Another Day (Part 49)

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*1 Month later*. 

Nat's POV 

My eyes flutter open and i scramble out of bed, Niall lie next to me lightly snoring. He's such a cute sleeper!. He's like a baby almost, undesturbed!. 

I climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom, it's been so much easier having this cast off! I have a few scars running down my leg, but thats not really bothering considering the ones i have on my hips and arms from prevouisly?. Doesnt bother me?. I still cant believe that no one has noticed my scars on my arms yet? Maybe they have they just dont want to say anything?. 

I shower and the feeling of hot water pounding against my skin is beautiful!. I'm glad that we permantly live in Niall's parents place! I never have to go near those horrible dorms again!. The first week i stayed in Chloe's room but then i slowly shifted my way into Niall's room and thats where i have been ever since?. I really like his family, they are really welcoming and kind there have been one or two awkward moments between me and Luke but i'm being the bigger person and moving on, I havent spoke to Harry since that day at the hospital i've texted and called non-stop but had no reply!. I hope what happened hasnt come between us?. 

I still havent told Niall, Does he really need to know?. No one knows and no one ever will so he will never find out? But the more i keep it to myself the worse it will be! I just cant tell him!!. 

I walk downstairs, Maura is playing with Theo, I think he is just adorable!. 

"I'm going out! Tell Niall i'm at Tia's" i smile at Chloe shes slumped in a chair a bowl of sugar puffs on her lap being shoveld into her mouth her hair ragged and eyes baggy, She was never a moring person?. "Hmm" she hums not really listening. I skip out of the door, and wait for Tia's car i cant drive for another month and it's really restraining having to depend on other people!. 

She soon pulls up her phone in hand texting and scowl take her features, and she throws it on the seat in frustration then looking in her rear mirrior checking her apperance, She care's alot about how she looks and if even one hair is out of place she will do it all over again so shes really a perfectionist even though she wont ever admit it!. 

She spots me staring at her laughing "Oh Hi!" she waves and i get in her car, and put my seatbelt on "So where are we going?" "Um well maybe we could go to the mall?" she smiles , her smile is beautiful!. "Sure! Who has pissed you off know?" i joke "Uh Just Zayn!" she moans "Zayn? your back together?" "Yea.. call me an idiot go on! Everyone else has! I mean i didnt mean to forgive him it's just i really love him you know so i was thinking if he really loves me he will prove it!" She looks down at her phone and throws it in the hand compartment. "I'm guessing he hasnt?" i shrug "No! he's exacly the same i thought he would change and show me how much he loves me!" she frowns "You mean buy you more clothes!" i laugh she smirks , I was right!. 

She pulls out of the drive way and into the malls car park. 

We get out and strut inside, I feel really comfortable here if i did this sort of thing in Doncaster i would probably just get abused by someone from my old highschool but since i came here i feel like... I dont know?? I fit in?. 

We walk past a few shops and Tia calls me over to outside a shop window i run over to her "What?" "Isn't it gorgeous! i want that one!" she points out a diamond engagment ring, i look up at the shop sign 'Tiffany&co' Is clearly shown . Wow i didnt know they had one of them in Ireland?. 

"Thats a bit expensive isn't it?" i raise my brow "No! nothings to expensive" she gloats. Her parents must be so proud of her! But i see where she's coming from if he can offord the best then why not have the best?. We carry on scannig some shops Tia picking up every pair of shoes she see's, i spot a doughnt cart and instantly feel very hungary "Tia can we get a doughnt?" i ask "Oh You can i'm on a no carb diet" she smiles . so thats her secret!. 

I but two doughnt's a chocolate glazed one and a jam stuffed one. Honestly Tia was missing out they were bliss to the lips!. 

After our fun day trip Tia drops me off, "Tia, Why did you and Zayn break up?" , i dont know why i asked? I just wanted to know? "He cheated on me with some girl who just started here she's Tristans ex, honestly shes gorgeous! Ten times prettyier than me!" she frowns obviously feeling insecure! Maybe me and Tia arn't so different after all?. "Could i see a picture? If you have one?". I think she might cry?. 

