I understand but I've never been in your position? It was nice of you to say that?" I try to smile "you haven't promised" "I promise to love her and protect her forever!" . Damn I'm not marrying her!. Yet?.

"Thank you" he smiles. Just as he finishes Nat walks in .

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you like I am posting again today later on! I got homework and stuff to do so it should be later on :) vote comment share thanks

Another day (In Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora