Another Day (Part 31)

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*2 Days later* 

Louis Pov

Another morning , another breath , another day.

and i'm still alone! 

I guess i have kinda got over her abit but it still doesnt ease the pain i feel for her?. 

i walk downstairs and mum has made breakfast "Goodmorning sunshine" she chirps, she was always a morning person , Nat was never a morning person. I Sit at the table and eat my cereal while she tells me her plan for the day , all i heared was 'shopping' then i tuned out of the conversation. "Louis!" "What?" i groan , i have a really saw head . 

"Did you hear what i just said?" "Something about shopping?" "Uh i'll go myself!" and i just shrug and walk out of the kitchen , why are parents annoying?. 

Nats POV 

I get out of my car and heave my bags along with me my mum rushes to the door and yanks my bags along throwing them to the floor in the living room "Nat i missed you so much!" she cries "Um i missed you to but i havent been gone that long?" "Your my baby and the only one i have left!" and she wraps her arms around me firmly hugging me , "So why have you come home so early?" "I just needed to get away on a break?" "Oh ok then" , I sit down and look around the room it seems like ages since i last sat in here. 

The room looks so different? "Mum have you decorated or something?" "Oh Yes d'you like it?" "Um sure how did you do all this?" i ask , really like how she can barely how a paint brush?. "Oh Jonny helped" she smiles at the mention of his name . Ew . "You mean Jonny the guy from your office?" "Uh yeah? why whats wrong with that he was just helping out?" "Why?" "Cant he?" "No mum he cant" "Whatever Nat i know him you dont" "I dont want to either" i snap and run up stairs into my room , do i say old room? no its still my room!.

I change my clothes and I decide to wear a blue crop to with white spots and dungarees which have rips in the knees my mum thought I should through them it but personally I think I rock it? then I throw my old pink trainers on.

"Where are you going?" my mum asks "To the shop?" I answer "Oh why!" "Because I need air mum that's why" "Fine!".

Louis POV

I really need to get out of this house being cooed up isn't really good for me?

"mum do you need anything?" I ask and she hands me a list and some money I huff and make my way to the door "Oh Louis don't go to the mini market go to the shop over by your nans house" "why that's like ages away?" "Louis it only takes you 20 minuets to walk there"  "OK I'll go there then" I huff and walk out the door.

I walk down the road staring at the floor an old woman with her dog smiles at me I just walk past her. I carry on walking up the road and into the shop I look at the list my mother got me and just laugh why does she need so much stuff?  I pick up the stuff she requested mainly just essentials like milk? I could of got all this stuff at the mini market why does she want me to come here?

I stand at the till in line waiting to be served I turn my head and there she was just standing there looking perfect! I shook my head I think I have gone past the point of insane hat I'm imagining her! I continue to gawk at her she was standing against the wall her hair was typed up she was wearing a blue and white polkadotted crop top and dungarees she just looks beautiful.

I pay for my mums groceries quickly and dash out of the shop, my face just drop as i watch her get in a car and drive off with someone else , Why is she home?. Did she see me? Did she miss me?. 

I walk home and think about how perfect her features looked , her eyes, smile , the creases at the corners her nose her plump lips just her . 

I get inside and hand my mother what she asked for "Whats up hunny?" she asks and rubs my cheek with the pad of her thumb "I saw her mum" "What? who?" "Nat , i saw Nat outside the shop!" "What did she say?" "nothing she didnt see me!" "I Thought she was in Ireland" "Yeah me too" and i storm up stairs , i kinda feel annoyed that she didnt even have the decency to tell me she was home? Like after everything i have been through for her! and she doesnt even bother to tell me shes home or come and see me? what if shes been home all week!? and i didnt even know?. 

My mum comes and sits on the edge of my bed "Why dont you go to her house?" she suggests "Hmm..." i hum "Go on! you never know?" my mum is very persuasive "Ok" "thats my boy!" she jokes and i smile she leaves my room and i follow her and trail out of the door , and walk to Nats house, its weird looking at it knowing she might be inside. 

