Another Day (Part 36)

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A/N: Hey guys hope you all enjoying so far , so this chapter might not make sencse to ou but it makes sence to me so yeah? Because i have alot of ideas that need to happen before this books finished im going to cram her whole week in one part , proberly a paragraph for each day? 

Nats POV 


Today nothing really happened? i just awoke from my grave and lazed around most of the day? Mums working so i dont have to face her , thank god!. I need to go to Louis house today not to see him to see his sister , should i still go? Why am i even thinking about it of course im going over i promised and i dont want to upset her , i dont care if me and him are speaking or not i promised and i always keep my promise! 

I knock on  the door and he answers "Nat?" he questions confused "Yea can i come in?" . atleast try and be cival. "Uh..." and i barge past him , its not him i came to see!. "Phoebe? Daisy?" i call and they run downstairs into the living room clinging to me "I thought you wernt going to come!" they say at the same time "I promised didnt i?" i laugh kneeling down to be the same height , "Yea you did" they shrug and pull me upstairs into their room and show me what they have done , "Who painted my hand then?" i ask wanting to see if they both did it together "Uh ...... Louis did it?" "Louis?" i shreak "Yes he insisted he do it?" "Why?" "Because he said your hand needs to be perfectly painted like you" they smile , to cute. The girls now!. 


Why is Louis acting like this? One minuet he's aggrivating me , annoying me then the next he's being a sweet little innocent perfect angel and its pissing me off!. 

Todays pretty much the same as yeasterday minus Louis and his family?. Niall phoned me today and told me i'm beautiful like he always does? Hes insited on calling everyday? But i think its cute? I wonder if he used to phone Emily everyday? I wonder if shes doing ok now? I mean i have to face her again at some point i cant go on ignoring her for the rest of my life it just wouldnt work out? Maybe i'll call her? Uhh tomorrow.


Only one more day in Doncaster . Yay!. Tomorrow is spent packing and traviling for the afternoon! So i guess seeing as i'm still not on speaking terms with my mother i should talk to her i should also talk to Louis i cant go back to Ireland knowing im still not speaking to him so i guess today im making it up to people? Also i need to see Danielle i need to face her i have to other wise i never will!

I get up walk downstairs mums sitting their staring at pictures of me as a child , I'm surprised i mean genually surprised theres not one picture of Ava in sight! Whats got in her! "Mum?" "Oh hey" she snaps out of the bubble she was in "Um i made breakfast i best be getting out of your hair" she gets up and neatly smooths down her pencil skirt brushing out any creases and picks up her coffee rushing to the door i grab her by her arm "Mum wait" i say hesitantly "What? something wrong?" she raises her brow "No we need to talk , im leaving tomorrow" "i know" "So i wanted to apoligize for shourting at you but i really think you owe me an apoligy too?" "I understand how you feel and i think its a very responsible thing apoligizing and i apoligize to i said things i didnt mean as well as you did!" . Whats happened to my mum i want her back. 

She heads for the door , but we arnt finished yet far from it. "Mum" "Yes" she huffs , stressed much?. "I hope you realise i am still going to see Niall and i'm never ever going to be another Ava im not going to have a perfect life like her because unlike her i dont want money or popularity i just want Niall? i'm proberly not going to make you proud but i'm happy and that should make you happy everybody makes mistakes even Ava because i'm not perfect like you want me to be? And im sorry? Yes i'm only young but im an adult and i want to to treat me like one i'll have stumbles and come to you for advice because you will always be my mother and i need you? But on the other hand i can look after myself and if i dont make my own discions in life then what kind of person will that make me?" I stumble on a few words but by my mothers face i think she got the message?. 

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