She clicks on a few apps on her phone and types her name i catch ir 'Lily-May' . I like it . she clicks a picture of her and closes her eyes as she stares at the picture and turns the screen to face me, She is gorgeous! I understand why Tia is insecure! shes is absolutly beautiful i hope her and Niall never encounter because he calls me beautiful but if he saw her?. 

"She goes here!" i gawk "Yea she started last month? she hasnt been going to class though apparently she hasn't been fitting in and wants to go home?" Tia gossips "I hope i get to meet her" i frienly smile "Really?" Tia asks "Yea" i kiss Tia on the cheek and get out of the car, striding into Nialls house. Tia drives away. 

I walk in and call for Niall, no reply. Where is everyone?. I put my bags down by the door an take my shoes of then stroll around the house looking for someone "Hey baby, gone to take care of some buisness wont be long! ~ Niall xx" A note plastered on the mirrior in the front room. What buisness?. 

Niall's POV 

Harry is the only thing on my mind at the moment, After i saw her countless texts to him i want to see whats going on, i'm slightly worried?. 

I pull up outside his apartment, i dont think to knock on his door i just open it.. It was open too! Who leaves their door open?. He's sprawled out across the sofa a bottle in his hand, smoke drifting around the place. He smokes?. 

"Harry!" i shout waking him up from his drunken slumber "What do you want!" he sits up brushing his fingers through his hair, "I need to see you" "About what?" he blinks rapidly ajustting his vision. "About me, You and Nat!" i try my best to speak carmly "She told you?" he scoffs . Told me what?. What was she supposed to tell me?.  "Told me what?" i ask still keeping my temper calm. For know.  "So she hasnt told you?" "Told me what" i raise my voice "Well if she hasnt told you i ain't telling you!" he trails off. I'm slowly losing my patience with him and i just want to kick his drunken ass!. 

"Harry i'm giving you one chance because im slowly slowly losing it!" i snap "Look" he stumbles from the sofa over to me eyeing me, trying to intimadate me and its not working!. "I'm not telling you jack shit! and have Nat blow up in my face and never speak to me again!" he continues. "You dont speak to her anyway so what difference would it make!" i grab his shirt and he laughs at me "The truth is Niall your not as hard as you think?" he spits i should just kill him right here!. No one would notice? Or care?. "And you are?" i laugh "At least i know Nat, I know the real Nat i know just how dirty she is i know what she feels like!" he evily grins. 


Before i can process my fist connects to his jaw making him fall to the floor, What did he just say!?. "What did you just fucking say!" i yell "You heared!" he laughs and wobbles back to his feet. Just stay down Harry stay down if you know whats best for you!. "Fuck you Harry your just saying this to get to me so that i can beat the shit out of you which i gladly will because i never liked you! so then you can go cry to Nat turning her on me so then you worm your way between us!" i shout "Its working though isnt it" he smirks , he knows what he's doing an hes doing it on purpose!. He's very good!. 

Again i smash my fist to his face and i dont stop, i carry on hitting him harder and harder blood pouring from his nose "Stop!" he groans and trys to scrabble away, but fails miserably, i yank at his hair forcing him to look at me "Dont you ever go near her again! You hear me!" i warn "What will you do if i dont" "I swear down if you go near her ever again i wont hesitate to kill you!" my eyes narrow "Ooohh i'm so scared literally quivering in my boots!" he remarks sarcasticly i punch him once more "You should be!". I climb off of him leaving him on the floor and leave his apartment. 

Did he really have sex with Nat? Is this all True? Or is he just saying it to get in my head? Of course he's just saying it to get to me Nat is too sweet she couldnt live with the guilt she would feel!. 

I get in my car and drive back my knuckles turning white as i clutch the steering wheel, they are slightly bruised but hopefully Nat wont notice!. 

A/N: Hope you liked remember to Vote and comment! it really means alot when you do! 

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