I look up and Nats bedroom window is open and there is music blaring from her room , shes in. 

i take a deep breath and walk up to the door and knock , no answer. i look up at her room again and hear her singing and she makes me laugh , fuck i miss her!. I Knock again louder and her mum comes to the door "Hi uh is Nat in?" i ask "No! Why would she? shes in Ireland?" "Oh i thought..." "Thought what? shes home! no shes in Ireland and is perfectly happy!" "But i saw her earlier? and i can hear her singing in her room!" "Shes not home" her mother says stubbornly. 

"Then who's that?" i say smirking and point behind her and she quickly turns "Louis?" "Hey" i do a little wave Nats mother glares at me "D'you miss me?" i ask and laugh she runs down her stairs and into my arms where she belongs , with me in my arms . "Well she cant come out shes just came home!" her mother huffs "Then i'll come in?" i grin and Nat pulls me upstairs before her mother can say another word . Well done Nat good move!. 

i sit on her bed and she turns her music down "So why are you home?" i ask "I just needed alittle break you know being away from home isnt easy?" "Yea uh .... you made any friends?" "Yea i made a few but its complicated" "How do you say?" "I dont know it just is!" "Oh ok? you met Harry then!" "yea hes a really good friend" "Good otherwise i'd have to kick the shit out of him" "Why?" she laughs "Because he promised to look after you" "I'm 18 i dont need looking after" "i Dont care" i laugh , we sit in silence for a while then she speaks "Louis why havent you called?" "What?" "I've sat in tears for hours waiting for you to call! i have felt so lonely you promised you would call everyday? why didnt you!" "I did!" i defend "No you havent!" "Nat i called you everyday but you never answered" , this is beinging to get serious i dont like serious. 

"Louis i have been waiting for your call not ignoring!" "Yea you have i have left numores voicemails i just gave in!" and she pulls her phone out "The only voicemails i have are from this random number i have never seen before?" she questions "Well you have me number....." and the colour in her face drains a little "Louis i'm so sorry!" "Why?" "I didnt realise it was you calling" "What? im confused" "Well i was playing this game with my friends called 'Call or Delete' and they must of deleted your number! i'm so sorry!" , i feel hurt but i think i should? Her friends deleted my number and she didnt even realise that i wasnt there!. 

i shake the conversation away "So how long you staying?" "Just a week!" "Oh then your going back?" "Yea ... i mean dont get me wrong i love Ireland its beautiful , the country and the people are really nice but i just needed to get away from it all for a little while i have to go back! i havent even finished this semester! Plus i have people to go back to" "Like who?" i ask "Like people" "Who?" "Friends" "Freinds who?" . Why wont she tell me. 

Nats POV 

Why does he want to know! I'm not ready to tell Louis about Niall yet or ever!. 

"Louis just friends!" i'm getting frustrated "Why wont you tell me who?" he yells "because i dont want to tell you who! they are just friends! irrelivant friends!" "Well if they are irrelivant then why wont you tell me who!" "My boyfriend thats who! Niall my boyfriend!" i yell and im pretty sure my mother heared, i havent even told her about Niall yet so yelling it at Louis isnt going to go down well. "Your boyfriend?" he scoffs "Yea? why cant i have a boyfriend?" i ask harshly "No just didnt think you would be dating already" "What does that mean?" "Nothing". 

Louis Pov 

A boyfriend? Really! Is she just trying to annoy me? or does she actually have a boyfriend? My heart sunk at the words 'My boyfriend' , i need to meet him see what she likes about him what he has that i dont why hes so special , and manily just how he did it! How he maneged to win her over?. I hope he treats her right. 

I wonder if he was kind and caring , i wonder if he just asked her? or maybe he took her out on a date and they shared an intimate moment? What if he got her drunk? Maybe she asked him? I wonder if he surprised her like i did? Maybe she doesnt even love him?. I love her . 

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