Another Day (Part 65)

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Nats POV

"Louis?" I whisper not believing my eyes "Hi" he smiles Niall looks between us both slightly worried, Emily rushes up from the floor and over to Louis wraping her arms around his neck a pang of jealousy hits me, why is she touching him! Why is she hugging him! I want to just throw her back onto the floor I've never seen Louis with anyone else hugging someone else! It hurts ... A lot? A lot more than it should!.

"Louis! I've missed you!" She laughs . No! She's never met him! How does she miss him!.

"You too?" He raises his brow .

Me and Niall exchange looks with each other and look back both of us pissed of, my reason that she's hugging him his reason that he's hugging her!.

They let go "You know each other?" I refer "Oh" Louis panics I now him too well he should know by now! He can't lie to me, "Really?" I smirk earning a chuckle from him its been so long since I've seen him heared his voice? "Yes you do Louis you stayed in my dorm with me remember.. I'm Emily?" She reminds him her stupid voice going pitched . He stayed with her? He's been in my... Her dorm? He's been to Ireland?. What!.

I know he came to vist me in hospital but that was ages ago! Like october?.

And he wasn't hear long I sent him away as soon as I saw him!.

He sits next to Lydia and looks around at all my friends surprised at the people I'm choosing to spend time with, there is an awkward tension for a while "Um Who's up for a game?" Megan breaks the tension like she always does she's good at that "Yeah!" Lydia agrees way to enthusiasticly thing is all my new friends are from Ireland and Ireland is much diffarent to Doncaster and I'm afraid this is going to end horribly especially with Lydia she's so happy carefree enthusiastic they may take it the wrong way like she's mocking them and with the looks Megan is throwing at her I'm right!.

"Um what game?" Harrys mumbles "How about poker?" Luke smiles "Strip Poker" Chloe smiles pleased with herself everyone agrees apart from Niall realising the relationship me and Louis have.. I mean we're just friends? Or were?

Seeing as Megans the smart one we let her do the questions, the rules were simpple you get the answer right we keep our clothes on get it wrong we take them off even if you end up in just underwear you take it off? Seems simple?. I would never do anything like this normally but seeing as I'm slightly over my limit with alcohol I'm buzzing and I'll do anything?

"Okay First Question To ...." She scans us all "Lydia" she smiles evily "okay" Lydia bites her lip I see megan thinking of the hardest question she can "If James has a dozen eggs and lucy takes one how many eggs does he have left?" She smiles. This is easy 11? Why is she asking easy questions "Uhh..." . Is Lydia actually struggling? "A Dozen?" She questions "No!" Megan laughs "its 11 you dipshit!" Lydia looks confused "How?" "Because a Dozen is 12 lucy took one egg which meant he had 11 eggs left!" She explains Lydia still confused. We ignore her moving on slowly I'm the only person with all my clothes on see Niall had nothing to worry about!.

Chloe only has her underwear on Luke only his trousers Calums naked Zayn isn't playing neither is Tia or Paige jamie-leigh has her shirt off Michael only in his boxers Maddie with just her t-shirt Harry just boxers and must I say he looks fine! I remember his body all too well! Megan is in. Just a skirt and her bra Nash has his trousers on (he's hot!) Lily-May is completly naked and had to leave the room Cain went with her for obvious reasons and we all now why! Lydia is also in just her underwear Niall his boxers Emily just a bra but she's covering her bottom parts ... Slut! She keeps looking at Niall and I want to slap her! And then there's Louis wearing only skinny jeans I think I've seen him shirtless before but not recently and he has been working out as soon as he took his shirt off I was blushing!.

Another day (In Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora