Another Day (Part 67)

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Nats POV


I stroll into the living room Niall just got back along with everyone else I smile when I see all the presents they bought, I sit on Nialls lap burying my head into his neck his arms go to hold my waist, "What did you buy me!?" I whisper a smile play on my face "An Alarm Clock" he winks and chuckles "oh ha ha very funny!" "Its pink and fluffy?" He shrugs I whack his shoulder "Tell me!" I whine "How about...... No" I rool my eyes at him.

We all sit around everyone in convosation apart for me "What are we going to do today other than this!?" "Well me and Zayn were going to go bowling you can come if you want?" Tia looks towards the olive skinned boy he smiles. I look at Niall he nods we all agree to go with them, I run upstairs and change out of my ugly lounge clothes and put a pair of jeans and a long t-shirt on I tye my hair into a bun spraying far too much hairspray on it, I throw on my converse and I'm ready I meet them all outside.

As I climb into Nialls car I notice we have company, Louis and Emily. Oh great. I don't remember asking them to ride with us but whatever!

The drive is silent for most part, only a few short convosations between Niall and I or Emily and Louis but neither of us speaking to each pair. I know what Emily is trying to do and it isn't working!

We pull up outside the bowling alley multiple smells drift around I love going bowling I think I've been once? I was about 7? The smell of doughnuts wafts around my nose making me want one, I fight the urge to jump the doughnut cart and eat every tasty treat in it. We enter the building many differant noises surrond the lage building, Tia and Zayn run off and disapear into the crowd. Its busyer than I thought?. We all surround the front desk the guy behind the counter looks about our age? "Hi" I smile "Hi" he blushes lightly "Um just you?" He asks "Well I'm not shore? Considering I'm here with all this lot?" I giggle "Oh this is your crowd?" He doesn't stop smiling "Unfortunatly" I smirk he laughs lightly "I should of guessed? Why would a girl as beautiful as you come here on her own?" He blushes even more.

I'll take it as a complement?

"Thanks" I smile and look at my feet "Um anyway Name?" He remembers he actually has a job to do "Natilee" "So Natilee .." He begins but Niall clutches my hand causing me to gasp "got our shoes yet babe?" He asks kissing my cheek, the boy behind the bows his head . "Um I'm getting them now?" I shrug that was out of the blue?. "Um can I get out shoes please?" I ask "sure" he answers in a monotone voice "What size?" "5 please" I chirp I slip my off handing them to him he passes the shoes towards me everyone else gets theirs.

I'm really excited to just bowl now!

We all take a lane Niall is up first, he's really good! He knocks most of the pins down Louis decided to go next he knocked more than Niall but only 1 more? Everyone seems to be having a really good time and I'm glad we came with Tia and Zayn! "Nat your turn" Emily informs her voice like nails on a black board. I stand and grab one of the bowls .... They are really heavy! I grasp the weight and practise my swing I hold it firmly Niall stand up behind me and holds my hips in position "its easy just swing your arm forward and let go" he smiles he holds my arm pulling it back then forward telling me when to release I do as he says and it knocks the pins getting me a strike!

Not as bad as I thought?

I jump up and cheer I turn and hug Niall he squeezes me and swings me around "Well done baby!" He congradulates I throw a glance at Louis he looks just as pissed of as Emily? I like it?

We move away from the bowling lanes at start to play on the arade mechines, "Who fancys a game of pool!?" Niall asks "Go on then" Harry stands "you sure curly? I'm pretty good at this?" "Oh really? We'll see when you go crying to your mummy!" . Wow these boys are competitive!. Let's make this interesting? "Whoever wins gets to ... Kiss me?" I smirk this should be fun? They look at each other, everyone laughs they both grab those stick thingys? I don't play pool so I don't know what they are called? The start to play the game ends very quickly seeing as Harry pots the black ball in his first hit I sigh with relif and walk to Niall giving him a kiss his grabs my ass lifting me onto the pool table I rap my legs around him and continue to kiss him .

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now