Another Day (Part 39)

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Nats POV

Harry sits on his couch I grab a bowl of warm water and a cloth and gently dab it on his face cleaning the blood he keeps flinching "Harry stay still!" I command "It hurts!" he groans "Well it will?" . I can't believe Niall hit him but its kinda Harry's fault?. "There all done but you should put some ice on your lip?" I tell him cleaning the last trickle of blood. "OK" he sighs and goes to grab a bag of frozen peas placing them on his lip.

"I'm gonna go?" "Where?" he asks "To see Niall?" "Really your gonna go see that phsyco?" he scrunches his   face "He's not a phsyco he's my boyfriend!" I defend "He hit me!" he points to his lip "Because you pushed him to his limit you don't now him like I do" "I know him he's a cheating little scumbag and doesn't deserve you although you cheated on him to so I guess your even?" . now I wanna punch him!.

"I guess your meant to be together because you both have a very open relationship I'm glad I was part of it!" "That's it I'm leaving!" I yell and run to the door throwing my shoes on "Just because you know I'm right!" he yells as I open the door I slam it in his face. I go to my car and drive away from Harry's place.

Where could Niall be? I drive back to the dorms thinking about last night how could I have been so stupid to cheat on the only person I care about? Then again he kissed Emily? Didn't he?.

I storm into his dorm and there he is laying there dead still not shifting "Niall?" I speak with a shaky voice I don't know why but I'm scared after seeing what he done to harry I'm scared he might lash out on me for not answering him back?.

"Niall answer me?" my voice cracks "Why?" "Can we just talk?" "Your not going to listen anyway? so what the point your Proberly just gonna run over to Harry's again?!" "Niall please don't do this.." "Do what? I've done nothing but try and make you happy then you run to him?" "I didn't go to Harry's" I lie "See your lying again! I saw your shoes by the door Nat!" . Oh god!.

is this the end?.

"I'm sorry Niall I really am I never intended on hurting you!" "Yea well what hurts is that you just ran away from me without an explanation you ran straight to him and got pissed of your face and didn't have the decency to even tell me your OK I was worried sick I thought someone hurt you or something?" a tear leaves his eye as his voice breaks.

"I didn't know what to think you were kissing her?" "Yea but that's where your wrong Nat! I never kissed her I wouldn't kiss her I love you to much to kiss her! why would I cheat on you? so I was drunk even when your drunk you remember you have someone who loves you!" . You have no idea how guilty I feel!.

"I know its just I don't know I thought that you still love her or you were regretting your discion on picking me?" I shrug "Nat I left her for the simple reason. I wasn't happy when I was with her! I love you nat more than i have loved anybody else why can't out see that why can't you see I would never do anything to hurt or upset you I care to much!" he yells and tugs at his hair . I love him to and if I could reverse it all I would! I should of never ran away without an explanation even if it was a bad one?.

"Niall I..." "Do you love me?" he interrupts "Of course!" "Then why haven't you told me? I tell you almost everyday and you never say it back!" . I do!  I do right?. "Niall of course I love you?" "Then why dont you tell me?" "Because I don't want to rush us!" "Natilee I Love you!" he says full of meaning.

"Niall I I I ...." why can't I say it back!. Uh my stupid brain just say it!. "That's what I thought!". he hasn't looked at me through this whole convosation . "Niall wait!" I say as he brushes past me "Why? what's the point you've obviously made your disicion " he walks out of his door just as he leaves my sight I shout "Niall I love you!" he stops and turns around tears in my eyes "Please don't leave me! I love you Niall I love you more than I love how I can never seem to find words to describe you I love how I can be with millions of boys but your the only one I want I love you more than I love pizza I love you more than I love music I love you more than I love myself please Niall were not finished yet please don't let us be!" I cry and just break down he runs to me holding me in his arms "I Love you more than I think you under stand!".

Is this a competition for who loves each other the most?.

"So your not leaving me?" I make eye contact "I cant leave you" he smiles and kisses my head I close my eyes as his lips touch me I need him!. he goes to pull away and I grab his chin stopping him "Kiss me" I whisper and our heads touch lips brushing I lean in and pull those gorgeously perfect lips to mine!. I love him so god damn much I hope he realises that.

We pull away and his eyes sparkle. We go back into his room he sits back on his bed and I sit in that single arm chair I first sat in when I came into his room with Emily I admire his posters I haven't really noticed his walls?  I see in the corner just above his dresses a massive picture frame with all pictures in I stand up and walk over and look at each photo. There are many photos of Niall and the gang apart from a few of them like Chloe Luke Harry Maddie. I see pictures of him and Tristan and they make me laugh I scan through the rest of the pictures to the top right hand corner

there are numerous pictures of Niall and Emily together and in between the photos are artsy cut out hearts it hurts me a little? I see how happy he was with her before I came along there's one picture with kills me they look like they are at someone's house in a kitchen somewhere and his arms are wrapped around her waist his head dug in her neck she has the biggest smile on her face her hands over his . Why did I ruin it? He seemed happy with her?.

Niall walks over behind me and wraps his arms around me and recreates the picture only instead of Emily its me. I kiss his head "You like my pictures?" he smiles "Yea you have so many you must of had a fun year last year!" "Yea it was alright!" he smirks "You have a lot with Emily" "I can take them down of you like?" "No!Don't keep them they define you I don't want you to take them down!" "I'm making another one for this year?" he smiles "If that's you asking if you want me to be apart of it I love to! then you can remember me!"

"Well I'm not going to forget you am I?" he laughs "You might?" "What normal person forgets their wife?" . Wife?. "Wife?". "Yeah wife! I wanna spend the rest of my life with you Nat" "Are proposing to me?" I laugh "Not yet" he smirks "How do you know I'll say yes?" I put my hands on my hips "Because Madame I now you love me enough to say yes and spent your life with an idiot!" I laugh at him he laughs back . "Photo opportunity!" I yell pulling my phone out of my pocket dragging Niall into my body and snapping the moment on my phone .

A/N: Sorry if its not long enough? but it has alot of infomation in this chapter and I think its cute! I have nothing  left to add really? Vote because I love you! x

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