Another Day (Part 73 1.2)

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A/N: Hi haven't posted in a bit have I? Here's the playlist

Little things - One Direction

Battlefield- Lea michele (I'm obsessed with this?)

Moments- One Direction (crying bc wow)

Look after you - the fray (Louis cover)

Broken strings- James morrison

:) enjoy trying not to get any mistakes hopefully!

Nats POV

I lay here in the dim lighting of his room lying face to face while the rain batters down on the windows, staring into those amazingly gorgeous blue eyes I was so intrigued with so long ago! They were what started my feelings off? What I noticed first? "Louis.." I whisper "hhmmh" he hums "Do .. Do you remember how we met?" I question "of course he smiles tiredly, "Me too" I smile "it was in biology with Miss.Wild, and she was fussing over me and then she pointed to that empty seat next to you and you completly blanked me out at first then you were saying one or two things and you were so shy and then Dani came over and sdhe tried talking to me then you laughed at something I said and she was mean to you and it was fucked up?" . Wow he really does remember?. "Yeah that was fun" I giggle "How did you feel?" He asks "what?" "When you met me? How did you feel in that moment, how did you feel when Miss. Wild placed me next to you?" He explains .

Um.. How did I feel? I'm not shore?

I'm transported back to that day, the day Louis came into my life "I guess I felt scared? I was so annoyed that she placed you next to me! I was so worried because I would have to socialize with you and then you would leave me like everyone else did so I was scared and annoyed and I didn't like it that you were next to me! Then you started talking and I was like shit! Because I would have to talk to you? So I tried ignoring you but then you kept attempting comvosation and I had to answer because I'm not arrogant or ignorant!" I explain we've never really talked about we met and how we feel? This is new!.

Louis POV

"How did you feel when you first met me?" She hesitates .

How did I feel? I don't know how I felt? Its all a blur really. Do I even want to remember?.

"Um I'm not shore really?" I answer honestly "Oh" she sighs and turns over, "Does that bother you?" I whisper ".... No .. No it doesn't" she lies I place my hand on her side agin "Nat I-" "Don't!l she pushes my hand off her body, I'm completly startled. She sits up placing her hands on her temples "What am I even doing in here!" She speaks to herself I stay silent "I shouldn't even be in here! If I got caught! Then god knows what would happen!" She mutters "You came in here" I answer "I'm leaving!" She fumbles with the blankets and sets herself free and creeps out of my room "Nat wait!l I call and she slams the door in my face.

I fall back onto the pillow and huff loudly. I hear her door slam I hope it was her door? Signaling she's gone back into her room.

Nats POV

I slam my door and let out a little scream but it was quiet so you couldn't even hear it! I sit crossed legged on the floor staring out of my window which went all the way to the floor. The rain was continuing to slash down creating massive puddles big grey thunder clouds are covering the normally blue or clear sky! Guess its officially winter?. I hate winter. I hate evry season. A quote suddenly floats around my head that my nan once told me what did it go like again? Something like 'Its not learning how to stay afloat in the storm its about learning how to dance in the rain' something like that?. I used to love that quote I wrote it everywhere! Don't know why?.

I hear light taps at my door, I'm in no mood right now?

Really I'm in no mood? I don't feel anything? Because I'm not exacly happy not exacly sad not angry not jealous not nothing I'm not feeling any emotion right now? Is that normal? Although define normal? . "Come in" I call and the light blonde hair that I once adored boy comes in "Hey babe" "Morning Niall" I blatently answer "you okay?" "Fine why?" "Oh just wanted to come say good morning?" He shrugs I move from the floor onto my bed "Care to join me?" I ask and he shakes his head shaking his daydream away "what?" "I said would you care to join me?" I repeat "oh okay if you insist?" And he walks over laying next to me . A silence falls but its a comfortable silence its not awkward at all?.

"Niall" "Nat" he mocks my serious tone "talk to me!" "I .. Am? That's how a conversation works?" . Uh stop with the sarcasim its only funny when I do it haha. "No talk to me tell me how you feel!" "What?" "Tell me everything anything I don't care as long as you talk to me talk to me about your favourite flavour pizza if you want I don't care just talk to me please! I don't want us to stop talking and fizzle away just speak to me! I'll listen I'll gladly listen say any old shit and I'll listen please just say something!" "Well.. Um.. Okay so um.." He stutters

Nialls POV

I don't know what to tell her? And I feel sort of presured to tell her something?. Should I tell her about Maxine? I mean atleast then she knows and we are 100% secret free?. Maybe I'll leave a few minor details out but other than that its fine?.

"Um so you said you'd listen so please don't interrupt me?" "I won't" "okay so, I have sort of been keeping a secret from you? And I don't know how this is going to go? But here goes so I want you to think back to that night when you slept with .. Harry" "Right..." She makes me continue "well you wernt really answering my calls? So I left Emily which by the way nothing happed! Anyway I left Emily in search for you? But I couldn't find you so I got a text from Megan about a party she had went to after Tias and she asked me to come with her so I did? Tristan left her? So I went there and it was sort of fun I was so worried I wouldn't really relax Tristan showed up some part of the night and we were all having fun I suppose this girl was trying it on with Tristan a lot and she had a friend called Maxine who was doing the same. So anyway the night went on blah blah blah nothing happend but then a rumour goes around that Maxines going to try it on with Tris. Which she did in the end?. And I tried warning Meg but she didn't listen anyway I'm just going to cut the bullshit so after all that the next morning I wake up from passing out no idea where I am how I got there or who I'm with I'm completly naked laying next to her I didn't have a clue what happened until she told me and I said that she was lying because I wouldn't do that to you! And I told her that I had a girlfirned. So she threatned to tell everybody! And this whole thing has spiralled and its been getting at me and I was trying to protect you by keeping her away because Nat I know how you get and she would just lie and make you feel even worse and I know I didn't do anything with her because I wouldn't but I'm sorry!!" I finish she just lays infront of me as white as a ghost.

"Nat?" She placaes her finger on my lips silencing me "hush! Just shh I need- I need a miniet" she chokes fighting her tears .

Nats POV

I-I it- I I'm just- I'm just so .. So ... FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

I'm confused as shit! Shocked devasted and just fuck! What I just what? I don't understand what he just said! Really? He had a big argument with me when he did the exact same?

A/N: splitting this part into two! Sorry! I'm just its late and I'm tired! So I can't be fucked because effort haha I love you though! Next bit to this part tomorrow I promise because once I promise I can't break it! Love ya vote coment share even though its short! :)

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