Another Day (Part 63)

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A/N: So Last Part if I'm being honest was shit? I mean I thought it was better but reading through it was terrible? So hopefully this isn't as bad? :D thank you for sticking with me and all my terrible days where I'm just wasting parts! Anyway this is the second part to yeasterdays?

Nats POV

I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to do for the rest of the day? I could probably contact some people I know asking if they are staying over christmas time? Probably not?

"Niall?" I shout up to him "Yeah?" He calls back from the bathroom "Can I talk to you a miniet?" "Nat you always talk to me? Your talking to me now!" "No like have a serious convosation with you!?" I correct "Uh again! In a minuet kinda busy in the shower?" "Okay" I sigh but he doesn't hear me

Life is pretty boring?.

My phone bleeps off 'New Text From: Meggy Moo' . What could she want? I laugh at her contact name Lily-May changed it earlier on in class without my notice obviously?. I now its Megan and I know Lily changed it because that's her nickname for her like Megans for Lily is .. Let me think! Well I call her Lil so Megan mocked me and started calling her Lil wayne but changed it to Lil May so that's their nick names?. Silly really?.

'Hey Can you tell Niall to message me back please? That's if your good? Nobody tells me anything any more :/ :( x Ta' . Really that's all she wanted?.

'Yeah :)'. Fake smiles on I'm alright with Megan but it pisses me off when I'm used as a messenger?.

I see Nialls Phone laying on the coffee table I look up toward the stairs then back towards his phone, is it worth it?. Its probably something petty? But its just so tempting its just laying there and I just want to see what she said even if its something stupid I want to read what he says and what he's like when I'm not around? I want to see the other part to Niall!?.

I grasp it in my hands unlocking it '6 New Messages From: Megs x' . And he's talking about me adding 'x' .

Should I click on the notification? Is it really worth it!. I mean he always goes on my phone what could be the worst that happens?. 'Hey Smexy :) haha did you call Maxine earlier Harrys asking? X' if the first message sent from megan he replied but to only this one?.

Can we talk about the fact she called him smexy!.

'Nah why would I talk to her she's one of the biggest sluts I've ever met I aint going no where near her! God knows what she would give me!!'

Megan replied 'Harry needs to talk to her! She wants to meet Nat and honestly I doubt you want her going anywhere near Nat especially with the people she calls her friends they would tear Nat apart! She isn't as tough aas us to deal with them slags!'

What? Who are these people! What is megan talking about tear me apart!.

'I'm only trying to protect her and you! Okay! Nat is vunreble she will listen to girls like Maxine I know she will!'

'Oh so your ignoring me now?'

'I'm only trying to help! If your willing to ruin Nat even more that's your problem don't say I didn't warn you! Because It will ruin Nat especially with the countless lies Maxine will add to her story!'

'Can you Just text Harry please!'

I'm confused who is this 'Maxine' they are talking about and what has he and she done! How is this cheap whore going to ruin me? I am not vunreble!. And since when was Harry and Niall talking!?.

"Hey what are you doing?" Niall asks as he pads into the living room, I throw his phone out of my hand "nothing!" He sits next to me and picks his phone up "um Megan messaged me telling you to reply to her?" I shrug turning slightly red.

Another day (In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora