Another Day (Part 50)

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A/N: Hey guys we are half way through the book already! argh!! I just wanted to say I love you and thanks for reading. this chapter will be special because Valentines day x

Niall POV

I stroll through the front door heating the quite noises from the TV, I walk to the door way in the living room Nat lay sprawled out on the sofa watching the vow for the 100th time and still crying at the same parts.

she doesn't notice me in the doorway watching her silently. Seeing her this way, the way she is with out me is slightly strange but its cute. I walk away and up stairs managing to get away before she finds me I change my shirt and wash my hands getting rid of the evidence from my brawl with Harry.

I creep back downstairs and stand in the same position, its at the part where that girl rose I think? goes home with Leo and she doesn't know him. Nats eyes are brimming with tears even though they probably shouldn't be. I smile at her she really is an amazing sight to watch, to observe what she's like.

"I wish I had a Leo!" she cries to herself "You got me haven't you!" , she quickly snaps her head to me "Niall!" she shrieks jumping from the sofa and running to me. I cling my arms around her waist and slowly but  passionately kisses me. I pul her head from me "What's got into you!" I smirk "I missed you that's all" she fumbles with her hair and goes to sit back down.

I release her from my  arms  and she pats next to her, Come watch with me!" she offers softly "Uuh your alright I've seen you cry over this film enough" I reject . she frowns slightly rolling her eyes but still a little hurt from me rejecting her "So why were you watching me" she smirks. "I wasn't watching you!" I defend "Then what were you doing" she's standing now.

"I was uh ..." I trail off "Exactly!" she smirks laying back down. I huff and sit down on the sofa opposite "What am I not good enough for you now?" she raises a brow I chuckle and move from the sofa I'm sat and lay behind her. I slowly stroke her arm and kiss down on her neck but she doesn't pull away and that's all the approval I need! .

"Where's my mum?" I whisper "Your family have all gone out they said they won't be back till late so the place is ours" she informs her attention on the tv .

"Perfect" I grin and she giggles.

I continue to stroke her arm but she isnt the slightest bit bothered. she stands and a frown form on my face. she grins and walks away completely oblivious too the fact her film has 25 minutes left. I follow her out of the sitting room she's no where to be seen. "Nat?" I half laugh half question. "come find me!" she calls I love this playful side to her its fucking adorable!.

I scan the house looking for her but I still can't find her.

Nats POV

I hide in his room I find one of my sweatshirts on the floor and decide to change into my plaid pyjama pant one of my over sized T-shirts and chuck the sweatshirt over. Niall still hasn't found me!.

He walks in his room seeing my clothes on the floor "Nat?" he whispers and looks behind his door and I shriek in laughter he grabs me by my waist and spins me around both of us laughing her throws me over my shoulder "Put me down! Niall put me down!" I beg while crying in laughter. he starts to tickle me and I hate being tickled I push away from him as he puts me down still tickling me.

he fights through my arms  still tickling at my stomach "No no no! Stop please!" I scream and he laughs he pushes me against his closet  my back hitting the wood  he continues his playful assault and I turn my back on him , he tickles from behind snaking his arms through the gaps to reach my stomach.

as we continue to push against the doors they fall open and I land in a pit of his clothes laying there laughing tears my eyes , he hovers over my body and plants a kiss on my lips then my neck and slowly I pull his head up and we get out of the closet .

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now