Another day (Part 75)

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A/N: hello beautiful people :) how are you hope you've had a great day if there are some stupid mistakes or auto corrections that will make it not make sense sorry! Its because in using a different phone to what i normally have. Enjoy this part


what is love- Lea Michele

Battlefield- Lea Michele

Drive- Miley Cyrus

Maybe your right- Miley Cyrus.

The Only reason- 5sos 

Beside you- 5sos

Half a heart- One Direction

Strong - One Direction.

Louis POV

I hold her in my arms tightly making sure my grip on her doesn't loosen one bit, she cries onto my shoulder "Nat your going to have to let go for me too take you upstairs?" i inform her "No if i let go you'll leave me again i don't want you too leave me ever!" she continues crying " Im not going to leave you i promise in never leaving you again! But you need too sleep?" i stroke her arm "No Louis you don't understand i do t want to" she refuses again "Your a pain in the ass you now that right?" i grumble she stays silent "But your my pain i the ass. I love you" i continue she looks up and smiles "You know all that time i spent doubting you and arguing with you denying my feelings for you? Well i could of been laughing with you joking with you kissing you and loving you instead i ignored you and said that Niall was my love but he isn't Louis i promise you this time he isn't he never was and he never will be hes just someone i thought was perfect someone i thought i loved and i thought was well suited for me but all along i was just kidding myself i bet I've made a fool out of myself?" she cries i knew she would come around one day i knew she would.

The door opens the moment she finishes and Niall walks.... Stumbles in clapping his hands in a slow motion, sarcastically "Oh you are good Natilee aren't you!" he slurs her head shoots up "Niall go away, i don't want too see you" "Nat i don't think you get a say in whether you see me or not?" he grits his teeth "No she doesn't but i do! And if she doesn't want too see you then you can clearly just fuck off!" i growl "Stay out of this you've already caused enough trouble between us" he threatens, wrong move Niall wrong move im in no state to be messed with! . 

"Oh no i believe you managed to do that yourself" i spit "What are you trying to say?" he eyes me "That you fucked up and caused this shit on your own because only thick twats like you can manage too make these sort of problems and now 'your girl' doesn't want you shes washed her hands with you that's what im trying to say" i grit my teeth i hate him every single thing about him

"Stop it both of you!. Niall just leave ive had enough of you making arguments just leave" "No we aren't through" "Oh i believe you are" i but in again Nat shooting me a warning glare, im not the one causing this shit! "Nat..." Niall turns his attention back too her. He has the attention span of a goldfish. "We're through N that's it i cant take this shit anymore hoe much did you think i could take!" "But Nat-" "We're done Niall and there's nothing you can do! We are through over no longer in a relationship! I cant take this" . I must say im very very happy indeed. I might just throw a party of my own now, i think this is the happiest ive been the whole time i have been here? .

He storms out slamming the door behind him, i must be gleaming right now! Should i console her or congratulate her? .

" Would you like a hug?" i ask and without answer she runs into my arms "So .. I don't wanna seem pushy or desperate but what the fuck ive been looking like that for months now so i don't care but does that mean me and you are...?" her head shoots up.

oh shit

"I just broke up with him and you think im going to get with you straight away Louis im pissed out of my head just broke up with the guy i thought i loved confused to fuck depressed like shit and now im so supposed to what get with you and all that will go away?". "No im not saying that! Im just saying after all these months ive waited after all these months i have stuck by you and after you saying all that stuff i thought you were going to me a try, give 'us' a chance Nat im not saying right now but maybe later i want to give you time but fuck how long until its too long i cant hang on forever, hang on not knowing Nat of you don't want me tell me! I understand like i said you need time but i wont be here forever i won't i cant live my life like that im sorry, Im sorry of that's not good enough for you? I Understand if im not everything you want me to be? Im sorry im not everything you want" . What else is there too say?.

i mean i cant do this live my life hanging on waiting, i will wait for her I'll give her as much time as she needs but sometimes that is too long.

"Your not making it easier" she admits "I know" "Most people would call you crazy for sticking by me, i call you crazy" "i know i am crazy i don't deny im not crazy but there's a reason im crazy and your it! Im crazy for you im crazy because of you!" she giggles as a tear leaves her eye. How does she even have tears anymore shes cried so much.  

i pick her up and carry her drunken body upstairs into her room, and lay her out on her bed, should i change her? As i look back over shes lying unconscious on her bed fast asleep "Fuck.." i sigh i rumage for some type of sleep wear in her closet and start to change her into the baggy clothing. She'll thank me in the morning.

i silently make my way out of her room and into mine, where Emily is still passed out! Shit i forgot i left her hear? I was supposed to be getting her water then i saw Natilee and all that shit i must of forgot? Opps . What am i supposed to do, Emily is sprawled across my bed and if she thinks im going to sleep in that bed with her shes got another thing coming!.

there's no where for me too sleep now. GREAT. Should i sleep downstairs? Or on the floor? Im not sleeping on the floor no way. I leave my room and as i go to walk downstairs i check in on Nat shes curled into a small ball onto of the blanket in the position i put her In. I could sleep in Nats bed with her? I mean we've done it before?.

i lay next to her, and hold her waist tightly. She wriggles around under my touch but in used to it.


(Its December 24th and Niall left the house along with Chloe and Luke for obvious reasons :( )


Nats POV

i wake up alone.

i go downstairs and Megan smiles at me "You excited for Christmas tomorrow" "Yeah the birth of Jesus yadayadayada all that shit so exciting" i roll my eyes "Are you a catholic?" she asks "No" "Protestant?" "no, i don't have a religion" i shrug "Oh" she furrows her eyebrows"Why?" she asks "i don't know my family just isn't religious??" i shrug "Oh" she sighs "wheres Louis" i ask "he went out with Lydia Emily and Harry for breakfast they are giving him his treat" "Treat? For what!?" im so confused whats he done that deserves a treat?. "... Its his birthday??" she stares at me as if its something i should know. For shits sake i cant believe i forgot! And he remembered my birthday and texed me straight away that morning and had the whole thing planned and now ive forgotten his and cant do anything because its too late to plan anything!. "How long ago did he leave?" "about 20 minuets ago and that reminds me i was supposed to tell you straight away that Louis said hes going home today because its Christmas tomorrow and he wants too see his family also he loves you" she smiles "why couldn't he tell me is he leaving straight away?" "No hes leaving this evening.. Which kind of defeats the point but he wanted me too tell you?."

im sure i can persuade him into not leaving... Would that be selfish of me?.

A/N; i think i put to many songs? If i did use the ones you didn't get too listen too in the next chapter :) hope you liked this part i lt was going to be longer but im revising for tests i have tomorrow. :( wish me luck byeeeee.


Another day (In Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя